A thin man with a very large nose and lips embraces his new, very large wife whose features are equally exaggerated. They stand at the edge of a bed, he almost falling on her lap. A cat stands on a bracket shelf pulling at the man's pigtail queue. On the wall a picture amplifies the subject
Alternative Title:
Title from caption below image., Companion print: Six weeks after the marriage., Printmaker from companion print., Artist from copy at the Library of Congress., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pubd. by Willm. Holland, No. 50 Oxford Street
Subject (Topic):
Beds, Bedrooms, Cats, Interiors, Marriage, Spouses, and Wigs
publish'd according to act of Parliamt. Sep. 30 1747.
Call Number:
Kinnaird 48K(a) Box 100
Collection Title:
Leaf 43. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Tom Idle sits up in a bed as if in a fright, his hair on end and his hands raised in alarm. He looks bugged-eyed at the door that has been secured by two planks wedging it shut. At his side is a prostitute, her back turned towards him as she calmly examines her booty, an earring dangling in her fingers; its pair, two watches and other objects are spread out on a cloth at her side. The two pistols on the floor show that Tom and his companion have been involved in robbery. The rat that runs over the pistols is pursued by a cat leaping from the chimney. The bed has collapsed at the foot, a broken jug and a pipe on the floor along with the remains of a meal. The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice returned from sea and in a garret with a common prostitute
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 7"--Below frame., Seventh plate in the series of twelve: Industry and idleness., Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: Leviticus Chap:XXVI. Ve: 36. The sound of the shaken leaf shall chace him., and Imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark to 265 x 347 mm. Lower right corner missing.
publish'd according to act of Parliamt. Sep. 30 1747.
Call Number:
Sotheby 50 Box 100
Collection Title:
Plate 50. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Tom Idle sits up in a bed as if in a fright, his hair on end and his hands raised in alarm. He looks bugged-eyed at the door that has been secured by two planks wedging it shut. At his side is a prostitute, her back turned towards him as she calmly examines her booty, an earring dangling in her fingers; its pair, two watches and other objects are spread out on a cloth at her side. The two pistols on the floor show that Tom and his companion have been involved in robbery. The rat that runs over the pistols is pursued by a cat leaping from the chimney. The bed has collapsed at the foot, a broken jug and a pipe on the floor along with the remains of a meal. The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice returned from sea and in a garret with a common prostitute
Title etched above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 7"--Below frame., Seventh plate in the series of twelve: "Industry and idleness.", Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: "Leviticus Chap: XXVI. Ve: 36. The sound of the shaken leaf shall chace him.", and On laid paper.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Apprentices, Attics, Cats, Fear, Poverty, Prostitutes, Rats, and Robberies
publish'd according to act of Parliamt. Sep. 30 1747.
Call Number:
Folio Greenberg 75 H67 753
Collection Title:
Leaf 43. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Tom Idle sits up in a bed as if in a fright, his hair on end and his hands raised in alarm. He looks bugged-eyed at the door that has been secured by two planks wedging it shut. At his side is a prostitute, her back turned towards him as she calmly examines her booty, an earring dangling in her fingers; its pair, two watches and other objects are spread out on a cloth at her side. The two pistols on the floor show that Tom and his companion have been involved in robbery. The rat that runs over the pistols is pursued by a cat leaping from the chimney. The bed has collapsed at the foot, a broken jug and a pipe on the floor along with the remains of a meal. The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice returned from sea and in a garret with a common prostitute
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 7"--Below frame., Seventh plate in the series of twelve: Industry and idleness., Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: Leviticus Chap:XXVI. Ve: 36. The sound of the shaken leaf shall chace him., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 26.3 x 34.2 cm, on sheet 26.8 x 40.2 cm., and Mounted on leaf 43 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
publish'd according to act of Parliamt. Sep. 30 1747.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 747
Collection Title:
Plate 50. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Tom Idle sits up in a bed as if in a fright, his hair on end and his hands raised in alarm. He looks bugged-eyed at the door that has been secured by two planks wedging it shut. At his side is a prostitute, her back turned towards him as she calmly examines her booty, an earring dangling in her fingers; its pair, two watches and other objects are spread out on a cloth at her side. The two pistols on the floor show that Tom and his companion have been involved in robbery. The rat that runs over the pistols is pursued by a cat leaping from the chimney. The bed has collapsed at the foot, a broken jug and a pipe on the floor along with the remains of a meal. The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice returned from sea and in a garret with a common prostitute
Title etched above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 7"--Below frame., Seventh plate in the series of twelve: "Industry and idleness.", Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: "Leviticus Chap: XXVI. Ve: 36. The sound of the shaken leaf shall chace him.", and Sewn into contemporary blue paper wrappers with the eleven other plates in the series, all on wove paper; inscribed "H. Man. 1798" on front wrapper. With a further brown paper dust wrapper and brown paper envelope, inscribed "Hogarth Industrious and Idle Apprentice. H.S. Man 1796, a gift from his father". For further information, consult library staff.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Apprentices, Attics, Cats, Fear, Poverty, Prostitutes, Rats, and Robberies
