"Heading to a lithographed broadside. The interior of a boarded sty in which a great boar, with the head of George IV, lies upon straw, boar and straw being spotted with black. Castlereagh empties a bucket of brandy into an overflowing trough, while Sidmouth leans over the half-door to squirt the animal with his clyster-pipe (cf. British Museum Satires No. 9849). The former says: "Friend Sid-- the Augean Stables were nothing to clense, compar'd to this Stye!!!" Sidmouth: "Aye, my worthy Fellow Servant, you will find the Stye, your Masterpiece! and with all my care, I can't make this Beast appear decent, he is so cover'd with filth!!" The first and last of five verses: 'In fam'd Pell-Mell [Carlton House] is kept a Boar, Which no strong tie can bind, No Savage Beast e'er known before, Was like it in its kind: Its breech so large, 'twould fill a barge. Its craw much larger still; To fill which full, One Mister Bull Pays dear for Brardy-Swill! . . . This Brute, unlike all other Boars, A faithless treacherous he Befouls its stye, and wastes its stores With each foul Boorish She! While belching still, its foul-breathed will, Its true-mate's life it seeks; And in the stretch of beastly lech Each tie of Nature breaks!!!'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Pell-Mell boar and the powers of brandy!
Title from text below image., Five numbered stanzas of verse below title: In fam'd Pell-Mell is kept a boar, Which no strong tie can bind ..., Three lines of text above imprint: The above hymn was written in a pious mood, on a saintly subject, and sung with pure devotion by a holy-assemblage of faithful worshippers ...., "Price one shilling"--Below imprint., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 89 in volume 1 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Geo. IV," "Sidmouth," and "Londondery [sic]" identified in ink below image; date "30 Sep. 1820" written in ink in lower right corner of sheet. The word "Suppressed" is written twice at bottom of sheet, once in ink in lower center (beneath price statement) and once in pencil in lower right. Typed extract of three lines from the British Museum catalogue description is pasted beneath print.
Pubd. 30th Septr. 1820 by J. Griffin, outside Middle Row, Holborn, opposite Gray's Inn Lane
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount, 1757-1844, and Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 1769-1822
Subject (Topic):
Pig houses, Boars, Straw, Pails, Alcoholic beverages, Troughs, and Medical equipment & supplies
Title and publisher from item., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Comité national contre le tabagisme. Comité national contre l'alcoolisme, 1960s, and Imprimerie Nouvelle, 76190 Yvetot
Subject (Topic):
Smoking, Antismoking movement, Alcoholism, Temperance, Flowers, Cigarettes, and Alcoholic beverages
"A stout John Bull sits in an arm-chair holding a long pipe in his left hand which rests on a circular table beside a glass and bottle of 'Coniac'. He looks up with an anxious scowl at an elderly man who stands (right), saying, "I 'am come again about the Taxes Sir - if agreeable to you to discharge them". The tax-collector holds a large open book, 'New Taxes for the Year 1796', [The last figure is doubtful] in which he writes with his left hand. He wears a hat in which a pen is thrust, an ink-bottle hangs from a button, in each pocket of his greatcoat is a large book, one being 'Additional Taxes on Window Lights'. Under his arm is another large book: '[T]axes Receipts Taxes'. Beside the taxpayer sits a dog, who glares up at the tax-collector with an expression resembling that of his master."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in J. Grego's Rowlandson the caricaturist., Lewis Walpole print 794.12.26.01: Title expanded in contemporary hand: Mr. Taxus or an unwelcome visitor to John Bull., and Watermark: Strasburg bend.
Publd. as the act directs by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Topic):
Taxation, John Bull (Symbolic character), Alcoholic beverages, Chairs, Dogs, and Pipes (Smoking)
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., In lower left corner is a logo with: TG, V.D. Control Poster No. 5, 1 S.C., In lower margin center: "Easy" but Deadly., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
"A sketch of fish-wives with their baskets ranged on the pavement (left); behind are the masts and sails of vessels in Billingsgate dock. Facing them is an irate customer with a gouty leg, a fish-wife (right) fastens a flat fish to his wig, while a small urchin tugs at his coat-tails. He clenches his fist and waves his stick, shouting with indignation. Of the women opposite, one holds out a fish towards him, shouting, another laughs with hands on hips, a third lies on the ground drunkenly vomiting, the contents of her basket spilling. Behind stands a woman drinking from a bottle. All are gross and fat, their breasts bare."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Title etched below image., Reissue, with imprint burnished from plate; traces of imprint still visible below title., Date of publication based on earlier state with the imprint "Pubd. Feby. 4, 1786, by E. Jackson, N. 14 Mary le bone Strt., Golden Square." Cf. British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: G,10.29., and Formerly mounted on leaf 30 of volume 1 of 14 volumes.
Social satire; officers in a tent around a table drink red wine, or punch from a bowl, smoke pipes and sing; one on the right has his arm in a sling, another waves his hat. Through the opening of the tent on the right, in the background are mounted soldiers and the British flag, and on the floor is a cannon and shot; below the image is the text of a song
Publication information from a copy in the British Museum online catalogue. See BM Registration number 2010,7081.860., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of song verse and imprint., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published Novr. 20th, 1794, by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, London
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Topic):
Alcoholic beverages, Glassware, Interiors, Military camps, British, Military life, Soldiers, Tents, and Wine
Title etched below image., Theodore Lane collaborated with George and Charles Hunt on prints with non-political jokey subjects from 1825 to 1827; see British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Two lines of verse etched below title: Wine cures the gout, the colic and the phthisic. Wine it is to all men the very best of physic., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Cholic -- Wright, Charles.
