Nothing got by cheating and Miller there was, and he liv'd at his Mill
Caption title., Signed at end of text: Z [i.e. Hannah More]., A Cheap repository broadsheet., Date from Spinney., Beneath border at foot, in square brackets: Entered at Stationers Hall., Verse begins: A Miller there was, and he liv'd at his Mill ..., Price below imprint: "Price an Half-penny, or 2s, 3d, per 100, 1s, 3d, for 50, 9d. for 25.", Unlike most copies of the Cheap repository tracts published by Hazard and Marshall, this one does not have the phrase: Great allowance will be made to shopkeepers and hawkers., and For further information, consult library staff.
Sold by S. Hazard (printer to the Cheap Repository for Religious and Moral Tracts) at Bath; by J. Marshall, printer to the Cheap Repositories, No. 18, Queen-Street, Cheap-Side and No. 4 Aldermary Church Yard, by R. White, Piccadilly, London; and by all booksellers, newsmen and hawkers, in town and country
Caption title., Date based on inclusion of 'Wottington', perhaps a variant spelling of Samuel Worthington, Mayor of Nottingham in 1800/1., An apparently satirical Nottinghamshire slip song, perhaps produced during an enclosure dispute (‘Have BURGESS's the Time forgot, When Worshipper's of Mammon; Combined to seize that happy Spot, We hold as RIGHT of Common?'), which groups the names of several local worthies (such as Mayors Hawksley and Hunt) 'as An Auctioneer's old Books, Waste Paper, Rotten Leather'., In verse., First line: The mighty contest now is done, And Nottingham in slav'ry ..., and For further information, consult library staff.
Caption title., Text at bottom of page: Bank, India, and South Sea stocks with their several annuities, and all sorts of government securities, bought and sold by commission., The Lewis Walpole Library copy: Address to "Madam" and annotated as number "28998"., With contemporary manuscript notes in ink filling in the blanks in ticket., and For further information, consult library staff.
publish'd September the 16th, 1746, according to act of Parliament.
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A broadside, anti-Jacobite, anti-Catholic and anti-French. The illustration portrays a coat of arms, flanked by a priest and a Highlander; below the etching in letterpress are three columns beginning with the text: "The explanation." The lilies of the French Royal arms changed to upside down frogs and the legitimacy of the Stewart line questioned by the inclusion of the bed-pan child over the priest's shoulder. The text begins: "The three toads are the French Old Coat of Arms, their heads downward, in a sable fields; the coat revers'd denotes treason in perfection. The supporters are a Popish priest on one side in his habit, with a warming-pan on his shoulder, with the lid open and a young child in it. In his right hand is a bloody pen-knife in a posture ready privately to execute the cruelty their religion teaches them to exercise on Protestants ...
Alternative Title:
Traitors coat of arms
Title engraved at top of image., Three columns of letterpress text below image., A satire against James Charles Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and Scotland
Subject (Name):
Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-1788.
Subject (Topic):
Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-1746, History, Coats of arms, Ethnic stereotypes, Frogs, and Priests
To the nobility, gentry, and curious in general, there is to be seen at a commodious apartment
At head of title: To the nobility, gentry, and curious in general, there is to be seen at a commodious apartment at the Red-Lyon and Three Pigeons, in Castle-Street, near the King's Mews, by one or more, without loss of tine, at one shilling each person, that wonderful phaenomenon [sic] of nature., Dropped head title., Possibly advertisement for Amelia Harlequin (Amelia Lewsam?)., Vignette with royal coat of arms of George II., Similar advertisement in the Lambeth Palace Library, suggests date of 175- (see ESTC T194884). Reference in Royal Society (Great Britain) Philosophical transactions, v. 55, p. 47 suggests a date around 1762., and For further information, consult library staff.