With the Tower of London visible in the background, a quack doctor on a platform holds up a bottle of medicine before a small crowd of city folk, as his assistant passes out handbills. Among the crowd is a carter with his whip, a chimney sweep's boy, and an obese woman. On the platform behind the doctor are several invalids, including a man with a crutch. A sign attached to the platform reads "Doctor Van Cheatall."
Title from item., Artist from British Museum catalogue., Numbered "11" in plate., and Probably an earlier version of no. 6757 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6.
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles at No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Name):
Tower of London (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Patent medicines, Sick persons, Quacks, Clothing & dress, Crowds, and City & town life
An E.O. or roulette table lies broken in the street as four men attack it with mallets and other tools. Two attackers, the Bow Street magistrates Addington and Wright, are depicted with donkey's heads. Three constables are also shown, one attempting to stop the violence, the other two joining in the attack. A commentary on the enforcement of anti-gaming laws
Alternative Title:
Westminster just-asses a braying and Downfall of the E.O. table
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., and Text below title: NB. The jack-asses are to be indemnified for all the mischief they do, by the bulls & bears of the city.
Pubd. Augt. 26th, 1782, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Name):
Addington, William, Sir, -1811, Wright, Sampson, Sir, -1793, and Bond, John, active 1782
Subject (Topic):
Vandalism, Donkeys, Judges, Gambling, and Clothing & dress
An E.O. or roulette table lies broken in the street as four men attack it with mallets and other tools. Two attackers, the Bow Street magistrates Addington and Wright, are depicted with donkey's heads. Three constables are also shown, one attempting to stop the violence, the other two joining in the attack. A commentary on the enforcement of anti-gaming laws
Alternative Title:
Westminster just-asses a braying and Downfall of the E.O. table
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text below title: NB. The jack-asses are to be indemnified for all the mischief they do, by the bulls & bears of the city., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; plate mark 24.9 x 35.2 cm, on sheet 26.6 x 36.8 cm., and Mounted on leaf 44 of volume 1 of 12.
Pubd. Augt. 26th, 1782, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Name):
Addington, William, Sir, -1811, Wright, Sampson, Sir, -1793, and Bond, John, active 1782
Subject (Topic):
Vandalism, Donkeys, Judges, Gambling, and Clothing & dress
Caption title., Lewis Walpole Library copy has final digit "1" in "1831" scored through in ink and a manuscript "2" added in its place., A flyer printed to elicit charity from customers for newspaper boys and men at Christmas and New Year., Text printed in two columns within Greek key pattern border. Thee twelve numbered stanzas of verse describe the life of a newsman in mock heroic terms. The lines begin by way of an apology: Kind sirs! I hope you will excuse this tribute of a newsman’s muse ..., and For further information, consult library staff.
"The beam of a pair of scales supported on a post, from each end of which, instead of a scale, dangles a man as if from a gibbet. On the centre of the beam is perched an owl wearing a ribbon and star, inscribed "Center of Gravity". On the lighter side (left) hangs a man over whose eyes a fool's cap has been drawn, through which protrude ass's ears. In his right hand is a "Plan for enlarging Newgate", in his left a copy of the 'General Advertiser'. On the right hangs a man in parson's gown and bands, his eyes covered by a turban-shaped cap; in his left hand is a copy of the 'Morning Post', in his right a newsboy's horn, from which issues a blast inscribed "Blast ye", directed against the other body hanging from the gibbet. On his breast is a playing-card, the knave of clubs. Over his head are falling a castle, two churches, and two mitres. He is Bate, editor of the 'Morning Post', noted as a bruiser, see BMSat 5550, &c. On the ground stand two figures pointing to the gibbet: Justice (left) leans on her sword, holding her scales, above her head is engraved: "Grave wisdom takes the centre of the Beam, And leaves to Knave & Fool, the wide extream." The owl perhaps represents North, often accused of unseemly levity, and his attitude towards Ministerial journalists. The Devil (r.) stands holding a coffin on which is a skull and cross-bones surmounting a freely sketched inscription suggesting the words "Here lies P[arson] B[ate]" and two reversed mitres. He points grinning to Bate; above his head is inscribed, "Here I wait; To take my B------.""--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item. and Trimmed to design.
Publish'd May 8, 1780, by W. Renigald
Subject (Geographic):
England and London
Subject (Name):
Cooke, William, active 1776-1780., Dudley, H. Bate Sir, 1745-1824. (Henry Bate),, and North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792.
The crowded interior of the Assembly Rooms at Bagnigge Wells. In a foreground a dandy escorts a pretty young woman carrying a fur muff. She beckons to another man who wears a sword and bows. On the left a small boy dispenses tea
Alternative Title:
Humors of Bagnigge Wells
Title etched below image., Cf. No. 5090 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., and Mounted to 28 x 38 cm.
Printed for Carington Bowles, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain., Great Britain, England, and London
Subject (Topic):
Health resorts, Social life and customs, Couples, Dandies, English, Springs, Tableware, Interiors, and Clothing & dress
Leaf 28. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Persons standing in conversation at a party. The principal figures are two elaborately dressed ladies of plebeian, elderly, and unattractive appearance who face each other; one holds a card, the other a fan. Their hair is awkwardly dressed in the enormous mounds then fashionable, see British Museum Satires No. 5370, &c. On the left a short, fat, and awkward footman brings in a tray on which is a triple stand of jelly-glasses, a foaming tankard of beer, &c. The other guests are men; one wears a furred alderman's gown. In the centre of the back wall is a picture of a man with a distraught expression dressed as a seaman or working man, who is being devoured by two lions, one on each side. Above his head are the letters 'S.P.Q.L.' On the back of the print a note in a contemporary hand explains this as "Senatus populusque Londoniensis the Aldermen and Commoners of London". On the right wall is visible the lower part of a whole length portrait of a man in a furred livery gown."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a variant state
Title etched below image., State without plate number. Cf. No. 5372 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Temporary local subject terms: Macaronies -- Aldermen: Part of livery gown -- Pictures amplifying subject -- Lions devouring working man -- 'Senatus populusque Londoniensis' see S.P.Q.L. -- City rout -- Food: Jelly-glasses served on triple stand -- Dessert -- Footmen in livery -- Cards -- Beverages: Beer -- Tankards -- Tray: Dessert tray -- Glasses: Jelly glasses -- Headdresses., and On leaf 28.
Pubd. accog. to act by MDarly, 39 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), England, and London
Subject (Topic):
Parties, Social life and customs, Clothing & dress, Hairstyles, Wigs, Fans, Servants, and Feathers
A social gathering, in which two elaborately dressed and coiffed old ladies stand conversing in the center foreground, as a short footman of unprepossessing appearance carries in a tray loaded with a tankard and a triple stand of jelly glasses. In the background groups of men converse. Behind them hangs a painting inscribed S.P.Q.L., depicting a man in a shirt between two lions who have seized him by the arms
Title from item., Later state, with plate number added., Publisher's initials "MD" form a monogram., and Numbered in top left of plate: 32.
Pubd. accog. to act by MDarly, 39 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
London (England), England, and London
Subject (Topic):
Parties, Social life and customs, Hairstyles, Wigs, Servants, Clothing & dress, and Feathers