"The Duchess of Devonshire, carrying Fox on her back, approaches an alehouse. The host, a black man named 'Mungo', stands on his doorstep delightedly filling a glass for the Duchess; a fat disreputable slattern stands behind him. The Duchess, who supports herself by a large staff, holds a full purse in her hand, saying, "For the good of the Constitution give me a Glass of Gin", the suggestion being that she will pay a large sum for the gin to secure a vote (cf. British Museum Satires No. 6548). Her hat with ostrich plumes and fox's brush has a favour inscribed 'Fox ForNi'. Fox, one hand resting on her shoulder, waves his hat; they are both in profile to the right. Over the doorway of the alehouse (or perhaps brothel) is inscribed 'Mungo's Hotel Dealer in British Spirits'; the woman says, "Give the poor Man a Vote my Dear he is a good Man for the Ladies". A dog beside her barks at the visitors. The gabled roofs and casement windows indicated in the background suggest that this is an old and disreputable part of Westminster, resembling Peter Street as in British Museum Satires No. 6548. The crowd, which is very freely sketched, also suggests a low neighbourhood; a man and woman walk or dance along, their arms round each other's shoulders; he flourishes a full tankard. An excited group shout and wave their hats round two tall standards: one, 'Fox and Liberty all over the world', above two crossed executioner's axes, the other, 'Rights of the Commons' and 'No Prerogative', with a cap of Liberty on the pole."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson. See British Museum catalogue and Grego., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Partial watermark top center of sheet., and Mounted to 28 x 38 cm.
Pubd. May 1st, 1784, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Great Britain. Parliament
Subject (Topic):
Elections, 1784, Political elections, Eating & drinking facilities, Doors & doorways, Alcoholic beverages, Staffs (Sticks), Purses, Feathers, Dogs, Casement windows, Crowds, and Liberty cap
"The Duchess of Devonshire, carrying Fox on her back, approaches an alehouse. The host, a black man named 'Mungo', stands on his doorstep delightedly filling a glass for the Duchess; a fat disreputable slattern stands behind him. The Duchess, who supports herself by a large staff, holds a full purse in her hand, saying, "For the good of the Constitution give me a Glass of Gin", the suggestion being that she will pay a large sum for the gin to secure a vote (cf. British Museum Satires No. 6548). Her hat with ostrich plumes and fox's brush has a favour inscribed 'Fox ForNi'. Fox, one hand resting on her shoulder, waves his hat; they are both in profile to the right. Over the doorway of the alehouse (or perhaps brothel) is inscribed 'Mungo's Hotel Dealer in British Spirits'; the woman says, "Give the poor Man a Vote my Dear he is a good Man for the Ladies". A dog beside her barks at the visitors. The gabled roofs and casement windows indicated in the background suggest that this is an old and disreputable part of Westminster, resembling Peter Street as in British Museum Satires No. 6548. The crowd, which is very freely sketched, also suggests a low neighbourhood; a man and woman walk or dance along, their arms round each other's shoulders; he flourishes a full tankard. An excited group shout and wave their hats round two tall standards: one, 'Fox and Liberty all over the world', above two crossed executioner's axes, the other, 'Rights of the Commons' and 'No Prerogative', with a cap of Liberty on the pole."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson. See British Museum catalogue and Grego., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 24 x 34.2 cm., and Formerly mounted on leaf 72 of volume 1 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. May 1st, 1784, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
England and London.
Subject (Name):
Cavendish, Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and Great Britain. Parliament
Subject (Topic):
Elections, 1784, Political elections, Eating & drinking facilities, Doors & doorways, Alcoholic beverages, Staffs (Sticks), Purses, Feathers, Dogs, Casement windows, Crowds, and Liberty cap
"The King sits on a sofa with the fat Lady Conyngham on his knee, and one foot planted regally on a footstool; he flourishes a glass, spilling the contents; a broken bottle lies at his feet. Beside him (right) is a table with fruit and a decanter of 'Coniac'. She embraces him, kissing his cheek. Above: 'Georgy loves good Ale and Wine And Georgy loves good Brandy And Georgy loves his C--n--g--m As sweet as sugar Candy!!!'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
More cunning than cautious!!!
Title etched below image., Attributed to William Heath in the British Museum catalogue., Mounted to 58 x 39 cm., Mounted on leaf 34 in volume 2 of the W.E. Gladstone collection of caricatures and broadsides surrounding the "Queen Caroline Affair.", and Figures of "Lady Conyngham" and "Geo. IV" identified in ink below image; date "15 Dec. 1820" written in lower right.
Pub. Dec. 16, 1820, by S. Hough, 14 Dean Street, Fetter Lane
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830 and Conyngham, Elizabeth Conyngham, Marchioness, -1861
Subject (Topic):
Adultery, Kissing, Sofas, Stools, Drinking vessels, Bottles, and Alcoholic beverages