A scene in Paris on the Boulevard des Italiens outside a coffee house (or French café) in which fashionable ladies (several wearing large hoop earrings) and gentlemen sit in ladderback chairs or stand about in conversation. One man looks through his quizzing glass at the scene. One woman sits with her two children and a dog. On the left a coachman looks done from his box
Title and date from contemporary manuscript annotations on a separate piece of paper pasted below the image., Sheet trimmed within plate., Watermark., and Mounted to 33 x 40 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
City & town life, Carriages & coaches, Children, Clothing & dress, Dogs, and Quizzing glasses
Title and date supplied by curator., In image left side, artist's initials enclosed in a circle., Place of publication derived from artist's place of residence., Original work created 1893. Reissued after 1901., From Chansons du chat noir (songsheet)., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Plasters; Politics, French.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Carnot, Sadi, 1837-1894.
Subject (Topic):
France, Politics and government, Pulse, Politicians, Presidents, Sick persons, Physicians, Soups, Bowls (Tableware)., and History
A bound volume of 32 Napoleonic broadsides, all good impressions, suggesting they were ordered directly from a publisher, possibly from James Asperne who is well represented in the collection and who perhaps made a trade in offering collections of the broadsides to contemporary collectors. Also well presented are broadsides by John Ginger
Alternative Title:
Patriotic handbills
In English., Title from cataloger., Bound in 19th-century calf and marbled boards, spine ruled in gilt, red morocco label with "Patriotic Handbills" and green morocco label with the number "II"; a sheet of writing paper bound in before the broadsides has a watermark "G. Langley 1856". With a manuscript note on the blank verso of the final broadside that states "Patriotic Handbills Packet II / I have duplicates of each bill.", With two copies of: Plain answers to plain questions, in a dialogue between John Bull and Bonaparte., With two copies of: Britons triumph, or, Bonaparte's knell., and For further information, consult library staff.
multiple publishers
Subject (Geographic):
France and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.
Subject (Topic):
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Proposed invasion of England, 1793-1805, and History
BEIN PLAYING CARDS GEN 1121: Imperfect: 6 cards only (KC, KD, QD, KH, and QH). From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title and date of publication from World of Playing Cards website., French suit system., Composition of deck: 52 (A, K, Q, J, 10-2)., Kings with crowned suit signs., and Card backs: plain.
BEIN FRA274: Imperfect: Has only 9, King, Jack of Spades; Queen of Hearts; King-Jack of Diamonds; King-Jack of Clubs. From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., French suit system., Type: Historical., Composition of deck: unkown., Standard cards 21 x 15 mm in upper-left corner., and CourtCards: King of Spades: LAFAYETTE; King of Diamonds: DUC D'ORLEANS; Queen of Diamonds: MLLE D'ORLEANS; King of Clubs: LAFITTE; Queen of Clubs: JINE. MERCIER.
Payen, Jean-Pierre, 1683-1757, playing card maker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
text and still image
BEIN FRA166: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., Latin/Italian suit system., Type: Marseille tarot., Composition of deck: 78 [A, K, Q, C, J, 10-2, trumps I-XXI, Fool]., 2 of Coins: JEAN PIERRE PAYEN ANO. 1713; 2 of Cups: I PIERRE PAYEN., and Single figure trumps.
Payen, Jean-Pierre, 1683-1757, playing card maker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
text and still image
BEIN FRA165: Imperfect: lacking Ace of Coins, Ace of Cups; Knight, Jack of Swords; King, Queen, Jack of Coins; Queen, Jack of Cups; 10, 8-5, 3 of Swords; 10, 7, 6, 2 of Coins; 7 of Cups, trumps II-IX, XI, XIV, XVII, XX, XXI. From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., Latin/Italian suit system., Type: Marseille tarot., Composition of deck: 78 [A, K, Q, C, J, 10-2, trumps I-XXI, Fool]., 2 of Cups: IEAN PAYEN / A LA PLACE / DE ST. DIDIER / A / AVIGNON., and Single figure trumps.
Faucil, Valery, active approximately 1500-approximately 1516, playing card maker
Published / Created:
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
text and still image
BEIN FRA2S: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., French suit system., Type: Rouen 1., Composition of deck: unkown., and CourtCards: Jack of Spades: Hogier; Jack of Hearts: Valery F; Jack of Diamonds: Rolant; Jack of Clubs: Lancelot.
Manuscript journal of travel through France, Luxembourg, the Rhine Valley, the Alps, and Italy. Subjects include the conditions of the roads, conveyances and inns; traveling expenses; and baggage searches and repeated questioning by customs and border officials. Sights mentioned include the Duke's palace at Heidelberg; Gibbon's house at Lausanne; Mont Blanc; the salt works at Bex; and the Cathedral of Milan and the "Last Supper, dreadfully injured by damp and illtreatment....it is hoped the picture will remain in its present state." and The author also mentions a fete given by the Princess of Wales near Lake Como and art and monuments in several Italian cities. He occasionally comments on the still-visible effects of the recent wars, noting that Chateau Thierry "bears strong marks of the Campaign of 1814" and pointing out deforestation and damaged buildings
Annotation on p. 1 in pencil, in a later hand: "probably Warburton Davies." and Binding: original marbled wrappers.
Subject (Geographic):
Alps, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821. and Davies, Warburton.
Subject (Topic):
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815, Influence, Travelers' writings, English, and Description and travel
Personne, Jean, active 1493-1499, playing card maker
Published / Created:
[1495?] and [between 1800 and 1900?]
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
text and still image
BEIN PLAYING CARDS GEN 1074: Imperfect: Kings (3), Queens (2), and Jacks (2) only. From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., Date of publication from Keller., Possibly a restrike., Composition of deck unkown., Card backs: marbled., and Allemagne, H. R. d'. Cartes à jouer du XIVe au XX siècle,