“Mission du Congo, Pères Rédemptoristes. Thysville, Intérieur de l’église.” The altar area and front pews are depicted in a Catholic church in Mbanza-Ngungu. Statues of several saints are seen near the altar. There is no handwriting on the back of the postcard.
“Missions des Pères Rèdemptoristes au Congo. Préfecture Apostolique de Matadi. Thysville – Eglise et clocher. Kongo-missie der Paters Redemptoristen. Apostolische Prefektuur van Matadi. Thysstad – Kerk en toren.” A small brick mission church is depicted with the steeple sitting on blocks next to the church. The caption is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.
Rédemptoristes ̶ Thysville-Congo. Soldats congolais. Redemptoristen ̶ Thysstad-Kongo. Kongoleesche Soldaten.” Three Congolese soldiers in uniform are depicted in a garden. The caption and publisher “Photo De Lil-Schokert, Grammont.” are printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.