At a meeting of the committee for conducting the anniversary of the charity schools ... held at the Blue Coat Hospital ...
Caption title., First line of hymn: As anxious children long estrang'd from home ..., and For further information, consult library staff (object file: File 659 807 P544).
Present schools as Mr. Towle, teaches in for the year of 1783
Title from first line of text., The sheet is headed: "The present schools as Mr. Towle, teaches in for the year of 1783 ... ", and For further information, consult library staff.
Printed by B. Leverett, where every article of letter-press printing is reasonably performed
Caption title., First line of the first of three hymns to be "sung by the children": Lord, thou art good! all nature shews ..., and For further information, consult library staff (object file: File 659 807 P544).