Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker
Published / Created:
publish'd 23d Feby. 1774.
Call Number:
Folio 75 B87 770 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Page 71. Bunbury album.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A bench in a kitchen on which are seated, from left to right: the coachman, half asleep; the huge cook seated facing us, arms akimbo; and a rather drowsy black boy. A shelf with pots and pans on it is on the wall to the left. At the extreme right is a grandfather clock. There are two drawings pinned to the wall
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Three lines of dialogue etched below title: Coachman: You go." Cook: Hang me if I go." Kingston: Mollsey, Pollsey go.", Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Theater: High life below stairs -- Amateur theatricals -- Domestic service: Coachman -- Kingston -- Black foot-boy -- Reference to William Ann Holles, earl of Essex, 1732-1799., Mounted on page 71 of: Bunbury album., 1 print : etching and drypoint on laid paper ; sheet 26.6 x 29.0 cm., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Townley, James, 1714-1778.
Subject (Topic):
Blacks, Coach drivers, Cooks, Servants, Longcase clocks, and Theatrical productions
Bretherton, James, approximately 1730-1806, printmaker
Published / Created:
publish'd 23d Feby. 1774.
Call Number:
Bunbury 774. Impression 1
Collection Title:
Page 71. Bunbury album.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A bench in a kitchen on which are seated, from left to right: the coachman, half asleep; the huge cook seated facing us, arms akimbo; and a rather drowsy black boy. A shelf with pots and pans on it is on the wall to the left. At the extreme right is a grandfather clock. There are two drawings pinned to the wall
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Three lines of dialogue etched below title: Coachman: You go." Cook: Hang me if I go." Kingston: Mollsey, Pollsey go.", Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Theater: High life below stairs -- Amateur theatricals -- Domestic service: Coachman -- Kingston -- Black foot-boy -- Reference to William Ann Holles, earl of Essex, 1732-1799., and Watermark, trimmed.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Townley, James, 1714-1778.
Subject (Topic):
Blacks, Coach drivers, Cooks, Servants, Longcase clocks, and Theatrical productions
Several designs, many with captions including a black coach driver; a fashionably dressed young black woman; a mother and child; a child with a doll; a scene in which whites hoe the ground under the watch of a black overseer, etc. In the center, the largest design shows three women playing cards with an Indian man who is smoking a hookah
Title from caption below central image., Probably from Cruikshank's self-published series: My sketch book., Plate numbered in upper right corner: Pl. 4 No. 5., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
George Cruikshank
Subject (Topic):
Black people, Card games, Cats, Coach drivers, Infants, Mothers, and Water pipes (Smoking)
Leaf 51. Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Alternative Title:
Irish jaunting car
Title etched below image., Restrike. For original issue of the plate, see: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 282., Plate from: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c. [London] : [Field & Tuer], [ca. 1868?], Cf. Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, page 121., and On leaf 51 of: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Pubd. May 1st, 1814, by T. Rowlandson, No. 1 James St., Adelphi and Field & Tuer
Leaf 99. Darly's comic-prints of characters, caricatures, macaronies, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Portrait of a man whole length standing in profile to right. He has a bulbous nose, a stubbly chin, a protruding waistcoat. In his right hand is a tankard with an open lid, in his left a whip with a long lash. He wears a low wide three-cornered hat, a plain neckcloth, coat, long waistcoat, knee-breeches, buckled shoes."--British Museum online catalogue, description of an earlier state
Title etched below image., Reissue, with plate number altered from "14" to "17". Cf. No. 5162 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Plate numbered "v. 6" in upper left corner and "17" in upper right corner., Temporary local subject terms: Macaronies -- Tankards -- Coachman whips -- Jehu -- Bible: 2 Kings ix.20, and Second of three plates on leaf 99.
"Portrait of a man whole length standing in profile to right. He has a bulbous nose, a stubbly chin, a protruding waistcoat. In his right hand is a tankard with an open lid, in his left a whip with a long lash. He wears a low wide three-cornered hat, a plain neckcloth, coat, long waistcoat, knee-breeches, buckled shoes."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Plate from vol. VI: Characters, macaronies, & caricatures. [London] : Pub. by MDarly, 39 Strand, Novr. 1, 1773., Plate numbered "V. 6" in upper left corner and "14" in upper right corner., Mounted to 20 x 14 cm., 1 print : etching on laid paper ; sheet 17 x 11 cm., and Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark resulting in loss of series numbers.
"Portrait of a man whole length standing in profile to right. He has a bulbous nose, a stubbly chin, a protruding waistcoat. In his right hand is a tankard with an open lid, in his left a whip with a long lash. He wears a low wide three-cornered hat, a plain neckcloth, coat, long waistcoat, knee-breeches, buckled shoes."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Initial letters of publisher's name in imprint form a monogram., Plate from vol. VI: Characters, macaronies, & caricatures. [London] : Pub. by MDarly, 39 Strand, Novr. 1, 1773., Plate numbered "V. 6" in upper left corner and "14" in upper right corner., and Substituted for 17 in volume 6.
Leaf 14. Poems, explaining the seven cartons painted by Raphael Urbin.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Mrs. Gilpin (left) holds out a coin to the driver (right) of her chaise who stands bowing deferentially beside his horse. Her sister and two children stand behind her. In the background is the inn and the chaise."--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
And thus unto the youth she said that drove them to the Bell ...
Title etched above image., Four lines of verse below image: And thus unto the youth she said that drove them to the Bell, 'This shall be yours, when you bring back 'my husband safe and well., Fifth plate in a series of six, each with a plate number in the upper right and verses at bottom. All plates have the same publication line and date; plate 1 has the longer title "Six prints, from the renowned History of John Gilpin" as well as "Book 110" etched in upper left corner. See British Museum catalgoue., Plate numbered "5" in upper right corner., and Bound in as leaf 14 in an extra-illustrated copy of: Fowler, J. Poems, explaining the seven cartons painted by Raphael Urbin. [London?], [1707?].
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Subject (Name):
Cowper, William, 1731-1800.
Subject (Topic):
Carriages & coaches, Coach drivers, Bowing, Coins, Taverns (Inns), and Family members
The interior of a kitchen in a French inn, with figures including that of a curé conversing in a bland way with a man who, standing in huge sabots, holds a glass of drink; his hat is of a peculiarly extravagent shape. A woman with both hands under her apron is bowing to the curé; next to her a very tall and lean postillion is taking snuff from his box; he wears the customary enormous boots of his class. A boy in big wooden shoes clatters across the floor and wears a long queue
Title, artist, and date form inscription below design., Published etching based on this drawing is described in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 4, no. 4764, and For further information, consult library staff.
"Satire on the French and on fashion ...: a postillion with a long queue drives a cabriolet to the right in which is a macaroni and footman, both with elaborate hairstyle; the macaroni bows to another, behind, who carries a parasol; a dog runs beside the horses."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text below image., Later state, with publisher's name and address burnished from plate. For an earlier state with "MDarly No. 39 Strand" present after publication date, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1861,1012.341., Attribution to Bunbury from the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on top and bottom., Four lines of verse in French below title: Barbares Anglois! qui du memê couteau ..., Mounted on page 81 of: Bunbury album., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; sheet 17.6 x 20.6 cm., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Dandies, French, Vehicles, Coach drivers, Servants, Umbrellas, and Dogs