publish'd according to act of Parliamt. Sep. 30 1747.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 764 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 50. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Tom Idle sits up in a bed as if in a fright, his hair on end and his hands raised in alarm. He looks bugged-eyed at the door that has been secured by two planks wedging it shut. At his side is a prostitute, her back turned towards him as she calmly examines her booty, an earring dangling in her fingers; its pair, two watches and other objects are spread out on a cloth at her side. The two pistols on the floor show that Tom and his companion have been involved in robbery. The rat that runs over the pistols is pursued by a cat leaping from the chimney. The bed has collapsed at the foot, a broken jug and a pipe on the floor along with the remains of a meal. The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice returned from sea and in a garret with a common prostitute
Title etched above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 7"--Below frame., Seventh plate in the series of twelve: "Industry and idleness.", Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: "Leviticus Chap: XXVI. Ve: 36. The sound of the shaken leaf shall chace him.", 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 26.4 x 34.7 cm, on sheet 28.9 x 44.5 cm., Mounted on leaf 59 x 46 cm., and Plate 50 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Apprentices, Attics, Cats, Fear, Poverty, Prostitutes, Rats, and Robberies
publish'd according to act of Parliamt. Sep. 30 1747.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 50. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Tom Idle sits up in a bed as if in a fright, his hair on end and his hands raised in alarm. He looks bugged-eyed at the door that has been secured by two planks wedging it shut. At his side is a prostitute, her back turned towards him as she calmly examines her booty, an earring dangling in her fingers; its pair, two watches and other objects are spread out on a cloth at her side. The two pistols on the floor show that Tom and his companion have been involved in robbery. The rat that runs over the pistols is pursued by a cat leaping from the chimney. The bed has collapsed at the foot, a broken jug and a pipe on the floor along with the remains of a meal. The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice returned from sea and in a garret with a common prostitute
Title etched above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 7"--Below frame., Seventh plate in the series of twelve: "Industry and idleness.", Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: "Leviticus Chap: XXVI. Ve: 36. The sound of the shaken leaf shall chace him.", and On page 137 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed within plate mark to: 26.3 x 34.6 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Apprentices, Attics, Cats, Fear, Poverty, Prostitutes, Rats, and Robberies
publish'd according to act of Parliamt. Sep. 30 1747.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Leaf 43. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Tom Idle sits up in a bed as if in a fright, his hair on end and his hands raised in alarm. He looks bugged-eyed at the door that has been secured by two planks wedging it shut. At his side is a prostitute, her back turned towards him as she calmly examines her booty, an earring dangling in her fingers; its pair, two watches and other objects are spread out on a cloth at her side. The two pistols on the floor show that Tom and his companion have been involved in robbery. The rat that runs over the pistols is pursued by a cat leaping from the chimney. The bed has collapsed at the foot, a broken jug and a pipe on the floor along with the remains of a meal. The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Idle apprentice returned from sea and in a garret with a common prostitute
Title engraved above image., State and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 7"--Below frame., Seventh plate in the series of twelve: Industry and idleness., Caption in decoration in lower edge of frame: Leviticus Chap:XXVI. Ve: 36. The sound of the shaken leaf shall chace him., and On page 137 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed within plate mark to: 26.4 x 34.6 cm.
publish'd according to act of Parliament, Sep. 30, 1747.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 47. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In the weaving shop ont he right Mr. West stands with the apprentice Goodchild on a raised platform, his arm resting casually on the young man's shoulder. Goodchild holds the "Day Book", a purse, and a set of keys. The two gloves on the desk are shown clasping, symbolic of the relationship between the two men. On the left a porter wearing the coat-of-arms of the City of London enters the shop carrying rolls of cloth. The porter has a large carbuncular nose. His dog bares its teeth at the shop cat who hisses back, back arched. In the background workers sit at the looms and spinning wheels; attached to the desk is the "London Almanack". The left of the frame is decorated with a scourge, manacles and a hangman's rope; on the right frame hang the mace of the City of London, the alderman's gold chain and a sword of state
Alternative Title:
Industrious apprentice a favourite and entrusted by his master
Title etched above image., Series title 'Industry and idleness', state, and publisher from Paulson., "Plate 4"--Below frame, centered., Caption in decoration centered in lower edge of frame, quote from 'Matthew Chap. XXV. Ve. 21': Well done thou good and faithfull servant, thou hast been faithfull over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things.", and On page 134 in volume 2. Sheet trimmed within plate mark to: 26.2 x 35.6 cm.