"Indes. - 5. Nos Frères Coadjuteurs. Vaillant et souriant, le Frère de Bisanti quitte sa tente pour sa toilette matinale. Comme toujours, la journée va être chargée." Brother Bisanti leaves the tent in order to wash at the wash basin in the morning. This postcard was printed in Lyon, France.
“Sacerdote e Sacerdotessa buddisti del Sikkim, regione ancora chiusa al Missionario.” A Buddhist monk and Buddhist nun from Sikkim are depicted in traditional robes holding bells. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “ Pontificie Opere Missionarie. Milano – Piazza Fontana, 2 – C.C.P. 3/27212.” There is no handwriting on the back.
"Series X. - 5. Buildings and Porticos scattered into the enclosures at Seringam." A missionary and indigenous people are standing in front of the portico to an ornately decorated building. The building is part of the temple at Seringam. Another portico stands off to the side in this view. Additional information on the back notes that postcard profits benefit Industrial Schools in India.
"Het noviciaat der Paters Jezuïten te Drongen-bij-Gent. Na zijn noviciaat, op den dag zelve zijner Eerste Geloften, vertrok Pater Lievens naar de missie van Calcutta in Engelsch-Indië (22 Oct. 1880)." The building of the novitiate of the Jesuit Fathers between Drongen and Gent stands across from a river. Additional information directs donations for Indian mission work to Leuven, Netherlands.
"Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus." A thatched-roof building on stils, partially in the water, is depicted here. This postcard was printed in Brussels.
"Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus." A building built on stilts in the water has a thatched roof and a front porch. This postcard was published in Brussels.
"Canarese Women, South India." Indigenous women pose with grain stalks, a curved scythe, and basket. Some of the picture has been colorized. Additional information reads, "Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C." There is a handwritten list on the back.