A view of a church at Cam, including the churchyard with gravestones
Title engraved below image. and Bound in a volume of prints [English cathedrals and monuments]; leaf numbered '24' in mss. Label on front cover: Prints. For further information consult library staff.
Published as the act directs by Richd. Bigland
Subject (Geographic):
Cam (England) and England.
Subject (Topic):
Buildings, structures, etc, Churches, and Cemeteries
"Burke, in the voluminous robes of a Roman senator, stands looking to the left, making a speech, his right arm extended, left hand on his hip. He is bald-headed, wears spectacles, and his feet are bare. Behind him (right) the heads and shoulders of Fox and North are seen above a barrier or partition. Fox watches Burke with cynical but melancholy impassivity; North reads shortsightedly, his back to Burke. In the middle distance (left) Britannia is seated on the ground, her arm protectingly round the shoulders of another woman, evidently intended for India; she points to the left. Beneath the design the words of Burke's speech are engraved: 'The time is come, Fathers, when that which has long been wished for, towards allaying the envy, your House has been subject to, & removing the imputations against trials, is (not by human contrivance, but superior direction) effectually put in our power. An opinion has long prevailed, not only here at home, but likewise in foreign countries, both dangerous to you, and pernicious to the state, viz. That, in prosecutions, men of wealth are always safe, however clearly convicted. There is now to be brought upon his trial before you, to the confusion, I hope of the propagators of this slanderous imputation, one, whose life and actions condemn him in the opinion of all impartial persons; but who, according to his own reckoning, and declared dependance upon his riches, is already acquitted; I mean W------H------. I have undertaken this prosecution, Fathers, at the general desire, and with the great expectation of the British People, with the direct design of clearing your justice and impartiality before the world. For I have brought upon his trial, one, whose conduct has been such, that, in passing a just sentence upon him, you will have an opportunity of re-establishing the credit of such trials; of recovering whatever may be lost of the favour of the British People; and of satisfying foreign states and kingdoms in alliance with us, or tributary to us. I demand justice of you, Fathers, upon the robber of the public treasury, the oppressor of Asia, and the invader of the rights & privileges of'Britons, the scourge and curse o/Indostan. If that sentence is passed upon him which his crimes deserve, your authority, Fathers, will be venerable & sacred in the eyes of the public. But if his great riches should bias you in his favour, I shall still gain one point, vis. To make it apparent to all the world, that what was wanting in this case was not a criminal, nor a prosecutor; but justice, & adequate punishment.'"--British Museum catalogue
Title from item., Below image: Fourteen lines from Burke's speech., and Mounted to 43 x 31 cm.
Pub'd by Boyne & Walker, No. 11 Great Turnstile, Lincolns Inn Fields
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, and North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792
Title from item., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: 'Cits'.
Publish'd as the act directs March 1st, 1787 for the proprietor by Bull & Jeffryes Printsellers, No. 18 Ludgate Hill
Title from item., Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames numbered 'xxxii' and 'xxxiii'., Originally used in: "Histories of the téte-à-téte annexed" in the Town and country magazine, 1787, v. xix, p. 483., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on one side., and Temporary local subject terms: Actress -- Mrs. Martyr -- Drunken peer.
Published as the act directs Decr. 1, 1787 by A. Hamilton Junr., Fleet Street
"A fashionably dressed man and woman (half length) face each other in profile. The outline of the man's projecting shirt-frill resembles that of projecting gauze which covers the lady's bust, see British Mumeaum Satires Nos. 7021, 7099, &c. In the space between them two pouter-pigeons stand facing each other. On the man's coat are large buttons inscribed respectively 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image.
Publish'd Feby. 24th, 1787, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Buttons (Fasteners), Clothing & dress, and Pigeons
"John Bull, grotesquely stout, is pressed downwards by a large rolled document which rests on his head inscribed 'Revision 3000 Resolutions Simplefication'. This roll is pressed down by three persons who rest their hands on it, their legs in the air, as if jumping to increase the pressure which has already so much compressed John Bull, concertina-fashion, that his arms reach the ground, and his contour is quasi-rectangular. The central figure is Pitt, saying, "Come, boys, since they say we have well begun, Let's bear hard till the whole's comprest in one". The other two are probably Rose and Steele, the Treasury Secretaries. The words 'Stamps' and 'Incidents' are inscribed on John Bull's shoulders, 'Custom' and 'Excise' (crossing each other) on his body."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker identified tentatively in British Museum catalog., Temporary local subject terms: Allusion to the speech of George III on January 23, 1787 -- Variety of taxes -- Tax reforms -- Consolidation of duties bill, February 26, 1778 -- Treasury secretary., and Partial watermark on left edge.
Pub'd for the proprietor, by E. Macklew, No. 9, Haymarket
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Rose, George, 1744-1818, and Steele, Thomas, 1753-1823
"A room crowded with cooks and scullions : a tall cook addresses the others with clenched fist, holding the queue of his hair. The others make similar gestures of indignation ; one negligently holds a spit transfixing a bird which a dog is eating. Against the wall hang birds, &c., and a poster: Royal Bill of Fare ... second course."--British Museum catalogue, description of a variant state with different title
Alternative Title:
Cooks, scullions, hear me every mother's son and Fierce as staring Ajax from his seat
Title etched below image., Printmaker and date of publication from Grego., Variant state, with different title, of a plate issued with the title: Fierce as staring Ajax from his seat, uprose with visage stern the king of meat. Cf. No. 7187 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 6., and Temporary local subject terms: Literary quotation -- Peter Pindar's The Lousiad.
A soldier with a sword in his right hand has his left hand under the chin of a young lady who holds his gun in her left arm. Another soldier grins from behind a chair on which sits a drum. A monkey sits on a music book on a stool
Title from item., Numbered '145' in lower right corner., and Not in Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published by Robert Sayer, Chart, Map, & Printseller, No. 53 Fleet Street as the act directs
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Couples, Soldiers, Military uniforms, British, Drums, Parlors, and Pets
"A youth walks right to left, but looking to front, holding a long stick or staff. His hair hangs loosely on his shoulders, his dress is careless, with shirt open at the neck, breeches unbuttoned at the knees, and the buckles of his shoes unlatched."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Rowlandson by Grego., Companion print to: London refinement., and Sheet trimmed within plate mark.
Pubd. Jan. 1, 1787, by S.W. Fores at the Caricature Warehouse, No. 3 Piccadilly