Manuscript on parchment of Leonardo Bruni, De bello italico adversus gothos, in the Italian version by Ludovico Petroni made in 1456. Preceded by the letter of Leonardo Bruni to Giuliano Cardinal Cesarini (1398-1444).
In Italian., Script: Written by a single scribe in fere-gothic script, above top line., Partial border in inner margin of white vine-stem ornament, f. 1r, on blue, green and pink ground with white and blue dots. In lower border terminals extending in ink hair spray with green, pink and blue flowers and gold balls frame central medallion with a crude outline drawing of a head in profile (later addition?). Two decorated initials, 4- to 3-line, gold on blue, pink and green grounds with white vine-stem ornament. On f. 1r initial joined to partial border. Heading on f. 1r in red., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries, Italy. "Alla rustica" with grey-green paper added over the spine and part of the boards. Edges yellow.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-1444. and Cesarini, Giuliano, Cardinal, 1398-1444.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Italian literature, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on parchment (poor quality) of Leonardo Bruni, De primo bello punico, compiled largely from Polybius
In Latin., Script: Text written by a single scribe in humanistic cursive script, above top line. Marginal notes (mostly proper names and events) added by at least two hands, 15th-16th centuries, with one set added throughout in red by a scribe who also placed Roman numerals for each book in upper margin., One large illuminated initial, 4-line, gold on blue, light green and pink ground with white vine-stem ornament. Initial joined to partial border, white vine-stem ornament on blue, light green and pink ground with white dots and gold balls with penwork extensions in brown ink. Two smaller initials on ff. 23v and 38r, 4-line, gold, outlined in yellow on blue grounds with white highlights. Plain initial, f. 1v, and headings in pale red., and Binding: Nineteenth century, England (?). Quarter bound in red, hard-grained goatskin, gold-tooled, with printed marbled paper sides. Edges spattered yellow and black. Title on spine: "Leonardi Aretini, Commentarii. MS. in membranis".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Bruni, Leonardo, 1369-1444.
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, History, Military, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Latin literature, Medieval and modern
Manuscript on parchment of Valerius Maximus, Dictorum factorum memorabilium ad tiberium cesarem
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in a precise round gothic bookhand., Illuminated by Cristoforo Cortese, ca. 1420. Fine historiated initial (12-line) on f. 1r, the author seated at a lectern, pink, purple, green, red, and blue foliage on a gold ground, edged in black, with delicate white highlights; an exuberant vine and foliage border in three margins; the upper margin with a bar, gold and blue, with white highlights. Eight illuminated initials (9- or 8-line) on ff. 14v, 29v, 45r, 61r, 79r, 98v, 115r, 132r in the same style, borders in outer margin. Fine penwork initials throughout, blue with red penwork or vice versa (7- to 4-line). Several lines following initials written in ornate majuscules widely spaced on every other line, filled in with sepia penwork (some left unfinished, especially near end of manuscript). 2-line initials, blue with red or red with blue penwork, less ornate than above. Rubrics missing for major text divisions; paragraph marks in red or blue., Borders cut out on ff. 1r, 45r, and 79r, replaced with parchment, with initials and borders partially restored., and Binding: 18th-19th centuries. Mottled calf case, gold-tooled.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Valerius Maximus.
Subject (Topic):
Didactic literature, Latin, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on parchment of Valerius Maximus, Factorum et dictorum memorabilium ad Tiberium cesarem
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in fere-humanistic script. Marginal and interlinear notes in several contemporary and later hands., On f. 3r, a good historiated initial, 7-line: the author in armor, holding his book; thick, curling foliage forms, pink, orange, blue, and green, on an irregular gold ground, edged in black. Nine illuminated initials (ff. 16r, 29v, 43r, 57r, 72r, 85v, 98r, 111v, and 126r) to open Books 2-10, composed of foliage, as above, and striated color strips, in vibrant blue, orange, crimson, mauve, green, and occasionally yellow, highlighted in white and variations of the same basic hues. 4-, 2-line initials, blue with red penwork or vice versa. Book numbers at top of page, red and blue; rubrics throughout. Remains of guides for rubricator., and Binding: 15th-16th centuries. Resewn on four tawed, slit straps laced through the edge of wooden boards and nailed in channels which are filled in with plaster. There is a piece of leather at the exit from one tunnel and what may be the tips of nails just inside the channel so earlier supports may have been of leather, nailed twice. The endbands, sewn on twisted leather cores laid in grooves, were tied down through a leather spine lining, the embroidery with three beads. The edges are gilt with a design scratched on them, the spine square. Covered in dark brown goatskin with corner tongues, blind-tooled with a star in a circle with wide rope interlace panels above and below, inside concentric outer borders. Small diamonds and dots on the spine. Four brass catches on the lower board and stubs of velvet straps nailed to the upper. One joint cracked and repaired and one endband added.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Valerius Maximus.
