"Paul before Felix, showing St. Paul on trial before Felix, governor of Caesarea; the Saint to right, Felix and two priests on a dais, one sitting, asleep, beside the governor, two clerks in front of the bench at which St Paul stands, a figure with the Roman standard and a scroll to left, a soldier to right and two figures carrying fascae either side of the dais ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled
Title, publisher and state from Paulson., Added title from caption below image., Quotation from Acts 24-25 engraved below image: And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and Judgment to come, Felix trembled., Text below quotation: From the original painting in Lincoln's Inn Hall painted by Wm. Hogarth., State with publication line in lower left and printmaker's statement in lower right., and Copy of Hogarth's print of the same title, with fewer figures and distinquished because it is not the reverse of the original painting.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint,
Subject (Topic):
Biblical events, Judicial proceedings, and Parables
"Paul before Felix, showing St Paul on trial before Felix, governor of Caesarea; Paul to left with arms raised, Felix sitting with his wife Drusilla and two priests on a dais at centre, one sitting uncomfortably with his chin in his hand, two clerks in front of the bench at which St Paul stands; to right, the orator Tertullus holding a scroll and leaning on a lectern; a soldier to left and two figures carrying fascae either side of the dais."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled
Title, publisher and state from Paulson., Added title from caption below image., Quotation from Acts 24-25 engraved below image: And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and Judgment to come, Felix trembled., Text below quotation: From the original painting in Lincoln's Inn Hall, painted by Wm. Hogarth., State 3 distinquished by the presence of a lengthy quotation from Joseph Warton's Essay on the genius and writings of Pope (1756) in bottom corners., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Ms. note in pencil in Mr. Steevens's hand above print: See Mr. Nichols's book 3d edit, p. 323., and On page 161 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: .
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Israel and Caesarea.
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint
Subject (Topic):
Biblical events, Courtrooms, Judicial proceedings, Soldiers, Roman, and Parables
"Paul before Felix, showing St Paul on trial before Felix, governor of Caesarea; Paul to left with arms raised, Felix sitting with his wife Drusilla and two priests on a dais at centre, one sitting uncomfortably with his chin in his hand, two clerks in front of the bench at which St Paul stands; to right, the orator Tertullus holding a scroll and leaning on a lectern; a soldier to left and two figures carrying fascae either side of the dais."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled
Title and state from Paulson., Added title from caption below image, which is a quotation from Acts 24-25., and Leaf 35 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Geographic):
Israel and Caesarea.
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint
Subject (Topic):
Biblical events, Courtrooms, Judicial proceedings, Soldiers, Roman, and Parables
"Paul before Felix, showing St. Paul on trial before Felix, governor of Caesarea; the Saint to right, Felix and two priests on a dais, one sitting, asleep, beside the governor, two clerks in front of the bench at which St Paul stands, a figure with the Roman standard and a scroll to left, a soldier to right and two figures carrying fascae either side of the dais ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled
Title, publisher and state from Paulson., Added title from caption below image., Quotation from Acts 24-25 engraved below image: And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and Judgment to come, Felix trembled., Text below quotation: From the original painting in Lincoln's Inn Hall painted by Wm. Hogarth., State with publication line in lower left and printmaker's statement in lower right., Copy of Hogarth's print of the same title, with fewer figures and distinquished because it is not the reverse of the original painting., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 41.9 x 52.3 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 34 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint,
Subject (Topic):
Biblical events, Judicial proceedings, and Parables
Plate 34. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Paul before Felix, showing St. Paul on trial before Felix, governor of Caesarea; the Saint to right, Felix and two priests on a dais, one sitting, asleep, beside the governor, two clerks in front of the bench at which St Paul stands, a figure with the Roman standard and a scroll to left, a soldier to right and two figures carrying fascae either side of the dais ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled
Title, publisher and state from Paulson., Added title from caption below image., Quotation from Acts 24-25 engraved below image: And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and Judgment to come, Felix trembled., Text below quotation: From the original painting in Lincoln's Inn Hall painted by Wm. Hogarth., State with quotation from Warton, printmaker's name, and date of publication eliminated., Copy of Hogarth's print of the same title, with fewer figures and distinquished because it is not the reverse of the original painting., Ms. note in pencil in Steevens's hand: See Mr. Nichols's book, 3d edit. p. 323., and On page 160 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed to: 42 x 52.3 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint,
