BEIN GER37: From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., French suit system., Composition of deck: 78 [A, K, Q, C, J, 10-2, trumps I-XXI, Fool]., CourtCards: Abundant fleurs-de-lis; KS with harp and sceptre; QS in left profile, holds flower; JS with leaping dog; KH holds orb and sword; heraldic device of Saxony at feet; KD in left profile: LEIPZIG; JC with space for inscription., and Trumps: Single figure trumps; VI with man and camel; VII, unicorn; X, lion; XIII, man rides trunk of elephant; Fool holds violin and bow.
BEIN GER38: Imperfect: AH; K, QS, K-JD; Q, JC; 8, 3S; 5, 2H; 10, 3C, trumps II-VI, VII-XXI, Fool wanting. From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., French suit system., Composition of deck: 78 [A, K, Q, C, J, 10-2, trumps I-XXI, Fool]., Aces: AS was made by eradicating two of the pips on the 3S., CourtCards: JS with leaping dog; KH with orb, sword, crowned eagle; KC holds sceptre., and Trumps: Single figure trumps.
BEIN GER42: Imperfect: lacking C, trumps. From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., French suit system., Composition of deck: 78 [A, K, Q, C, J, 10-2, trumps I-XXI, Fool]., CourtCards: Abundant fleurs-de-lis on courts; KS with harp and sceptre; QS in left profile, holds flower; JS with leaping dog; KH with orb, sword, crowned eagle; KD: E.F. DORFF; KC with sceptre, lion: EFD; QD with fan; JC: C .C. LEMMELS WITWE. Kings and queens occupy the full card area; jacks are slender., Stamp on Ace of Hearts, black: ED / A / [crown and shield]., and The taxation stamp may be Saxon. See also D. Hoffmann and E. Kroppenstedt 1967, p. 51, no. 291.
BEIN GER50: Imperfect: 6 of Spades wanting. From the Cary Collection of Playing Cards., Title devised by cataloger., French suit system., Composition of deck: 78 [A, K, Q, C, J, 10-2, trumps I-XXI, Fool]., Tax stamp on Ace of Hearts, red, CourtCards: KS with sun face on cheest, fleurs-de-lis; JS with leaping dog; KH with orb, sword, eagle; KD: BERLIN / [fleurs-de-lis]; KC with fleurs-de-lis, Bavarian checkered pattern on shields; JC holds small device displaying Berlin bear: Conrad Josue Perrin. Kings retain their flat, two dimensional aspect while the other courts are presented in a naturalistic manner., Trumps: Trump I depicts jester holding rack of wursts; IV, bird and cat; VI, eagle; XX, soldier with cap: FR; XXI, figure with bear and pole., and The courts are related to the Paris style; the trumps are quite similar to contemporary Bavarian packs. See D. Hoffmann and E. Kroppenstedt 1967.
Workers. Famine. Death is approaching. Strike destroys. Work nourishes. Do your duty. Work.
Title from item., Translated title, date, and publisher from Museum of Modern Art website, viewed 3/13/2023:, In lower left corner: [torch] 60., Mounted on linen., Political poster in German expressionist style., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Werbedienst der deutschen Republik
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Strikes and lockouts, Starvation, Famines, Death (Personification)., Cities & towns, Skeletons, and History
40 1838A: Stamp: Fürstlich Oettingen-Wallerstein'sche Bibliothek in Seyfriedsberg., In Italian and German. Legend in Italian, German and French., Includes tables, text, and Shows detailed postal route information between Marseille, Augsburg, Warsaw, and Naples.
Poste nelle Prove. Venete,
Subject (Geographic):
France, Germany, and Italy--Maps
Subject (Name):
Botte, Antonio Federico and Fürstlich Oettingen-Wallerstein'sche Bibliothek in Seyfriedsberg Stamp
Subject (Topic):
Post roads--France--Maps, Post roads--Germany--Maps, Post roads--Italy--Maps, Postal service--France--Maps, Postal service--Germany--Maps, and Postal service--Italy--Maps
Manuscript, on parchment, incomplete, of a Carthusian psalter with the Canticles and the Creed, with musical notation
In Latin., Incomplete. Text ends with Psalm 77., Layout: single columns of 24 lines., Script: large gothic script., Decoration: smaller initial in alternate red and blue; 12 historiated initials; full illuminated border to one page with figures of Carthusian monks and an abbot., and Binding: contemporary pigskin over wooden boards; metal clasps, corner pieces and central bosses.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Germany
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church and Carthusians.
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Prayers and devotions, Manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Renaissance, and Psalters
Manuscript on parchment of a Charter of Wenzel (1361-1419) confirming the rights and privileges granted by his predecessors to the towns of Ober- and Nieder-Ingelheim, Wynterheim and Wachenheim, granted 1398 (?).
In German and Latin. and Much of text lost at folds, especially at the one running horizontally across the center of the leaf; more loss in the same area due to water and grease stains, and holes in parchment. Square has been cut out of lower right corner of parchment; loss of a few letters of charter and part of the note on the fold.
Manuscript on paper of the A-recension of Twinger's Chronicle which was written in 1386. Chapter 1: History of the Ancient World, based on the Bible and classical sources (ff. 2r-32v); 2: History of the Roman Emperors from Julius Caesar to King Wenceslas (ff. 32v-101r); 3: History of the Popes (ff. 101v-135r); 4: History of the Bishops of Strasbourg (ff. 135v-158v); 5: History of Strasbourg and Alsace (ff. 159v-225v). With a short passage referring to the war of the Swiss in Alsace and the Black Forest in 1468, added in a later hand
In German., Watermarks similar to Piccard Ochsenkopf VII.151., Script: Written in a cursive book hand by a single scribe. Numerous annotations to the text in margins by a later hand., Two uninspired initials, 7- and 5-line, in red with crude penwork in green. Plain initials, headings and rubrics in red., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries (?). Vellum over wooden boards with two brass clasps. Blue/green edges and title in ink on spine.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Germany
Subject (Name):
Twinger, Jakob, von Königshofen, 1346-1420.
Subject (Topic):
German literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History