Subject (Topic):
Didactic literature, Latin, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on paper of 1) Eutropius, Breviarium, with the insertions and addition of the final six books by Paul the Deacon. 2) Francesco Patrizi of Siena (1412-94), Epistula Achilli Petrucio re regendo magistratu. 3) Extract from Quintilian, Institutio oratoria 2.9.1.
In Latin., Watermarks: two different unidentified ladders, the one on ff. 1-60, the other on ff. 61-70., Script: Written by a single scribe in a sloping humanistic bookhand., Spaces for decorative initials in art. 1 are unfilled; remains of guide letters. Headings and first word(s) in text divisions in epigraphic majuscules., and Binding: Nineteenth century, Italy. Yellow marbled paper case with title written in ink on narrow paper label on spine: "Liber Eutropii de Regibus Rom. et de Orig. Imperii".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Deacon, approximately 720-799?
Subject (Topic):
Latin letters, Medieval and modern, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on paper (sturdy) of a translation by Diego Guillen de Avila (active 1487-1516), from Politian's Latin translation of Herodian, History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus (in eight books covering the years 180 to 238, in Greek).
In Spanish., Watermarks somewhat similar to Briquet Main 10793., Script: Written by three scribes, in gothic cursive (cortesana) script. Scribe 1 (ff. 1v-3v) uses a large, sprawling hand; Scribe 2 (ff. 5r-86v) a compact, regular one; Scribe 3 (ff. 87r-112r) a large and sprawling one., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Worn red velvet with 2 brass clasp-and-catch fastenings.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, Spanish literature, and History
Manuscript on parchment of Julius Caesar, Commentarii de Bello Gallico; Commentarii de Bello Civili; De Bello Alexandrino; De Bello Africo; and De Bello Hispaniensis
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in a small elegant humanistic bookhand., Fine initials, gold capitals, 9- to 5- line, edged in yellow, filled with white-vine ornament, on blue, green, and red ground, decorated with yellow dots. Headings in red., and Binding: Fifteenth century. Wound sewing on four slit straps. Colored beaded endbands sewn onto cores of tawed skin laced and nailed into wooden boards. All edges gilt. The sewing straps are laced through tunnels in the edges of the boards and nailed in channels on the outside, protruding well above the face. Covered in dark brown goatskin, blind-tooled with an eight-pointed star and corners filled in with rope-tool interlace interspersed with copper-colored dots, in a border of rectangular tools. Four catches on the lower board and stubs of red cloth (velvet?) straps lined with parchment held to the upper with star headed nails
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Caesar, Julius.
Subject (Topic):
Latin prose literature, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on paper of 1) Paulus Diaconus (d. after 744), Historia Romana, with the additional Book 17. 2) Festus (4th century), Breviarium historiae Romanae
In Latin., Watermark: crossbow (?)., Script: Copied by one hand in Humanistica Cursiva Libraria under Gothic influence (d mostly Uncial)., Pale red headings. Gothic calligraphic initials in brown ink of various sizes, with guide-letters in the left margin: 3 lines at the head of each paragraph (art. 1 only), 6-7 lines at the opening of each Book., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Brown-black marbled paper over pasteboard.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Deacon, approximately 720-799?
Subject (Topic):
Latin literature, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History
Manuscript on paper of Lucan, Pharsalia. With commentary, verse summary, and verse argumenta of each book
In Latin., Watermarks: unidentified bull's head concealed by script., Script: Written by a single scribe in well spaced gothic bookhand, above top line. Marginalia in several contemporary hands., Crudely executed penwork initials in red, f. 1r only; spaces for decorative initials at beginning of each book have sketches in brown ink (contemporary?) or are left unfilled. Headings in red. Some guide letters for decorator., and Binding: Fifteenth century, Italy. Vellum stays in and outside the quires. Original sewing on three tawed skin, slit straps which are laced through tunnels in the edges of wooden boards to channels on the outside and pegged. Plain, wound endbands are sewn on tawed skin cores laced or laid in grooves on the outside of the boards. Quarter bound with brown leather, probably a later addition, as perhaps are the clasp straps. Two leaf-shaped catches and inscription in ink on the lower board: "Lucanus [?]". Front pastedown and flyleaf from a lectionary (Italy, 1050-1100); back flyleaf and pastedown from a homiliary (Northern Italy, 950-1000); on the pastedown, a homily on submission to the will of God, probably a continuation of the same text as on the flyleaf.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Lucan, 39-65.
Subject (Topic):
Epic poetry, Latin, Manuscripts, Medieval, Scholia, and History