“Mission de Kisantu. Congo. ̶ Procession.” Acolytes and a crucifer lead a large religious procession on a street past several buildings. People process behind a missionary father with banners and crosses. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
“10. Mission de Kisantu. Congo. ̶ Grotto de Notre-Dame de Lourdes.” A shrine made of rocks piled under a large shade tree is shown with a niche holding a statue of the Virgin Mary. A small house-like structure is situated at the top of the rocks. People sit on the ground in front of the shrine during a service. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
“Prins Léopold te Kisantu.” Formations of soldiers stand at attention outside a building while spectators look on during a ceremony to honor Prince Leopold in Kisantu. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: Kwango – Missie der EE. PP. Jezuïeten in Belgisch Congo.” There is no handwriting on the back.