Subject (Topic):
Biblical events, Judicial proceedings, and Parables
Plate 34. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Paul before Felix, showing St. Paul on trial before Felix, governor of Caesarea; the Saint to right, Felix and two priests on a dais, one sitting, asleep, beside the governor, two clerks in front of the bench at which St Paul stands, a figure with the Roman standard and a scroll to left, a soldier to right and two figures carrying fascae either side of the dais ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled
Title, publisher and state from Paulson., Added title from caption below image., Quotation from Acts 24-25 engraved below image: And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and Judgment to come, Felix trembled., Text below quotation: From the original painting in Lincoln's Inn Hall painted by Wm. Hogarth., State with quotation from Warton, printmaker's name, and date of publication eliminated., and Copy of Hogarth's print of the same title, with fewer figures and distinquished because it is not the reverse of the original painting.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint,
Subject (Topic):
Biblical events, Judicial proceedings, and Parables
Plate 34. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Paul before Felix, showing St. Paul on trial before Felix, governor of Caesarea; the Saint to right, Felix and two priests on a dais, one sitting, asleep, beside the governor, two clerks in front of the bench at which St Paul stands, a figure with the Roman standard and a scroll to left, a soldier to right and two figures carrying fascae either side of the dais ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled
Title, publisher and state from Paulson., Added title from caption below image., Quotation from Acts 24-25 engraved below image: And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and Judgment to come, Felix trembled., Text below quotation: From the original painting in Lincoln's Inn Hall painted by Wm. Hogarth., State with quotation from Warton, printmaker's name, and date of publication eliminated., Copy of Hogarth's print of the same title, with fewer figures and distinquished because it is not the reverse of the original painting., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 42.1 x 52.6 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 34 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Paul, the Apostle, Saint,
Subject (Topic):
Biblical events, Judicial proceedings, and Parables
Title devised by curator., Date of production based on artist's death date., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
Purchased by Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis in Lima, Peru in 1943. Price $50 had been in there. Summary: A scene recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. An angel appears in a dream to Saint Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary to announce the conception of Christ through the Holy Ghost. The angel gestures with one finger both to heaven and the Virgin Mary as she approaches the sleeping Saint Joseph whose head is rests in slumber on his hand and elbow as he leans at his writing desk. He is dressed in blue and red ornamented with gold flowers. His other hand holds a flower. Above joseph is an image of the Virgin Mary who kneels in prayer before an open Bible. The cloud before here represents the Holy Ghost. In the foreground are two courting peacocks, the male with his tail fully fanned. In the distance a shepherd watches his flock in a meadow. In the distance a city, presumably Nazareth, is nestled in the hills
Alternative Title:
Dream of St. Joseph and Dream of Saint Joseph
Title from 2005 Christie's appraisal. and Cuzco School (Peru).
The pool of Bethesda after the Hogarth painting. As described in the Gospel of St John, Chapter V, Christ is shown healing the sick beside the Pool of Bethesda, as an angel observes from above. At the center Christ reaches out to a crippled man who sits beside the Pool of Bethesda, shown here with an ulcer on his leg. Among the others looking for cures is a girl with Down's Syndrome (?), a woman with consumption or tuberculosis; a blind man with a stick; a man with jaundice (or melancholia or depression); a bearded man with gout and a distressed woman beside him with an injured breast; a child in the foreground carries a crutch. In the background, a servant of a naked woman pushes aside a mother with a sick baby. The mistress is most probably suffering from gonorrhea, as indicated by the rashes on her skin. Finally, in the foreground on the extreme right a pitiful man with an emaciated face full of pain and a hand on his swollen abdomen uses a crutch to approach the pool
Alternative Title:
There was at Jerusalem a pool call'd Bethesda, frequented by a multitude of impotent folk ...
Title from painting which this is based., Caption continues: "of blind, halt, & wither'd, to be cur'd by bathing, after an angel had troubled the waters; among whom was a certain man, that had been ill 38 years; but had no one to help him in, wherefore Jesus said unto him, rise, take up thy bed & walk. John Ch.V. Vers 2.8, Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Ms. note, and Formerly on page 144 in volume 2. Removed in 2012 by LWL conservator.
Published Feby. 24th 1772 by John Boydell, engraver in Cheapside, London
Subject (Name):
Jesus Christ,
Subject (Topic):
Bethesda, Pool of., Biblical events, Diseases, Healing, Miracles, People with disabilities, and Sexually transmitted diseases