Title from item., Date derived from founding of brewery, and its change of name in 1918., Place of publication from item., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
C.L. Centlivre Brewing Co. and Calvert Lith. Co. Detroit
Subject (Topic):
Tonics (Medicinal preparations)., Patent medicines, and Nurses
Title, date, and publisher from item., Poster advertises a biographical film about the first widely known transexual American., Text in part : "I couldn't live in a man's body." "Did the surgeon's knife make me a woman of a freak?" Sex with a woman was strange and impossible ..., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
United Artists Corporation
Subject (Name):
Jorgensen, Christine, 1926-1989.
Subject (Topic):
Transsexuals, Gender reassignment surgery, Couples, Kissing, and Children
View of a large house, perhaps meant to be Houghton Hall, rising from a hill in the middle distance. Trees and thick undergrowth obscure the lower floors of the house and provide a green backdrop for an ornate staircase in the foreground, upon which a man with a walking stick stands
Title written below image., Signed and dated by the artist in lower right corner of image., Place of production inferred from artist's city of residence during this time period., Page reference for quotation written below title: Page 67., and Bound in as page 141 in volume 3 of M.C.D. Borden's extensively extra-illustrated copy of: Horace Walpole and his world / edited by L. B. Seeley ... London : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1884.
"The Recording Angel sits full face in the upper part of the design, writing at a long scroll, which rests on a small but very solid rectangular table supported on billowing clouds. He is a sulky-faced naked child, with wide-spread wings and wearing a nightcap. A large tear falls from his right eye. The Accusing Spirit, a bald-headed, elderly man, his face blotched with drink, with wings and wearing a long robe, in profile to the right, holds up to the Angel a paper inscribed "He shall not dye by xxx". The winged heads of a man and woman, poised on the claws of birds of prey, rest on clouds in the upper left corner of the design; he regards her insinuatingly, she grins back. A cherub's winged head flies behind the Accusing Spirit. Rays of light fall diagonally from the right on the Recording Angel. Billowing clouds complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Text below title: Dedicated (without permission) to the Revd. Mr. Peters.
Pubd. April 8th, 1791, by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
"The Recording Angel sits full face in the upper part of the design, writing at a long scroll, which rests on a small but very solid rectangular table supported on billowing clouds. He is a sulky-faced naked child, with wide-spread wings and wearing a nightcap. A large tear falls from his right eye. The Accusing Spirit, a bald-headed, elderly man, his face blotched with drink, with wings and wearing a long robe, in profile to the right, holds up to the Angel a paper inscribed "He shall not dye by xxx". The winged heads of a man and woman, poised on the claws of birds of prey, rest on clouds in the upper left corner of the design; he regards her insinuatingly, she grins back. A cherub's winged head flies behind the Accusing Spirit. Rays of light fall diagonally from the right on the Recording Angel. Billowing clouds complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text below title: Dedicated (without permission) to the Revd. Mr. Peters., 1 print : etching & stipple engraving on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 40.9 x 29.8 cm, on sheet 43.2 x 33.1 cm., and Laid in at leaf 7 of volume 8 of 12.
Pubd. April 8th, 1791, by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
"The Recording Angel sits full face in the upper part of the design, writing at a long scroll, which rests on a small but very solid rectangular table supported on billowing clouds. He is a sulky-faced naked child, with wide-spread wings and wearing a nightcap. A large tear falls from his right eye. The Accusing Spirit, a bald-headed, elderly man, his face blotched with drink, with wings and wearing a long robe, in profile to the right, holds up to the Angel a paper inscribed "He shall not dye by xxx". The winged heads of a man and woman, poised on the claws of birds of prey, rest on clouds in the upper left corner of the design; he regards her insinuatingly, she grins back. A cherub's winged head flies behind the Accusing Spirit. Rays of light fall diagonally from the right on the Recording Angel. Billowing clouds complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text below title: Dedicated (without permission) to the Revd. Mr. Peters., 1 print : etching & stipple engraving on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 41.1 x 29.9 cm, on sheet 43.6 x 32.8 cm., and Mounted on leaf 7 of volume 8 of 12.
Pubd. April 8th, 1791, by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Title from caption below center image., Six designs on one plate, each individually titled., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and One of six plates of a series entitled: Scraps and sketches / by George Cruikshank. To be continued occasionally. See Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 11, p. 73.
An imagined view, based on Horace Walpole's description, of the arch at Stowe that was erected in honor of Princess Amelia. The trestled arch, covered in ivy or other greenery, rises up at the center of the image, a medallion of the princess at its apex. Through the arch is seen a glade leading down to a river, the trees just beyond the arch framing the view further; a bridge and hills are visible in the distance beyond. Groups of white figures, presumably classical statues in marble, cluster around the two bases of the arch. In the left foreground a woman in a pink dress looks through the arch, her back to the viewer
Title written below image., Signed and dated by the artist in lower right corner of image., Place of production inferred from artist's city of residence during this time period., Page reference for quotation written below title: Page 117., and Bound in as page 189 in volume 5 of M.C.D. Borden's extensively extra-illustrated copy of: Horace Walpole and his world / edited by L. B. Seeley ... London : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1884.
Watercolor drawing of the fictional archbishop in Lesage's novel Gil Blas; bust length, turned slightly right; overweight, with white hair and bushy white eyebrows; wearing a mitre, pectoral cross, and chasuble
Title written below image., Signed and dated by the artist in lower left corner of image., Place of production inferred from artist's city of residence during this time period., Page reference for quotation written below title: Page 210., and Bound in as page 80 in volume 9 of M.C.D. Borden's extensively extra-illustrated copy of: Horace Walpole and his world / edited by L. B. Seeley ... London : Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1884.
"Courtenay (right), as the chairman of a tavern club, sits at the head of an oblong table, in profile to the left, smoking. He says to George Hanger, who faces him at the foot of the table: "I say, Georgey how do Things look now?" The words issue from his mouth in a cloud of smoke. Hanger answers: "Ax my Grandmother's Muff, pray do!" He holds a pipe, his wine-glass is overturned. His bludgeon is thrust in his top-boot. On Hanger's right sits Fox, leaning back in his chair, registering extravagant amusement and saying "O charming! - charming!" Opposite Fox sits Sheridan, clasping a decanter of 'Brandy' in one hand, a glass in the other. He says, with a sly smile, "Excellent! - damme Georgey, Excellent." Next him, and on Courtenay's right, sits M. A. Taylor, flourishing his pipe and saying, "Bravo! the best Thing I ever heard said, damme." On the table are decanters of 'Mum' and of 'Champaig[n]'. Above Courtenay's head is a picture of a simian creature in a cap of Liberty, squatting on the ground and smoking a pipe. The frame is inscribed 'Juvenal'. The floor is carpeted, the chairs are ornate."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Feast of reason and the flow of soul and Wits of the age setting the table in a roar
Pubd. Feby 4th, 1797, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Name):
Hanger, George, 1751?-1824, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834, and Courtenay, John, 1738-1816