Plate 4. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
In a shabby room in Drury Lane; Moll Hackabout is shown having risen late (the watch shows 11:45) and attended by a serving-woman who has lost part of her nose to syphilis; in the background, the magistrate, John Gonson, enters quietly with officers to arrest her; pinned to the window frame are prints of Captain Mackheath (the hero of "The Beggar's Opera") and Dr Sacheverell (the High Anglican clergyman impeached in 1710), the wig-box of James Dalton, highwayman, sits above the bed, and one of several beer tankards on the floor carries the name of a Drury Lane tavern. A kitten plays at Moll's feet. A copy of Bishop Gibson's "Pastoral Letter to ..." serves a butter dish. Above the window on the left is a print of after a Titian painting depicting the angel staying the hand of Abraham as he is about to slay Isaac. Medicine bottles on the window sill suggest that Molly is already ill with the disease that will later kill her
Title devised by cataloger., Series title, state, publisher, and date from Paulson., State with black Latin cross added in center below design (since state 2) and with many additions to design. See Paulson., 1 print : etching with engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 31.9 x 39 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 4 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Plate 3. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Mary Hackabout, now a harlot and mistress of a wealthy London Jew, exposes her breast and kicks over a tea table to divert his attention from the presence of her younger lover who hides behind the door of the room with her maid servant. A monkey and young black servant boy in a feathered turban look on the scene with frighten expressions. The mask and mirror in the lower left corner and the paintings of scenes from the Old Testament (Jonah IV.8 and 2 Samuel VI.1-5) hanging on the wall further amplify the artist's moral message
Alternative Title:
Harlot's progress. Plate 2
Title devised by cataloger., Series title, state, and date from Paulson., Fourth state with black Latin cross in the center below design (from 2nd state) and extended shading of table leg. See Paulson., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 31.2 x 37.9 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 3 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Prostitution, Biblical events, Blacks, Boudoirs, Ethnic stereotypes, Jews, Masks, Monkeys, Paintings, Prostitutes, Relations between the sexes, Servants, Tea, and Rake's progress
Plate 3. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Mary Hackabout, now a harlot and mistress of a wealthy London Jew, exposes her breast and kicks over a tea table to divert his attention from the presence of her younger lover who hides behind the door of the room with her maid servant. A monkey and young black servant boy in a feathered turban look on the scene with frighten expressions. The mask and mirror in the lower left corner and the paintings of scenes from the Old Testament (Jonah IV.8 and 2 Samuel VI.1-5) hanging on the wall further amplify the artist's moral message
Alternative Title:
Harlot's progress. Plate 2
Title devised by cataloger., Series title, state, and date from Paulson., and Fourth state with black Latin cross in the center below design (from 2nd state) and extended shading of table leg. See Paulson.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Prostitution, Biblical events, Blacks, Boudoirs, Ethnic stereotypes, Jews, Masks, Monkeys, Paintings, Prostitutes, Relations between the sexes, Servants, Tea, and Rake's progress
Plate 3. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Mary Hackabout, now a harlot and mistress of a wealthy London Jew, exposes her breast and kicks over a tea table to divert his attention from the presence of her younger lover who hides behind the door of the room with her maid servant. A monkey and young black servant boy in a feathered turban look on the scene with frighten expressions. The mask and mirror in the lower left corner and the paintings of scenes from the Old Testament (Jonah IV.8 and 2 Samuel VI.1-5) hanging on the wall further amplify the artist's moral message
Alternative Title:
Harlot's progress. Plate 2
Title devised by cataloger., Series title, state, and date from Paulson., Fourth state with black Latin cross in the center below design (from 2nd state) and extended shading of table leg. See Paulson., 1 print : etching and engraving on laid paper ; plate mark 31.2 x 37.9 cm, on sheet 46 x 59 cm., and Plate 3 in the album: Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Prostitution, Biblical events, Blacks, Boudoirs, Ethnic stereotypes, Jews, Masks, Monkeys, Paintings, Prostitutes, Relations between the sexes, Servants, Tea, and Rake's progress
Plate 3. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
Mary Hackabout, now a harlot and mistress of a wealthy London Jew, exposes her breast and kicks over a tea table to divert his attention from the presence of her younger lover who hides behind the door of the room with her maid servant. A monkey and young black servant boy in a feathered turban look on the scene with frighten expressions. The mask and mirror in the lower left corner and the paintings of scenes from the Old Testament (Jonah IV.8 and 2 Samuel VI.1-5) hanging on the wall further amplify the artist's moral message
Alternative Title:
Harlot's progress. Plate 2
Title devised by cataloger., Series title, state, and date from Paulson., Fourth state with black Latin cross in the center below design (from 2nd state) and extended shading of table leg. See Paulson., and On page 59 in volume 1. With a ms. note in Steevens hand above print: 2nd Impression. Plate trimmed to: 31 x 37.8 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Topic):
Prostitution, Biblical events, Blacks, Boudoirs, Ethnic stereotypes, Jews, Masks, Monkeys, Paintings, Prostitutes, Relations between the sexes, Servants, Tea, and Rake's progress
"Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of K-n-t (i.e. William Kent), Raphael Urb. and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title from Paulson., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. Any body that comes in his way. C. Not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", The 'pe' in Pope is superscript. The 'E' above Kent's bust appears above his pen., "Price 6d."--Lower right hand corner., Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), p. 299-300., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1874, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and With contemporary ms. note on verso: "Pope whitewashing Ld. Burlingon & bespattering the Duke of Chandos. Vide Pope's Essay on taste."
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744. and Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744,
Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of William Kent (center) holding a artist's palette and paint brush, Raphael (left). and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo, right), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding. See British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title and date from earlier version in Paulson., Later reduced copy., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. any body that comes in his way. C. not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (2nd ed.), p. 35., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1873., See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (2nd ed.), no. 277., and On page 54 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to:
"Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of K-n-t (i.e. William Kent), Raphael Urb. and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title from Paulson., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. Any body that comes in his way. C. Not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", The 'pe' in Pope is superscript. The 'E' above Kent's bust appears above his pen., "Price 6d."--Lower right hand corner., Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), p. 299-300., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1874, Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and On page 54 in volume 1. Plate trimmed to: 23.1 x 16.2 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744. and Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744,
Satire on Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Burlington" in which he praises Lord Burlington's architectural taste; the gate of Burlington House, Piccadilly, surmounted by statues of William Kent (center) holding a artist's palette and paint brush, Raphael (left). and Mil.angelo (i.e. Michelangelo, right), is being whitewashed by a plasterer (Pope) standing on scaffolding. See British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Burlington gate
Title from Paulson., Date from British Museum online catalogue., Reduced copy after Hogarth, not Hogarth., Other lettering within image; a key below, begins, "A. P-pe, a plasterer white washing & bespattering. B. any body that comes in his way. C. not a Duke's coach as appears by [the] crescent at one corner. D. Taste. E. a standing proof. F. a labourer.", "Price 6d"--Lower right hand corner., Formerly attributed to Hogarth. See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (1st ed.), p. 299-300., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 2, no. 1874, See Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (2nd ed.), no. 277., In Steevens's hand at top of page (referring to 3 prints): See Mr. Nichols's Book, 3d edit. p. 28.175 / Three different originals of Burlington gate., and On page 54 in volume 1.