Manuscript binding fragment, on parchment, of part of the text of Lancelot du Lac
In Middle French., Accompanied by three unidentified manuscript fragments that were part of the 2002 sale lot., Script: gothic script., and Decoration: illuminated initial with brown penwork.
Rufinus, Archbishop of Sorrento, active 12th century
Published / Created:
approximately 1160-approximately 1180.
Call Number:
Takamiya MS 91
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Rufinus' summa on Gratian's Decretum
In Latin., Layout: double columns of 35 lines., Script: protogothic., and Shailor and Watters have identified this fragment as coming from the same parent manuscript as Beinecke MS 712.254.
Annales of England and Chronicles of England from Brute unto this present year of Christ 1580
BEIN 1987 303: 20 cm. Imperfect: final leaf 4G8 wanting; bled at edges with some loss of text. Few manuscript annotations throughout. Armorial bookplate of Edward Herbert, Viscount Clive., BEIN Osborn pa94: 20 cm. Manuscript pencil annotations concerning provenance; early manuscript ink annotations and corrections throughout. Ownership inscription of Margaret Barrie on page [32] at beginning indicates this book was left to her by her father Burton, read by her in 1675, and read by Oliver in 1679. Armorial bookplate of John Wodehouse, Earl of Kimberley. Bookplate of Michael Scott. Binder's stamp of Riviere and Son. Stamp of H. Sotheran, with explanation in manuscript that the book was actually bought from Pickering. From the collection of Toshiyuki Takamiya., BEIN Osborn pa105: Quires ²[par.]-3[par.]⁴ (the table and errata) bound at end. Manuscript shelfmark "942" written on shelf label. Armorial bookplate of the Bishopsgate Institute, with its blind stamp on multiple pages throughout and ink stamp on title page verso, no. "1627" and classification "942" written in manuscript. Ink stamp of Quenby Library also on title page verso. Few manuscript annotations throughout, with a manuscript genealogical table on rear flyleaves in what appear to be two different hands. From the collection of Toshiyuki Takamiya. Bound in 16th-century full English calf, with stamp: Sober Society. Accompanied by: bookseller's description (1 leaf)., "Apparently the first edition of the 'Chronicles' in the complete form"--BM., Later editions published as: Annales., Actual printer's name from STC., Signatures: [par.]⁴, ²[par.]-3[par.]⁴ A-3I⁸ 3K⁸(-3K7,8) 3L-4G⁸., Final page blank., Engraved title page showing the descent of sovereigns from Edward III., and Includes index.
By [Henry Bynneman for] Ralphe Newberie, at the assignement of Henrie Bynneman
Autograph manuscript, signed, on paper, of a list of many of the Knights of the Round Table and summaries of their histories as given in Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur. Some entries are accompanied by pen-and-ink drawings of coats of arms. The work may have been modeled on Les devise des armes de chevaliers de la table ronde, published by Antoine Verard. Grinken's preface notes that he has not included "many faned and vaine taylles" and connects his interest in the Round Table with Prince Arthur's Knights, the archery fellowship founded by "Kynge Henry of fames memory." The preface concludes with "vivat Regina."
In English., Title devised by cataloger., Book stamp of a lion rampant with autograph annotation by Sir Thomas Phillipps., Layout: single columns of 26 lines each., Script: secretary., Decoration: 33 armorial devices in ink; many blank shields in pencil., and Binding: eighteenth-century full calf; arms of John Lewis Goldsmid on front cover in gilt.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Arthur, King and Grinken, John.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Renaissance, Arthurian romances, and English prose literature
Manuscript, on vellum and paper, in several hands, containing a collection of texts in Latin and Middle English. Almost two-thirds of the volume consists of an untitled collection of Latin sermons, followed by a Latin verse text, Stimulus compassionis. Middle English texts include The three kings of Cologne, a devotional work in prose; Prester John, a travel narrative; John Lydgate's Middle English poem Stans puer ad mensam; and the Middle English verses The myrour of mankind and The treatise of a gallant
In Latin and Middle English., Title devised by cataloger., Most of the volume is parchment; 15 leaves toward the end of the volume are paper., Bookseller's description tipped in at front of volume., Spine title in gilt: M. S. Vellum., Layout: single columns of 26-31 lines., Script: several English cursive bookhands (Anglicana and secretary)., Decoration: numerous initials in blue with red penwork., and Binding: early eighteenth-century sheep over pasteboards. Nineteenth-century green morocco case with spine title: Ancient English Poetry M. S.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451? and Prester John (Legendary character)
Subject (Topic):
Conduct of life, Devotional literature, English (Middle), English literature, English poetry, English prose literature, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sermons, Latin