"A group of men wearing oriental costumes and turbans kicking a ball lettered with 'Corn Laws', seen rolling at left; the Caliph (fourth from left, Sir Robert Peel) more furious than the rest, kicking hardest (others kicking, from left to right, Richard Cobden, Lord Morpeth, John Bright, Lord Aberdeen, Sir James Graham, Henry Goulburn, Duke of Buckingham, Duke of Richmond); a man, in the character of Mozamhabad (Duke of Wellington) and his companion (Lord Stanley) kneeling in foreground at right, trying to stop the Caliph, without success."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Scene from Vathek (realized)
Title from text below image., Print signed with the monogram "HB," which was used by John Doyle., Likely a proof state before minor changes were made to the design., Sheet trimmed with nearly complete loss of series statement from upper right margin; series numbering from British Museum online catalogue, registration no.; 1868,0808.12180., Three lines of quoted text below image: "The Caliph more furious than the rest, followed close, & gave as many kicks as he could. ...", and With contemporary pencil annotations, perhaps by the artist, indicating corrections to be made to the design. Additional notes in pencil below image identify the figures and label the print as a "Proof."
Published Decr. 22nd, 1845, by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket and Printed at 70 St. Martin's Lane
Subject (Name):
Beckford, William, 1760-1844., Peel, Robert, 1788-1850, Cobden, Richard, 1804-1865, Carlisle, George William Frederick Howard, Earl of, 1802-1864, Bright, John, 1811-1889, Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, Earl of, 1784-1860, Graham, James, Sir, 1792-1861, Goulburn, Henry, 1784-1856, Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Plantagenet Temple Nugent Brydges Chandos Grenville, Duke of, 1797-1861, Richmond, Charles Gordon-Lennox, Duke of, 1791-1860, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, and Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of, 1799-1869
Latin verses written by Horace Walpole probably while a student at Eton
In Latin., With a plain paper wrapper (19th century paper) embossed with the seal of one of the Earls of Derby, probably the 14th or 15th Earl, both Knights of the Garter., and For further information consult library staff.
Fourth page of a monthly magazine that consisted of four pages; included on this page are five individually-titled images, "MADRID, - A FALSE ALARM (British Museum Satires No. 17269): Ferdinand VII lies on his back in bed, his crown and a huge pot of 'Holy Water' beside him. He calls 'Quick! fetch the Holy Petticoat I once embroidered. St. Peter will sure admit me in that disguise'. Behind his bed-curtains a procession hurries forward, headed by a friar holding two huge candles. An acolyte swinging a censer walks before a bishop in his robes who holds up an embroidered petticoat hanging from a cross. Behind is another bishop. (Ferdinand VII's death was expected and had been reported. He recovered and died on 29 Sept. 1833. For the petticoat, reputedly embroidered for the Virgin during his internment at Valençay, see British Museum satires no. 12508, &c.)."--British Museum online catalogue, "DIETING IN GERMANY. (British Museum satires no. 17270) 'Liberty' is represented by the flames coming from big candle-ends placed on the ground; Francis I and Nicholas (out of place in the German Diet) are putting huge extinguishers over them. Five of the candles are 'Franckfort, Hesse-Cassel, Brandenburg, Hanover, Baden'. The Tsar: 'Extinguish it in one place it blazes in another'. He is back to back with the senile Francis who puts his extinguisher over 'Brandenburg', saying, 'Why the extinguisher itself appears to be igniting'. (See British Museum satires no. 17212, &c. Revolutionary movements in Europe, cf. No. 16535, had in fact been suppressed or had subsided. For the extinguisher cf. Nos. 12588, 14145.)."--British Museum online catalogue, "DUTCHMEN BLOCKING UP THE NAVIGATION OF THE SCHELDT. (British Museum satires no. 17271) A row of fat Dutchmen sit on the water, buoyed up by bulky and inflated breeches. All are smoking long pipes; one says 'Yau Mynheer'. Behind them are small ships. Two frogs watch from a bank in the foreground. (The obstinacy of the King of Holland in claiming control over the navigation of the Scheldt, including the right of preventing ships from passing to or from the high seas, was a main obstacle in the settlement of the Dutch-Belgian question. Camb. Hist, of Br. Foreign Policy, ii. 146 ff. See British Museum satires no. 17295, &c. Van Stolk, no. 7170. )."--British Museum online catalogue, "PORTUGAL (British Museum satires no. 17272) An ugly infant, Queen Maria (left), and a crowned ape, Miguel, face each other across a chasm. On the plain below and between them scattered forces are fighting. The child, who has dropped her coral and bells, holds out her arms, screaming 'Ah you've got my crown! I will have my crown'. The ape, who presses a foot on human bones, grimaces savagely. Below each protagonist is a supporter. A man waving a cocked hat shouts 'Fight for your illustrious Queen'. A monk holds up both arms, shouting 'Fight for your August King!!' Below the title: '"Oh its a mighty pretty Quarrel" (Sir Lucius O'Trigger)' [Sheridan, The Rivals]. (For the civil war in Portugal see British Museum satires no. 17179, &c.)."--British Museum online catalogue, and "PERFECTS AND IMPERFECTS, OR DREADFUL TIMES. (British Museum satires no. 17273) 'The Times' newspaper is represented by a man whose body from neck to hips is covered by a sheet of 'The Times'; across the columns of the paper are the words: 'Horrible! \ Dreadful!! \ Frightful!! \ Mare's Nest \ discovered near \ Hammersmith'. The square head, with fierce angular features and a pen stuck in it, is seemingly an ink-pot. The limbs are those of a vigorous man, who lunges fiercely with outstretched arms, holding a huge ink-ball in each hand. With one he knocks backward and blackens the face of an elderly man dressed like the Duke of Cumberland who watches from the left. 'The Times': 'I should not have known how to make any thing of the Duke's apology; because a short-sighted man might ride nearer than he intended, and seeing people so much more frightened than hurt, might possibly smile:--But you I have at my mercy. Where's the mustachoes Sir? Where's the mustachoes?--There, Sir-- there, have you any mind for another dose'. Cumberland, stooping aggressively, exclaims: 'Oh! you officious blockhead, you will get freely belaboured for your pains'. A young lady, who watches mincingly from the right, cries, 'Oh! I am quite positive as to the mustachoes!!'."--British Museum online catalogue
Titles from text below images., Printmaker from British Museum online catalogue., and Publisher from publisher's statement "London, Published by Thos. McLean, 26 Haymarket" on first page of magazine; date of publication from series numbering "Vol. 3rd, Octr. 1, 1832" on first page of magazine. See British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1868,0808.12322.
T. Mclean
Subject (Geographic):
Antwerp (Belgium) and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853, Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833, William I, King of the Netherlands, 1772-1843, Anglesey, Henry William Paget, Marquis of, 1768-1854, Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 1768-1835, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852, Spencer, John Charles Spencer, Earl, 1782-1845, Russell, John Russell, Earl, 1792-1878, Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, 1796-1855, Newcastle, Henry Pelham Fiennes Pelham Clinton, Duke of, 1785-1851, Ellenborough, Edward Law, Baron, 1750-1818, Maltby, Edward, 1770-1859, Derby, Edward George Geoffrey Smith Stanley, Earl of, 1799-1869, Denman, Thomas Denman, Baron, 1779-1854, Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868, Karl II, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel, 1804-1873, Knight, Charles, 1791-1873, Quentin, George Augustus, 1760-1851., and Georg V, King of Hannover, 1819-1878
Subject (Topic):
Siege, 1832, Catholics, Public opinion, Monkeys, and Arcimboldesque figures