A family of five children and a mother is pictured with a missionary. Additional information reads, "Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Heverlle-bij-Leuven."
"15. Aborigènes des Nilgiris." A family stands outside their humble home, posing for the camera. Publishing information reads, "Edité par les Ecoles Industrielles Catholiques de l'Inde Australe." There is a handwritten note on the back.
"Series XIV. - 5. Hindu farm." Oxen and covered wagons, not yolked to each other, stand in the yard of a farm. The farmhouse is in the background and has a thatched-roof. Additional information on the back notes that postcard profits benefit Industrial Schools in India.
"Rev. Fr. Dühr, S. J., Missionary, Suseyapperpatnam, Kaliarkoil P. O. (S. India)." Father Dühr poses for the camera. He is carrying his hate and a walking stick. He is wearing classes.
“Pater Lievens geknakt.” Missionary father Lievens is depicted in a cassock with a knit scarf around his neck. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Uitg.: ‘Lievenspenning voor Indische Priesters’. 11, Minderbroedersstraat, Leuven, Postrek. 116834. Met wankelenden tred, steunend op een stok, kuchend en hoestend, steeple zich de ‘apostel van Chota Nagpore’ nog een tijdje voort.” There is no handwriting on the back.
"Il Padre Missionario che calechizza gl'Indiani." A Father missionary speaks to a group of indigenous people, including men, women, and children. They are standing and squatting outside.