BEIN Covers 59 +1882: Dissected and mounted on linen., Relief shown by hachures., "Published by Wm. Allen & Co., April 3rd, 1870, corrections to 1882.", and Inset: Continuation of British Burmah.
W.H. Allen & Co.
Subject (Geographic):
South Asia, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Burma
Imperfect: mutilated. Mounted on linen. Manuscript note on verso (partially trimmed): Map of old P[?]; D.G. Mitchell., Date of production precedes statement of responsibility., Oriented with north towards right., Relief shown by hachures., "Scale: 140 ft. to inch.", Coordinates not present on map and are approximated., Includes names of ownership., and Includes inset map of surrounding area in lower right corner.
Goddard, George H. (George Henry), 1817-1906, cartographer
Published / Created:
Call Number:
BrSides Zc72 855gn
Image Count:
Resource Type:
cartographic image
BEIN Broadsides Zc72 855gn: Mounted on linen. Autograph: H.W. Turner. Withdrawn stamp: Map Collection, University of California Library., Oriented with north toward upper right., Relief shown by hachures., Shows settlements, roads, ditches, flumes, etc., Includes table of distances., and Coordinates not present on map and are approximated.
Lith of Britton & Rey
Subject (Geographic):
California, Calaveras County, Calaveras County (Calif.), Mokelumne Hill Canal (Calif.), and Calaveras County.
BEIN 766 N46 1859: Dissected and mounted on linen., BEIN Roll Map 485: Imperfect: mutilated, brittle, and chipped. Mounted on linen with wooden strip at top., BEIN Roll Map 576: Imperfect: mutilated, brittle, and chipped. Mounted on linen., BEIN Roll Map 609: Imperfect: mutilated, brittle, and chipped. Mounted on linen, with wooden rod at bottom., Relief shown by hachures., "Scale 300 ft. to an inch.", Coordinates not present on map and are approximated., and Includes 15 vignettes and inset map "A plan of the town of New Haven with all the buildings in 1748."
Published by Eneas Smith and W.H. Rease's Lithographic Establishment, N.E. cor. 4th & Chestnut St.
BEIN Covers 59 1855: Autograph on verso: Geo. Drummond, Madras., Covers southern half of India: N 25°--N 8° and E 73°--E 86°., "Compiled and drawn by J.S. Harvey, Qr. Mr. Genls. Office, Madras"--lower left corner., and Case title: Madras Presidency.
BEIN 85 1740D: Stamp on verso: Yale, Horace Brown, 1900S., BEIN 71 1737A: Forms part of the Benjamin Franklin Collection., Relief shown pictorially., "Cum gratia et privil S.R.I. Vicariatus in partibus Rheni Suevice et Juris Franconici.", Dates inferred from Portobelo inset showing "Admiralis Vernon Bachiam intrans d. 21 Novembr 1739" and reference in Lowery 328 to this map appearing as "... no. 190 in the 'Verlagsübersicht bis 1760', reprinted in Sandler's notice of Seutter.", and Includes insets of Portobelo, Havana, Cartagena, and Veracruz, text, and illustrations.
Tobias Conrad Seutter
Subject (Geographic):
North America, United States, Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean Area
BEIN 85 1740D: Stamp on verso: Yale, Horace Brown, 1900S., BEIN 71 1737A: Forms part of the Benjamin Franklin Collection., Relief shown pictorially., "Cum gratia et privil S.R.I. Vicariatus in partibus Rheni Suevice et Juris Franconici.", Dates inferred from Portobelo inset showing "Admiralis Vernon Bachiam intrans d. 21 Novembr 1739" and reference in Lowery 328 to this map appearing as "... no. 190 in the 'Verlagsübersicht bis 1760', reprinted in Sandler's notice of Seutter.", and Includes insets of Portobelo, Havana, Cartagena, and Veracruz, text, and illustrations.
Tobias Conrad Seutter
Subject (Geographic):
North America, United States, Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean Area
BEIN 766 1909: Original wrappers. Illegible inscription on front wrapper., Also has a 48 page Route Guide to Massachusetts, Connecticut & R.I. This company also published maps of the west in the 1870's, under the name Edward Mendenhall. Covers are brown card board 18.5x11.5 printed with an illustration of three people in an automobile and the title "Mendenhall's Guide And Road-Map of Connecticut With District Maps. C.S. Mendenhall, Map Publisher, Cincinnati. Price 75 Cts.", and Coordinates not present on map and are approximated.
United States. War Department. Corps of Engineers, cartographer, publisher
Published / Created:
Call Number:
831 1881A
Image Count:
Resource Type:
cartographic image
Relief shown by hachures., Scale "1 inch - 12 miles.", Shows battle sites and military expeditions, with dates., Westernmost sheet: "2nd edition May 1875 compiled under direction of Capt. Wm. Ludlow, Corps of Engrs."--Lower left margin., and In upper left margin: Brig. Genl. A.A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers.