"Klein-Seminaristen van Ranchi. Beschermelingen van den Llevenspenning. Indische Missie der P.P. Jezuieten." Young seminarians pose with their older teachers in front of a Jesuit Indian Mission building. Additional information indicates that the postcard was printed in Leuven, Belgium.
“Série XXVI. ̶ 2. Jeunne chrétien de la caste des Nayakers. Series XXVI. ̶ Young christian of the Nayakker caste.” A young Christian man from the Nayak caste is depicted. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
Young women and elderly women pose for the camera in front of a building. Some are native and some are European. Presumably they are missionaries. "Congrégation des Filles de la Croix de Liége" is printed on the back. The postcard was printed in Brussels.
"Indes Anglaises. Ecole des religieuses indigènes." Girls ranging in age pose for the camera. They are part of a school for religious students. Four indigenous Sisters who are presumably their teachers stand behind them in the doorway of a small building. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Bimba Indiana In Preghiera, <<Grazie mio benefattore: prego per te!>>" A young girl with her hands clasped in prayer looks up to the camera. There are flowers behind her. The card uses her image to thank benefactors. There is a printed note in Italian on the back that more specifically thanks benefactors and assures them of prayers said in their favor. Additional information reads, "Laboratorio Missionario Francescano, Via della Pergola 8 - Recapito Via della Pergola 56 - Telefono 22-917 - Firenze, c/c - 5/14455."
"Que me voulez-vous? Mission Indienne des P.P. Jesuites." A young girl stares at the camera while holding a plant of some kind in one hand. The plant is out of focus. Additional information directs donations to Louvain, Belgium. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Les Capucins francais aux Indes (2e Série). La Mission du Sacré Coeur au Rajputana [Rajasthan]. 8. - Une petite victime de la famine." A dead child who was a victim of starvation is placed on a cot outside. Additional information on the back directs monetary offerings to Paris, France.
"Les Ursulines de l'Institut de Thildonck dans la Mission du Bengale, Indes. Dentellières de Khunti." Many young women are making lace on the porch of and in front of a large building. Some children are sitting among the workers.
"Missions des Rds Pères Capucins au Pundjab [Punjab] - Indes. Religieuses Indiennes formées et dirigées par les Soeurs Franciscaines." Indigenous women dressed in clergy garb stand with a Franciscan Sister. This postcard was printed in Brussels. There is a handwritten note on the back.