"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée. - Kumbakonam (Hindoustan [Hindustan]) - En tournée, distribution de médecines." Missionaries distribute medicine to a group of women and children. Their wagon is off to the side and the oxen who were pulling it are resting and eating. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans." There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"8. Cathéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée - Kumbakonam - Hindoustan [Hindustan]. A gué, en expédition." A man guides oxen that are pulling a covered wagon with two missionaries in it through a body of water. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
Subject (Geographic):
Kumbakonam (Tamil Nadu, India)
Subject (Topic):
Animals; Clergy; Indigenous populations; Transport
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée - Kumbakonam. Hindoustan [Hindustan] - Près d'une hutte." Some missionaries holding umbrellas pose with women and children outside a thatched-roof hut. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans." There is a handwritten note on the back.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée. Kumbakonam. - En tournèe, soin des malades." A missionary cares for sick people outside a thatched-roof hut.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée - Kumbakonam (Hindoustan [Hindustan]). - Instruction des Catechumènes de l'Hospice." A missionary teaches the catechism to elderly men and wome, a few younger men and women, and a child. They are seated outside in front of a thatched-roof house and beside a well.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée. Kumbakonam (Hindoustan [Hindustan]) - Départ pour une tournée au loin." Nuns prepare to depart on a tour. One is inside a covered wagon and two stand outside the wagon. A man holds a basket on his head in front of the two standing. A woman reaches up to the nun in the wagon, giving her a package. Another man holds the oxen, so that the wagon will stay steady. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans." There is a handwritten note on the back.
Subject (Geographic):
Kumbakonam (Tamil Nadu, India)
Subject (Topic):
Animals; Clergy; Indigenous popuplations; Transport
"5. Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée - Kumbakonam - Hindoustan [Hindustan]. "Salam" des Orphelins." Orphaned children pose for the camera. Two missionaries supervise them. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
"4. Cathéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée - Kumbakonam - Hindoustan [Hindustan]. Orphelinat Sainte-Thérèse - La rèpétition de Chant." At the Orphanage of St. Therese, girls are learning chant outside a building with some missionaries. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, Photo - Orléans."
"Missionary Catechists of Mary Immaculate - Kumbakonam - Hindustan. - Orphans at the well." Orphans gather around a well. Some are working the well, others standing next to it, and another carries a jug of water on her head. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.
"Catéchistes Missionnaires de Marie-Immaculée. - Hindoustan [Hindustan]. 2. - Près de l'Etang sacré. - Kumbakonam." A few indigenous people gather by a sacred pond, while European women dressed in white walk by them. The postcard also notes the publisher as, "Regnault, photo - Orléans."
Subject (Geographic):
Kumbakonam (Tamil Nadu, India)
Subject (Topic):
Customs and traditions; Indigenous populations; Women