"Portrait of Margaret Lemon, half length to right, holding flowers."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Marguerite Lemon angloise
Title etched below image., Place of publication inferred from publisher's known city of residence in 1646. Hendrick van der Borcht the Younger accompanied the collections of Thomas Howard, 2nd Earl of Arundel, to Antwerp when they were moved there in 1642-4, and continued working for Lady Arundel until her death in 1654; see British Museum online catalogue., Below title are eight lines of verse in two columns, signed "R.G. Sr. D.L.": Flore, Thisbe! Lucresse & Porcie & Cypris ..., Engraved below verses: Omnia vincit amor & nos Cedamus amori. Virgil., 1 print : etching with stipple ; sheet 25.6 x 17.8 cm., Printed on laid paper with watermark., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Window mounted to 31 x 24 cm., and Bound in opposite page 211 in volume 3 of Thomas Mackinlay's extra-illustrated copy of: A catalogue of the classic contents of Strawberry Hill collected by Horace Walpole.
Autograph narrative, extensively illustrated by Mrs. Kenah, of two journeys in Europe taken by the Kenah couple with friends in 1821-24 and in 1827-29. On the first tour, accompanied by Walter Burrell, MP for Sussex, and "Mrs. Crutchley of Sunning Hill Park....and a Blenheim spaniel," the Kenahs traveled through France, Switzerland, Italy, and Bavaria; they were present in Naples for the 1822 eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and spent time in Rome and Lucca as well. In the later tour, they visited the Low Countries, Germany, and Trieste. The text is clearly drawn from diaries kept by Mrs. Kenah during the tours, and contains her often humorous responses, as an "Inexperienced Traveller," to tourist sights, local customs and manners, "foreign" food, and travel difficulties, Mrs. Kenah describes herself as "a woman in quest of the Picturesque," and over 80 of her watercolors and pen and ink sketches are mounted in her travel album. Subjects include "Eruption of Vesuvius, October 22, 1822 as it appeared at midday;" several portraits of Lucchese, Swiss and German figures in local costume; a portrait of Tommaso Sgricci, the famous improvvisatore; a memorial Mass in Caudenberg; the "table d'hote" at the Baths of Ems; the Salon at the Palazzo Ricasoli in 1824; and a variety of "picturesque" landscapes, including a view of the Bay of Naples, of a canal in Venice, and of several castles and mountain scenes in Germany. Also included are several printed views of German scenes which have been hand-colored, and In addition, there are watercolors of English subjects at the end of the volume: cottage scenes, rural landscapes, "view of Box Hill," "Grimsthorpe, 1826," and "Dunkeld from Dr. Fisher's garden. Sept. 9 1826."
Spine title reads: "Journal. Vol. I.", Annotated on front endpaper: "Mary Leigh Best, 1878.", and Binding: Contemporary calf, red gilt morocco spine label, gilt decoration.
Subject (Geographic):
Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Lucca (Italy), Naples (Italy), and Vesuvius (Italy)
Ethnic costume, Grand tours (Education), Landscape drawing, Travelers' writings, English, Views, Women authors, Women travelers, Description and travel, Social life and customs, and Eruption, 1822
Manuscript, in a single hand with many corrections , excisions, and pasted-in additions, of a diary recording a journey to Belgium coinciding with the Battle of Waterloo. The author, traveling with her brother John and sister Jane, as well as Sir Neil Campbell, Knight of Elba; Major Wiley, aide-de-camp to the Duke of Wellington; and Mr. Littleship, an English merchant, records her journey by steam packet from Ramsgate to Ostend on June 10, 1815. She describes their difficulty convincing the sentry to allow them to enter the garrison of Ostend; praises their hotel once they arrive; visits Ghent; and finds Brussels "new and amusing." She breakfasts with Major Llewellyn in Brussels two hours before the Battle of Waterloo, and the remainder of the diary consists of a description of her experience during the battle, including her and her companions' efforts to dine and sightsee without mentioning public events; their attempts to obtain information about the battle's progress; the exodus from Brussels by "masters and servants, ladies and stableboys, valets and soldiers"; and reports of the battle's outcome and After the battle, she is evacuated to the Netherlands, where she comments unfavorably on the character and habits of the Dutch inhabitants. Several weeks later, she returns to Brussels and visits Waterloo
Charlotte Ann (Waldie) Eaton (1788-1859) was a writer. In June 1815 she visited Brussels, the headquarters of Wellington's army, with her brother John and sister Jane. Her account of the battle was first published as Circumstantial Detail By a Near Observer in The Battle of Waterloo (1815). In 1817, her family published a more extended account based on her own experiences titled Narrative of a Residence in Belgium, During the Campaign of 1815, and of a Visit to the Field of Waterloo. By an Englishwoman. In 1820, after a visit to Italy, she anonymously published the popular and acclaimed Rome in the Nineteenth Century. Her other published works include The Days of Battle, later published as Waterloo Days; Continental Adventures; and At Home and Abroad., In English., Written on page removed from volume: Journal of Four Months' Absence from England, in the Summer of 1815: including a Tour in Flanders, Holland, and France., Written on title page: Narrative of a few days' residence in Belgium, in June 1815. and of a visit to the Field of Waterloo. by an Englishwoman., Pasted on flyleaf: Lubbok Bookbinder St. N. C. Yd. Newcastle., Bookplate of Charles Edward Thynne Eaton and signature of Wilfred Eaton, 1897 on the title-page., Marbled endpapers., and Binding: half morocco over marbled boards; gilt decoration.
