Picturesque appearance of a very, very grave statesman
Title etched below image., Text above image: The picturesque appearance of a very, very grave statesman., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., In lower right corner of plate: See Gazetteer., Temporary local subject terms: Cabals -- Mythology: Mercury -- Philosophers: Greek philosopher -- Allusion to the Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-46 -- Symbols: rose - 'sub rosa' -- Reference to operatic performances -- Female dress, ca. 1745 -- Military: reference to 15 new regiments -- Matrimony -- Cuckolds., and Watermark: Strasburg lily with initials LVG below.
"Satire on the Jacobite rebellion, Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, and the pro-French and Catholic measures he was expected to introduce. The Prince walks through a market place wearing a tartan kilt and a coat covered in fleur-de-lis; he is proceeded by a drummer and followed by Scots troops carrying Lochaber axes all of whom wear cockades on their Scots bonnets. At a butcher's stall on the right, proclaiming 'Flesh for such as haue Licences', a bishop buys a piece of beef from a woman who chops it up with a cleaver. Beside this is a stall selling 'FINE PLUMP FROGS for a Fricace'e, specimens of which hang from rods over the stall while a young woman arranges more on her counter; next is a Frenchman offering 'Woode(n) Shoes A la mod(e) PARIS' from a selection on a table before him. Above the final stall two angels hold a notice, adorned with the Papal arms, advertising 'Holy RELICKS from JERSULEM ITALY FRANCE SPAIN & other Catholick Countries to be Sold or Chang'd for old Silver by Antonio Maria Francesco Credo' while in the stall beneath a monk stands before a pile of sculls holding a broken femur; the wares for sale include a rosary, a cross, a knife, 'Queen Maries shoes', bits of bones, one of which is labelled 'Legg of St. Andrew', another, 'Arme of St Ninion', and notices advertise, 'The VIRG(in's) MILK', 'Angels Sweat', 'Saints Teeth'; in front of the stall a dog holds a 'Bone of St Dominick' in its teeth. In the foreground, on the left, a group of Scotsmen, one playing the bagpipes, sits outside an inn from which hangs the sign of the 'FRENCH YOKE', while another enters carrying over his shoulder a heavy bag lettered 'CONTRIBUTION MONEY'. On the balcony of the in inn stand Cardinal Tencin, the Pope, holding a cross and a crown, and a monk; lettering at their feet reads, 'FRENCH BRANDY & ITALIAN WINES imported by P.BENIDICT C. TENCIN'. A street sweeper sweeps up papers lettered 'Magna Charta', 'Bank Notes', 'India Bills', and 'Scotch Directory for Worship', 'The HOLY BIBLE' and 'The BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER'. Behind him a Scotsman gives a coin to a monk in exchange for papers lettered 'Indulgences for 100 Years' and 'Pardons for Sins Past'; a French priest standing beside him, a white Jacobite cockade in his hat, carries a pedlar's tray laden with bottles and balls lettered, Poison Gaggs and Spanish Padlocks'. In the centre, a barefoot boy drives a donkey with panniers on top of which are papers lettered 'Petition for a General Spunge', 'Petition to dissolve the Union', 'Petitions of your true Friends', 'Petition to Restore Abby Lands and for Clanships'. On the right, a young woman, also barefoot, kneels by a basket, with the label 'Royal Nosegays' offering for sale bunches of thistles and lilies. In the background is a market cross on which hangs a paper lettered 'J[ames] R[ex]', with the sign of a fleur-de-lis, 'MANIFESTO by the Power of France and Spain Rome Sept 2 sign'd Okely'. Beyond is a chapel with a thatched roof in the doorway of which a woman kneels before a monk standing behind three thistles; on the front of the chapel, under the sign of a host over a chalice with St Peter's keys and the papal tiara, is a large notice promising 'Full Indulgences, MIRACLES Done here by the Holy Fathers of the INQUISITION Three Thistles grow out of a hard Stone'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Highland fair
Title etched below image., Publisher identified from address., Publisher's announcement following imprint: ... & a 100 sortmt., and Temporary local subject terms: Literature: The Pretender's manifesto by Pierre Guerin de Tencin, 1679-1758 -- Frogs for sale -- Trades: frog seller -- Flower seller -- Wooden shoe seller -- Clerical sellers -- Donkey driver -- French yoke -- Market cross with a sign on it -- Booths in market place -- Brooms -- Hoaxes -- Jacobites -- Enslaved person in wooden shoes -- Money: contributions -- Market signs -- Tavern sign: French Yoke -- Documents being swept away -- Angels holding sign.
Sold in May's Buildings, Covent Garden ...
Subject (Name):
James, Prince of Wales, 1688-1766, Tencin, Pierre Guérin de, 1679-1758, and Benedict XIV, Pope, 1675-1758
Subject (Topic):
Black people, Dogs, Donkeys, Petitions, Frogs, Street vendors, Markets, Sweeping & dusting, Chapels, Skulls, Bones (Anatomy), and Signs (Notices)
Sh-tten condition of the King of Pru---a and Shitten condition of the King of Prussia
Title engraved above image., Printseller's announcement after imprint: Where is sold 20 more., Eight lines of verse in four columns below image: All mark'd with De Luces& cram'd with French gold, forth sally'd our hero, to seize, have and hold ..., and Temporary local subject terms: Defecation -- Medicine: smelling salts -- Money.
May's Buildings, Covent Garden
Subject (Name):
Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786, Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 1717-1780, and Charles Alexandre, duc de Lorraine, 1712-1780
Sh-tten condition of the King of Pru---a and Shitten condition of the King of Prussia
Title engraved above image., Printseller's announcement after imprint: Where is sold 20 more., Eight lines of verse in four columns below image: All mark'd with De Luces& cram'd with French gold, forth sally'd our hero, to seize, have and hold ..., Temporary local subject terms: Defecation -- Medicine: smelling salts -- Money., and With spine title: Caricatures anglaise 1740.
