Title from item., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., First in a series of 8 illustrations to Henry Fielding's The History of Joseph Andrews ... from the 1792 Edinburgh edition, p. 5., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Interiors: kitchens -- Kitchen utensils -- Domestic servants: cooks -- Furniture: kitchen tables., and Mounted to 20 x 27 cm.
Title from British Museum catalogue., Original etched by W.H. Toms., Publication date from an unverified card catalog record, based on an advertisement of the series in Robert Sayer's catalog for 1766. Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1858. Publication date of the original in Stephens: ca. 1730., Plate numbered '5' in lower left corner, possibly one of a series of reissues of Egbert van Heemskerck, the Younger's satires, published in the 1760s., Eight lines of verse in two columns below image: A barbers shop a medley shews, Of monsters, wigs, drawn-teeth and news, While one is shav'd another bleeds, a third the Grub Street Jornal reads ..., Slightly reduced copy in reverse, without attribution, and with different verses. Cf. No. 1859 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2., and Temporary local subject terms: Containers: tubs -- Barber's implements: dish and scissors -- Amputees -- Newspapers: Grub Street Journal -- Medical procedures: blood-letting.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Animals in human situations, Barbers, Barbershops, Boars, Cats, Dead animals, Dental equipment & supplies, Dentistry, Donkeys, Elephants, Fish, Hunting trophies, Interiors, Medical procedures & techniques, Monkeys, Peg legs, Signs (Notices), and Teeth
In a shabby room in Drury Lane; Moll Hackabout is shown having risen late (the watch shows 11:45), attended by a serving-woman who has lost part of her nose to syphilis; in the background, the magistrate, John Gonson, enters quietly with officers to arrest her; pinned to the window frame are prints of Captain Mackheath (the hero of "The Beggar's Opera") and Dr Sacheverell (the High Anglican clergyman impeached in 1710), the wig-box of James Dalton, highwayman, sits above the bed, and one of several beer tankards on the floor carries the name of a Drury Lane tavern. A kitten plays at Moll's feet. A copy of Bishop Gibson's "Pastoral Letter to ..." serves as a butter dish. Above the window on the left is a print after a Titian painting depicting the angel staying the hand of Abraham as he is about to slay Isaac. Medicine bottles on the window sill suggest that Molly is already ill with the disease that will later kill her
Title, state, and date from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added. See Paulson., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "Plate 3"--Lower left corner., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 32 x 38.8 cm, on sheet 45 x 56 cm., and Leaf 4 in: Album of William Hogarth prints.
In a shabby room in Drury Lane; Moll Hackabout is shown having risen late (the watch shows 11:45), attended by a serving-woman who has lost part of her nose to syphilis; in the background, the magistrate, John Gonson, enters quietly with officers to arrest her; pinned to the window frame are prints of Captain Mackheath (the hero of "The Beggar's Opera") and Dr Sacheverell (the High Anglican clergyman impeached in 1710), the wig-box of James Dalton, highwayman, sits above the bed, and one of several beer tankards on the floor carries the name of a Drury Lane tavern. A kitten plays at Moll's feet. A copy of Bishop Gibson's "Pastoral Letter to ..." serves as a butter dish. Above the window on the left is a print after a Titian painting depicting the angel staying the hand of Abraham as he is about to slay Isaac. Medicine bottles on the window sill suggest that Molly is already ill with the disease that will later kill her
Title, state, and date from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added. See Paulson., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and "Plate 3"--Lower left corner.
In a shabby room in Drury Lane; Moll Hackabout is shown having risen late (the watch shows 11:45), attended by a serving-woman who has lost part of her nose to syphilis; in the background, the magistrate, John Gonson, enters quietly with officers to arrest her; pinned to the window frame are prints of Captain Mackheath (the hero of "The Beggar's Opera") and Dr Sacheverell (the High Anglican clergyman impeached in 1710), the wig-box of James Dalton, highwayman, sits above the bed, and one of several beer tankards on the floor carries the name of a Drury Lane tavern. A kitten plays at Moll's feet. A copy of Bishop Gibson's "Pastoral Letter to ..." serves as a butter dish. Above the window on the left is a print after a Titian painting depicting the angel staying the hand of Abraham as he is about to slay Isaac. Medicine bottles on the window sill suggest that Molly is already ill with the disease that will later kill her
Title, state, and date from Paulson., State before black Latin cross added. See Paulson., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "Plate 3"--Lower left corner., and On page 60 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 31.6 x 38.5 cm.