Subject (Geographic):
Belgium and Netherlands
Subject (Name):
Eaton, Charlotte A. 1788-1859. (Charlotte Anne),, Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821., Waldie, John, 1781-1862., and Watts, Jane (Waldie), 1793-1826.
Subject (Topic):
Travelers' writings, English, Waterloo, Battle of, Waterloo, Belgium, 1815, Description and travel, and Women authors
"View of Rubens' house in Antwerp in 1692. View of the garden and the back of the house with several figures in different parts; the back wall richly decorated with statues, busts and friezes, a dog in front of a closed doorway; an outer staircase visible through a collonade at right; the garden with ornamental covered seat at left; an ornate summer-house at the back of the garden; a church in far distance; three smaller images at bottom showing the interior of the chapel, the façade of the house and the interior of the master bedroom; after Jacques van Croes."--British Museum online catalogue and "This is one of two plates by Harrewyn depicting Rubens' house."--British Museum online catalogue, curator's comments
Alternative Title:
Parties de la Maison Hilwerue à Anvers 1692
Title engraved within banner in upper left corner of image., Artist from British Museum online catalogue., Place of publication based on printmaker's country of residence. See British Museum online catalogue., Date range for publication from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: R,5.1., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Tipped in at page 67 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., and For further information, consult library staff.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Antwerp (Belgium)
Subject (Name):
Rubens, Peter Paul, 1577-1640
Subject (Topic):
Homes & haunts, Buildings, structures, etc, and Dwellings
Manuscript on parchment of Petrus Comestor (Manducator), Historia Scholastica
Alternative Title:
Historia scholastica
In Latin., Script: copied by two scribes (Scribe 1: ff. 1r-47r; Scribe 2: ff. 47r-179v) in proto-gothic script., Large initial on f. 1v embodying 9 miniatures (depicting, top to bottom, God the Father enthroned, Noah and the Ark, Abraham and Melchisidech, Abraham and Isaac, Elijah pouring water around his altar, a king kneeling before an altar, a prophet, David playing the harp, and Petrus Comestor at work). 19 large decorative initial letters in light green, dark green, yellow, blue, and red with interlace and leafy decorations, often employing zoomorphic ornamentation. Hundreds of smaller painted initials., and Binding: 18th century. Brown calf, with gilt embossed ornamentation on spine and the legend: "Historia | Scholastica | Petri | Manducatori" and a label with the printed number 3742.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Petrus, Comestor, active 12th century
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Latin literature, Medieval and modern, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment and paper containing theological and ascetic treatises and other texts
In Latin., Script: copied by various scribes in Gothica Semihybrida or Hybrida Libraria; the last section only (art. 11) is copied in a more rapid Gothica Cursiva Libraria/Currens, by Henricus de Benthem., The decoration differs from section to section. Red heightening of majuscules, red paragraph marks and red underlining. Headings in red or black, sometimes in Textualis. 2-line (rarely 3- or 4-line) plain initials in red. 4-, 5- or 6-line flourished initials in red with black penwork on ff. 2r (art. 2), 50v (littera duplex, art. 4), 72r (littera duplex, art. 5), 146r (littera duplex, art. 8), 178r (art. 9)., The manuscript contains: 1) Guillelmus Peraldus (Guillaume Peyraud, s. XIII), De professione monachorum. 2) Requirements for the priest who is proceeding to the consecration of the Eucharist. 3) Iohannes Gerson (1363-1429), Opus tripartitum de praeceptis Decalogi, de confessione et de arte moriendi. 4) Anonymous treatise on the seven sacraments. 5) A short treatise on the Canonical Hours, being an annex to art. 5. 6) Henricus de Coesvelt OCarth. (d. 1410), De sacramento eucharistiae. 7) Anonymous treatise on the preparation to mass. 8) Alphonsus Bonihominis OP (d. c. 1353), Historia Ioseph. 9) Thomas de Cantimprato (Thomas of Cantimpré, d. before 1266?), Vita sanctae Christinae Mirabilis (d. c. 1224). 10) Guido Vicentinus OP (d. 1332), Margarita Bibliae (Biblia metrica), without the prologues. 11) Table of contents., and Binding: circa 1900. Tan morocco binding over heavy bevelled wooden boards; the covers decorated with a blind-tooled roll, and gold-tooled frames. Five decorated brass bosses with cornerpieces, of an undetermined age (16th century?), on each cover, and two brass clasps, equally much older than the binding, attached to the rear cover. Spine with four raised bands. Six leather tabs.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, Theology, History, and Monasticism and religious orders
A celebration in front of City Hall in the Hague in honour of William III
Alternative Title:
Illuminations et autres marques d'honneur de la maison de ville
Title in Dutch above image; title in French below image., Printmaker: Romeyn de Hooghe., and Plate from: Bidloo, G. Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III in Holland. The Hague : Arnold Leers, 1691.
"Old woman and a boy with candles; he leans over her shoulder from the right to light his candle; she holds a basket and shields the flame with her hand."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Quis vetet apposito, lumen de lumine tolli, mille licet capiant, deperit inde nihil
Title devised by curator; alternative title from text below image., Second state of the plate, with retouchings by Paulus Pontius. See British Museum online catalogue., Place of publication inferred from primary city of activity for Rubens and Pontius; date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: S.7263., Four lines of text in lower right corner: Cum Privilegiis Regis christianissimi serenissime infantis et ordinum confederat., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with slight loss of text from bottom edge. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Mounted on page 36 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., With note ink in Richard Bull's hand, below image on mounting sheet: This print is supposed to have been engraved by Rubens and is very scarce., and For further information, consult library staff.