May's Buildings, Covent Garden
Subject (Name):
Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786, Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 1717-1780, and Charles Alexandre, duc de Lorraine, 1712-1780
A domestic scene in which a young woman, facing the viewer, sits on the edge of an upholstered chair as she dilligently sews a large damask curtain. Behind her, an elder woman is pulling yarn from a spindle, a basket of yarn at her feet. Two little girls, one with a kitten over her shoulder, sit on the floor at the feet of the two women and play. On the left, a bird-cage hangs above a table, covered with a woven cloth; on it stands a large pitcher and a a bottle used as a flower vase. A broom rests against the edge of the table
Mosley, Charles, approximately 1720-approximately 1770, printmaker
Published / Created:
Sep. 1745.
Call Number:
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
An engraving, in which a coach marked "Perkin" carries the Pretender, who is holding a mask and leaning out of the window as he cheers his supporters. The King of France is the coachman; the Pope is a postilion. A monk with the banner "Inquisition" is a running footman as the Devil and two monks hang on behind also as footmen. A band of Scotsmen carry a banner "Slavery". The coach has driven over a clergyman, a lawyer with "Magna Carta", and the figure of Britannia who has dropped her purse and papers inscribed with representations of property -- Leases, Bank, Exchequer, South Sea, India, and Mortgage. In the background, a monk oversees the burning of a martyr as a party of monks kneel before a cross. Several bodies hang from a triangular-shaped gallows. The setting is a town square formed by York Minster, St. James's Palace, and the Admiralty Building, Westminster
Alternative Title:
Perkins triumph
Title from text at foot of design., With a verse in two columns at foot of design: "Who Views this Print with an Impartial Eye.", "Price 6 d."--Following imprint., and For further information, consult library staff.
Publish'd according to Act of Parliament
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Charles Edward, Prince, grandson of James II, King of England, 1720-1788, Benedict XIV, Pope, 1675-1758, and Louis XV, King of France, 1710-1774
Subject (Topic):
Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-1746, Jacobites, Britannia (Symbolic character), and Clergy
Title from caption above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., 'Price 6d.'--Below verse., Twenty lines of verse in two columns below image: When bold rebellion armd by Spain & France, does thro' the land with hasty strides advance ..., Temporary local subject terms: Bishop's mitre -- Reference to the Jacobite Rebellion, 1745-46., and Mounted to 32 x 25 cm.
Title from item., Two lines of verse below image: How well the motion with the musick suits! So Orpheus tickled, and so danc'd the brutes., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 2777., Temporary local subject terms: Musicians: flutist -- Musical instruments -- Musical scores -- Trades: laundress -- Cobbler -- Tailor -- Cook -- Cutlery: knife and fork -- Birds -- Tobacco: clay pipes -- Tobacco pouch -- Dishes: plates -- Glass: bottles -- Food: fowl on spit -- Headdress: male wig -- Dress: stockings -- Winged shoes -- Male dress: breeches -- Swords -- Wine glasses -- Pens -- Signs: rose., and Watermark: Fleur-de-lis.
G. Bickham
Subject (Name):
George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760, Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford, 1676-1745, Weideman, Charles Frederick, -1782, and Henley, John, 1692-1756
Title from item., Possibly by George Bickham the younger?, Sixteen lines of verse in four columns below image: The cheerful night worn out within, While wit was furnesh'd [sic] round by gin ..., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Temporary local subject terms: Mohocks: gang of aristocratic ruffians -- Signs: tavern sign -- Moon: man in the Moon -- Trades: coachmen -- Lighting: moonlight -- Male dress, ca. 1745 -- Female dress, ca. 1745 -- Emblems: double-bladed knife symbolizing a cuckold -- Food: meat -- Beverages: liquor -- Vehicles: coach -- Cabal -- Miss Connors, fl. 1741., and Watermarks: Fleur-de-lis.
G. Bickham
Subject (Name):
Johnston, James, c. 1721-1797, Harrington, William Stanhope, Earl of, 1719-1779, and Harrington, Caroline, Countess of, 1722-1784
"The brass seal of Henrietta Maria; one face above showing the Queen full-length directed slightly to left holding sceptre and orb, under a canopy with crests to either side and lettered around the rim 'Henretta [sic] Mariae Dei Gratiae Angliae Scotiae Fraunciae [sic] Et Hiberniae Reginae'; below, a face showing a crest in a diamond surmounted by a crown and supported on the left by a crowned lion, on the right by St. Michael, lettered around the rim in the same way."--British Museum online catalogue
Title deviser by cataloger., Date of publication from British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1856,0712.872., Plate from: Vetvsta monvmenta. Londini : [publisher not identified], 1747-1906., Text in upper right corner of plate: Vol. V, pl. XXIV, p. 283., Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of text from upper right corner. Missing text supplied from impression in the British Museum., Mounted on page 82 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., 1 print : etching and engraving ; circular sheet 11.1 cm and circular sheet 11.3 cm., Imperfect; the images of the two faces of the medal have been cut from sheet and are mounted side-by-side, with the rest of the plate trimmed away., Mounted below is a seven-paragraph letterpress description of the medal, beginning: This seal of brass very finely cut, belongs to Henrietta Maria, daughter of the Great Henry IV of France, and wife to our Charles I ..., and For further information, consult library staff.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Henrietta Maria, Queen, consort of Charles I, King of England, 1609-1669.