"A grotesque old maid having woken at night, the open door of her bedroom behind at left, approaching the foot of a staircase with a candle, only partly dressed and with her bosom hanging outside her dress, led on by a cat; above at left, the young niece appearing at her own bedroom door as if only just awake, her lover escaping in his nightshirt up the stairs at right; at the foot of the stairs, a paper lettered 'Old maids are doomed to lead apes in hell'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title, printmaker and imprint from Grego., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of title and imprint., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted on leaf 36 of volume 8 of 14 volumes.
"The Jacobean interior of the house of Tom Rakewell's late father (after the painting at Sir John Soane's Museum) with Tom being measured for a suit as he gives a handful of coins to the pregnant Sarah Young; behind him sits a lawyer compiling inventories whilst stealing from the coins on the desk; on the floor are boxes of miscellaneous goods, piles of mortgages, indentures, bond certificates and other documents; an old woman brings faggots to light a fire and an upholsterer attaching fabric (purchased from William Tothall of Covent Garden) to the wall reveals a hiding place for coins which tumble out"--British Museum catalogue online
Alternative Title:
O vanity of age, untoward, ever spleeny, ever, froward!
Title, imprint, and state from Paulson., Added title from first line of text., "Plate 1."--Lower right corner, below imprint., Caption in five columns, below image: "O Vanity of age, untoward, Ever spleeny, ever, froward![sic] Why those bolts, & massy chains, Squint suspicious jealous pains? ...", and Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to image. Caption and imprint mounted separately below image.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Avarice, Cats, Corruption, Ethics, Interiors, Miserliness, Mothers, Pregnant women, Rake's progress, Servants, Tailors, and Young adults
"The Jacobean interior of the house of Tom Rakewell's late father (after the painting at Sir John Soane's Museum) with Tom being measured for a suit as he gives a handful of coins to the pregnant Sarah Young; behind him sits a lawyer compiling inventories whilst stealing from the coins on the desk; on the floor are boxes of miscellaneous goods, piles of mortgages, indentures, bond certificates and other documents; an old woman brings faggots to light a fire and an upholsterer attaching fabric (purchased from William Tothall of Covent Garden) to the wall reveals a hiding place for coins which tumble out."--British Museum catalogue online
Alternative Title:
O vanity of age, untoward, ever spleeny, ever, froward! ...
Title, state, and imprint from Paulson., Added title from first line of text., "Plate 1"--Lower right corner, below imprint., Caption in five columns, below image: O Vanity of age, untoward, Ever spleeny, ever, froward![sic] Why those bolts, & massy chains, Squint suspicious jealous pains? ..., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to image. Caption and imprint mounted separately below image., and Sheet 355 x 405 mm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Avarice, Cats, Corruption, Ethics, Interiors, Miserliness, Mothers, Pregnant women, Rake's progress, Servants, Tailors, and Young adults
"The Jacobean interior of the house of Tom Rakewell's late father (after the painting at Sir John Soane's Museum) with Tom being measured for a suit as he gives a handful of coins to the pregnant Sarah Young; behind him sits a lawyer compiling inventories whilst stealing from the coins on the desk; on the floor are boxes of miscellaneous goods, piles of mortgages, indentures, bond certificates and other documents; an old woman brings faggots to light a fire and an upholsterer attaching fabric (purchased from William Tothall of Covent Garden) to the wall reveals a hiding place for coins which tumble out."--British Museum catalogue online
Alternative Title:
O vanity of age, untoward, ever spleeny, ever, froward! ...
Title, state, and imprint from Paulson., Added title from first line of text., "Plate 1"--Lower right corner, below imprint., Caption in five columns, below image: O Vanity of age, untoward, Ever spleeny, ever, froward![sic] Why those bolts, & massy chains, Squint suspicious jealous pains? ..., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed to image. Caption and imprint mounted separately below image., Ms. note in Steevens's hand in pencil at top of page above this print: Rake's progress, 1st impression., and On page 66 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 34.7 x 39.6 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Avarice, Cats, Corruption, Ethics, Interiors, Miserliness, Mothers, Pregnant women, Rake's progress, Servants, Tailors, and Young adults
Plate 8. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 8. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The Jacobean interior of the house of Tom Rakewell's late father (after the painting at Sir John Soane's Museum) with Tom being measured for a suit as he gives a handful of coins to the pregnant Sarah Young; behind him sits a lawyer compiling inventories; on the floor are boxes of miscellaneous goods, piles of mortgages, indentures, bond certificates and other documents; an old woman brings faggots to light a fire and an upholsterer attaching fabric (purchased from William Tothall of Covent Garden as seen in 2nd state, but now removed) to the wall reveals a hiding place for coins which tumble out
Alternative Title:
O vanity of age, untoward, ever spleeny, ever froward ...
Title, imprint, and state from Paulson., Added title from first lines of caption. Cf. Paulson, Description based on imperfect impression;, and Imperfect, sheet trimmed to image with loss of caption and imprint: 325 x 400 mm.