"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. - "Nos petits Indiens". - 13. - A l'Orphelinat de Bangalore [Bengaluru]." Children hold hands, stand in groups, and play outside an the orphanage in Bengaluru. Some of them are standing on the porch of a large building with columns supporting the roof. Most of the children are girls. A few missionaries are in their midst. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée - Bangalore [Bengaluru] - Hindoustan [Hindustan] - En voyage dans la Jungle." Women, female missionaries, and children in carts and walking, pose for the camera during a trip through the jungle. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, photo - Orléans."
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. - Bangalore [Bengaluru] (Hindoustan [Hindustan]). - La visite des petis malades." Two missionaries are visiting children and their fathers. The people are sick and seek medical care. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
Subject (Geographic):
Bengaluru (Karnataka, India)
Subject (Topic):
Children; Clergy; Health services; Indigenous populations
"St Joseph's College, Bangalore [Bengaluru] (Mysore) 1.300 students." An aerial view of St. Joseph's College also depicts some people in the courtyard. This postcard was printed in Paris, France.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. Bangalore [Bengaluru] (Hindoustan [Hindustan]). - Le retour de la fontaine." Three young women pose for the camera with jugs of water. Two carry these jugs on their heads. They are standing in front of a building and a mother and child are also in the background.
"Cathéchistes Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée. - Bangalore [Bengaluru] (Hindoustan [Hindustan]). - La petite Bergère. A young girl, presumably a shepherdess, is pictured with a missionary and her sheep. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."