"India (Serie 1 - N. 16) - Una sosta nel viaggio." Two men stop on their journey along a path. They are overlooking a beautiful vista. This postcard was published by "Il Pontificio Istituto delle Missioni Estere" in Milan, Italy.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. - Hindoustan [Hindustan]. Un jeune Ménage Paria, Chrétien." Two young pariahs stand facing the camera. One is holding a crucifix in her hands. Behind them is a partial view of a church. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
"India - Serie I - 19. Incantatori di serpenti." Two snake charmers are wearing turbans and sitting on the ground. One is playing a wind instrument and charming a snake that is in a basket in front of him. Additional information on the back indicates that this postcard was printed by Il Pontificio Istituto Delle Missioni Estere (The Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions).
"Widows after Christian Training." Two women, one seated, one standing, are posing for the camera with books in their hands and ferns around them. Additional information reads, "Zenana Bible and Medical Mission, 2, Adelphi Terrace, Strand, W.C." On the back is a handwritten name with the date May 8th, 1903.
"Two Little Indian Waifs." Two small children are sitting on a stone step with roses in their hands. Additional information reads, "Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C." There is a handwritten note on the front.
Two young children are standing in front of a wall. Additional information reads, "Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Heverlle-bij-Leuven."
“Repas de femmes de la caste noble des Nayar. Eetmaal van vrouwen uit de edele kaste der Nayar’s.” Three Na-yar women are shown during a meal. They are seated on a low platform with the food spread out before them. A male servant stands to the side holding a dish with bread. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Missions der PP. Carmes Déchaussés sur la côte de Malabar (Cochin et Travancore. – Indes Anglaises). Zendingen der PP. Ongeschoeide Karmelicten op de kust van Malabar, (Engelsch Indië). There is no handwriting on the back.
"Les Ursulines de l'Institut de Thildonck dans la Mission du Bengale. Indes." A father tries to soothe an upset boy. Someone holding another child is partially visible. There is a building in the background. There is a handwritten note on the back.
In the center of the image a woman, dressed in a short shift, angrily pulls a bottle from the hand of a drunken man. The man sits at an oval drop-leaf table with his right fist raised and a cigar hanging from his mouth as smoke billows around his head. He holds onto a bottle with his left hand, a glass and pile of cigars at his elbow. The woman standing over the table on the left angrily points with her left hand to a clock on the wall which shows the time as 5:05. In the background on the left, a dark-faced, cloaked figure stands before the curtained doorway on the left; the double doors on the right are shut. Also on the table is a lit candle in a glass globe; an overturned pitcher pours onto the floor in the foreground
Title engraved below image., Place of publication precedes statement of responsibility, below image on the left., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to on sheet 31 x 40 cm.
“India ̶ Serie I ̶ 7. Scena di Villaggio.” A family, possibly, is depicted in front of a dwelling in a rural village. Woven palm mats cover the upper roof of the structure. Cattle are seen grazing on hay near a cart with awning. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: “Il Pontificio Istituto delle Missioni Estere di Milano promuove la propagazione della fede e della civiltà in dieci vaste Missioni dell’ India, dell’Indocina e della Cina. Sede generale: Milano (6-43) – Via Monte Rosa 81 ̶ Telefono 40-115.” There is no handwriting on the back.