"Texaco road map, 1932, United States," local route maps of Minneapolis-St. Paul and Duluth, distance table, indexes, ill., and text on verso., In lower right: A4 2820., and Includes inset of northeastern Minnesota.
Minnesota official road map and Phillips Petroleum Company 1938 official road map, Minnesota
In lower left: 438-J.C. 11-L., Includes inset of Fort William area (scale [ca. 1:2,534,400]) and index., and Map of U.S. roads (indexed for national parks and monuments), local route maps of Minneapolis-St.Paul and Duluth, text, and ill. on verso.
"Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861 by B.M. Smith and A.J. Hill, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Minnesota.", Identical to 821 1861 but lacking "Note: Extent of the, and Inset: Outline map of Dakota Territory.
Louis Buechner
Subject (Geographic):
Dakota Territory--Maps, Iowa--Maps, Minnesota--Maps, and Nebraska--Maps
"Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861 by B.M. Smith and A.J. Hill, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Minnesota.", "Lith. by Louis Buechner, Saint Paul, Minnesota.", Inset: Outline map of Dakota Territory., and Shows counties and public lands township grid for eastern portion of Dakota Territory and for parts of Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa, military reservations and outposts, Indian reservations, Indian treaty boundary lines, existing trails and wagon roads, proposed roads, historic routes of exploration, areas of Indian habitation, railroads, cities, and existing and proposed towns.
Louis Buechner
Subject (Geographic):
Dakota Territory--Maps, Iowa--Maps, Minnesota--Maps, and Nebraska--Maps
Subject (Name):
Buechner, Louis and Hill, A. J. (Alfred James), 1823-1895
Subject (Topic):
Cities and towns--Dakota Territory--Maps, Discoveries in geography--Maps, Indian reservations--Dakota Territory--Maps, Indian reservations--Nebraska--Maps, Indians of North America--Maps, and Military bas
"Entered accoding [sic] to Act of Congress in the year 1855, by J.H. Colton & Co. in ... the Southern District of New York.", Covers Minnesota Territory, extending to White Earth and Missouri rivers to the west., In lower right margin: No. 49., and Includes note.
J. H. Colton & Co.,
Subject (Geographic):
Minnesota--Maps, North Dakota--Maps, and South Dakota--Maps