Title from caption below image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Mounted to 30 x 38 cm.
"The Devil (right), in the foreground and much larger than the other figures, stands Asmodeus-like on a house-top (cf. British Museum Satires No. 16160), overturning with a long pole a dinner-table and upsetting the guests who fall on clouds of Dust. He is a grotesque muscular creature with goat's legs, barbed wings and tail, and looks round with a triumphant grin at the spectator. The guests are also assailed by harpies, little winged men, whose bodies terminate in barbed and scaly tails. One of these (Corder), holding a long bill which rises into the air above him, assails a man (Roach) mounted on a cockroach and holding up a book inscribed Parish Acct; he is The Grand Carver mounted on his Cockroach.; from the cockroach's antennae hang two big keys, and it emits a tail-blast inscribed We are of the Select, against his assailant. The latter holds out a paper inscribed Majority 7 and says am I not the Elect. Another harpy holding out a constable's staff flies menacingly towards the cockroach, saying, By St Thomas I cheque this. Roach exclaims: I tell you it's all a farce so we have taken the liberty to Cribb the Books Keep the Keys tight Cockey. A third harpy threatens the feast with a pair of spurred cavalry boots, saying you will Do-Well to give in, showing he is T. W. Dow (a boot-maker of York Street, Covent Garden. P.O. London Directory, 1822), see British Museum Satires No. 15528. A fourth has seized a paunchy Vestryman by the nose; the victim screams Oh my Nose--Rose Water rose water--oh oh oh-- From the table fall birds, hare, tureen, decanter, pineapple, &c. The dust forms a background, and is inscribed Dust for the Eyes of the Parishioners; looming through it is the façade of St. Paul's, Covent Garden. The bill held by Corder is headed Dinners. The items are Richardson £8-5, Hodgson & Gan £47-11-0, wine 5. 3. 0. Hodgson & Gan[n] Venison feast 30. 3- 6--Dinner on auditing Accounts £11- 4- 0, Hodg & Gann Ditto £40 4-0, Richardson Visitation Din . . £22. 7. 6, Joys St Thomas Day Dinner £20-10-0---&c &c."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Cruel radical harpies destroying a feast
Title etched below image., Print signed using William Heath's device: A man with an umbrella., Text beside artist's device, meant to be words spoken by the man with an umbrella?: They seem to be introding [sic] here., Date of publication from the British Museum catalogue., Imprint continues: ... where political & other charicatuers [sic] are daily brought out., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Text above image: "now by St. Paul's the work goes bravely on -.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket ...
Subject (Name):
St. Paul's Church (Covent Garden, London, England)
Title from caption below center image., Seven designs on one plate, each individually titled; title from caption below design in the upper left., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and One of six plates of a series entitled: Scraps and sketches / by George Cruikshank. To be continued occasionally. See Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 11, p. 73.
George Cruikshank
Subject (Topic):
Accidents, Black people, Carts & wagons, Dogs, Peg legs, Stilts, and Street entertainers
The figure of an artist in profile made from various artists' tools: the head is an artist's palette, paint brushes from a painter's box his hat, etc
Title from caption below image., Two lines of verse below title: On mind & matter there has been a great schism and here's the doctrine of materialism. T. H., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark: 1824.
Published July 1, 1828 by W.B. Cooke, 9 Soho Square
Subject (Topic):
Artists' materials, Artists, Palettes, and Arcimboldesque figures
A poor family in rags sing on a city streets to earn money. The man, a veteran with a peg leg, plays the violin; his uniform is patched up. The boy wears no shoes and a coat too big for him; he holds out a hat to collect the money. The woman wears a ragged dress and a patched cloak covering a baby on her back; she carries a basket with loaded with the broadsides for sale
Title from text below image., Date of publication inferred from a "Novr. 1828" manuscript note on an impression of a print entitled "My girl," likewise designed by Mercer and published by Smyth and Parsey; see Lewis Walpole Library call no.: 828.11.00.01. An apparent companion to that print, entitled "My boy," is assigned a date range of 1825-1835 in the British Museum online catalogue (registration no.: 1905,0822.4)., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum.
Published by T. Smyth & sold by A. Parsey, Burlington Arcade
Subject (Topic):
Ballads, Families, Poor persons, Singing, Violins, Peg legs, Disabled veterans, Military uniforms, and Street vendors
Title from caption below image., Two lines of text below title: 'Tis said that vice & here's the very case can harden the expression of the face. T. H., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published July 1, 1828 by W.B. Cooke, 9 Soho Square
Title from caption below image., Print signed using William Heath's device: A man with an umbrella., Reference to print in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 11, p. 71., and Watermark: 1827[?].
A homely man holds a woman's as she pulls away, hand raised in objection to his advances. A spinet is on the right
Title from caption below image., Text below title: "My dear let me persuade you", and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Pubd. by S. & J. Fuller, Temple of Fancy, 34 Rathbone Place
"A lean middle-aged man reclines on a sofa, his face contorted with pain. A handkerchief over his head, and ungartered stockings suggest an interrupted nap. His left toe touches the ground; his right leg is drawn up, the toes bent. The bell-wire is broken. Above his head is a picture of a man turning a grindstone, and beside him are two volumes: 'Dr Buchan Family Médecine in 2 Vol', suggesting the hypochondriac. A cockatoo (left) screams at him, and he screams (words below the title): 'Ecot! it's Tied my foot in a Knot--Oh!--Oh!--O--O--o--o--o--'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Text below title: Ecot! it's tied my foot in a knot. Oh! Oh! O O o o o o., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on two edges., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Muscle cramps -- Dr. Buchan Family Medicine., and 1 print : aquatint with etching ; sheet 273 x 211 mm.
Pubd. Augt. 1828, by Gillard & Cornish, 48, Strand
Subject (Topic):
Pain, Couches, Cockatoos, Birdcages, Books, and Windows