Covers area between Eunice Street and Euclid Avenue [that is, Grizzly Peak Boulevard]., Cadastral map., and Coordinates not present on map and are approximated.
Map of the globe stretched and flattened into a circular plane (azimuthal projection), with two movable arms to calculate time in places around the world
Alternative Title:
New standard map of the world
Map of the globe stretched and flattened into a circular plane., Includes longitude and time calculator and diagrams showing June and December solstices., Border shows "sun-time in minutes.", and Text on verso.
Relief shown pictorially., Coordinates not present on map and are approximated., The artist's last name is spelled incorrectly; the fifth character is a 'b' superimposed with a 'y'., and BEIN WA Prints 431 copy 2: Lower right corner chewed.
Lith. Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
Grass Valley (Calif.), California, and Grass Valley.
Relief shown pictorially., Coordinates not present on map and are approximated., The artist's last name is spelled incorrectly; the fifth character is a 'b' superimposed with a 'y'., and BEIN WA Prints 431 copy 2: Lower right corner chewed.
Lith. Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
Grass Valley (Calif.), California, and Grass Valley.
BEIN 28 1852A: Covers removed and classed separately as 28 1852AA. Bookseller's label on inside front cover: Cellar Book Shop ... Detroit, Mich., BEIN 28 1852B: Covers removed and classed separately as 28 1852BA. Bookseller's label on inside front cover: Cellar Book Shop ... Detroit, Mich., BEIN 28 1852C: Covers removed and classed separately as 28 1852CA. Bookseller's label on inside front cover: Cellar Book Shop ... Detroit, Mich., Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings., Prime meridian: Madrid., In upper margin: Diccionario geográfico-estadístico-histórico ; Atlas de España y sus posesiones de ultramar., Cover title: Atlas de España y sus posesiones de ultramar / por D. Francisco Coello., Sheets titled: Posesiones de Oceania -- Primera hoja central -- Segunda hoja central., "Grabado en Madrid bajo la direccion de D. Juan Noguera. El contorno y la topografia por Desbuissons y Raynaud, la letra por Bacot"--Primera hoja., "Grabado en Madrid bajo la direccion del autor. El contorno por Leclercq, la topografia por Desbuissons, la letra por Bacot"--Segunda hoja and posesiones sheet., Includes text about demography and economy., and Price and subscription information on covers.
Relief shown by hachures., Sheets comprised of multiple panels with extensions; sheets not quadrilinear., At foot of some sheets: C. Stein, scrip., and Some sheets include small numbers identifying numbered component sheets.
Kaiserlich Königlich Österreichischen General Quartiermeister Stabe
Subject (Geographic):
Tyrol (Austria), Vorarlberg (Austria), and Liechtenstein
BEIN 319gmp 1942: Imperfect: Blatter 1-2 only. Stamp in upper right corner of Blatt 2: Nur für den Dienstgebraucht., Relief shown by contours, gradient tints, and spot heights; depths shown by contours and soundings., Maps individually titled and numbered, e.g. "Blatt 8 (Vorderasien).", Blätter 1-2, 4-5, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13 are back to back on one sheet., and Includes sheet index.
Generalstab der Luftwaffe
Subject (Geographic):
Europe., Africa, North., Eurasia., Europe, Africa, North, Eurasia, and North Africa.
Subject (Topic):
Aeronautical charts, World War, 1939-1945, Aerial operations, German, Military operations, Aerial, and German
Imperfect: mutilated., Title devised by cataloger., North oriented towards the right., Color: green with blue and red detail., and Coordinates not present on map and are approximated.
Map of Horse Railroad, Westville, and part of New Haven
Imperfect: mutilated., Map attributed to Donald Grant Mitchell., Backed with paper., Relief shown by hachures., "Scale of five inches to mile.", Color: green with blue and red detail., and Coordinates not present on map and are approximated.