"Time stands behind an oval table covered with a cloth on which is an hour-glass, its sands nearly run out, standing on a large flat book inscribed 'Traitè de Paix', from which five seals hang evenly. Behind him is a doorway in a stone wall, covered with a curtain, one side of which he holds. With his left forefinger he points upwards at the inscription above the door: 'L'avenir', which is decorated with seven (drooping) ears of corn. The seals are inscribed (left to right): 'F.W.' [Frederick William of Prussia]; 'G Rx', with its ribbon inscribed 'God save the King'; France; a crowned 'C' [Catherine II]; 'Fr. Imp.' [Francis Imperator] (prophetic of the powers that decided the fate of Holland in 1815). 'Le génie du Terns garde la porte de l'avenir;... Qui est le mortel assez hardi, pour oser le penetrer? . . .' Text, 'Proverbs', x. 28. To this is added, in English only, 'St. Matthew', v. 9, 'Blessed are the peacemakers!'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Plate numbered "20" in upper left corner., With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English., Temporary local subject terms: Holland: civil discord -- Emblems: hour-glass -- Personifications: Time -- Seven ears of wheat-corn as United Provinces., and Letterpress explanation lacking.
"Time stands behind an oval table covered with a cloth on which is an hour-glass, its sands nearly run out, standing on a large flat book inscribed 'Traitè de Paix', from which five seals hang evenly. Behind him is a doorway in a stone wall, covered with a curtain, one side of which he holds. With his left forefinger he points upwards at the inscription above the door: 'L'avenir', which is decorated with seven (drooping) ears of corn. The seals are inscribed (left to right): 'F.W.' [Frederick William of Prussia]; 'G Rx', with its ribbon inscribed 'God save the King'; France; a crowned 'C' [Catherine II]; 'Fr. Imp.' [Francis Imperator] (prophetic of the powers that decided the fate of Holland in 1815). 'Le génie du Terns garde la porte de l'avenir;... Qui est le mortel assez hardi, pour oser le penetrer? . . .' Text, 'Proverbs', x. 28. To this is added, in English only, 'St. Matthew', v. 9, 'Blessed are the peacemakers!'"--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Artist identified as Hess and printmaker questionably identified as Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Place and date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Possibly published by Hannah Humphrey. See British Museum catalogue., One of twenty plates published as a bound set entitled: Hollandia regenerata., Plate numbered "20" in upper left corner., With: Letterpress explanation in French that includes appropriate texts from the Bible in Dutch and in English., Temporary local subject terms: Holland: civil discord -- Emblems: hour-glass -- Personifications: Time -- Seven ears of wheat-corn as United Provinces., 1 print : etching in red ink on wove paper ; plate mark 27.7 x 22.0 cm, on sheet 29.8 x 24.2 cm., and Mounted on leaf 60 of volume 12 of 12, with letterpress explanation opposite.
A bust of George III in an oval medallion, the profile (left) an obtuse angle, the face blank, giving an impression of complacent imbecility. The background is shaded to simulate a cameo. From behind the medallion two figures look out: 'Averice' (left), a hag with pendent breasts and serpents for hair, leans forward in profile to the left, holding up a money-bag. On the right is Famine, a thin man wearing a shroud; both are shouting
Title from text above image., Place of publication based on subject., Publication date from Thomas Kirgate's manuscript note on Horace Walpole's impression., A date of 1794 is suggested in the British Museum catalogue, but their online catalogue suggests 1795 based on the reference to a famine., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark.
A bust of George III in an oval medallion, the profile (left) an obtuse angle, the face blank, giving an impression of complacent imbecility. The background is shaded to simulate a cameo. From behind the medallion two figures look out: 'Averice' (left), a hag with pendent breasts and serpents for hair, leans forward in profile to the left, holding up a money-bag. On the right is Famine, a thin man wearing a shroud; both are shouting
Title from text above image., Place of publication based on subject., Publication date from Thomas Kirgate's manuscript note on Horace Walpole's impression., A date of 1794 is suggested in the British Museum catalogue, but their online catalogue suggests 1795 based on the reference to a famine., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Mounted on page 158 of Horace Walpole's extra-illustrated copy of his: A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 12., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 16.1 x 17.9 cm., Sheet trimmed to plate mark on three sides., and With manuscript note by Thomas Kirgate below plate line: A vulgar satiric print of George 3d, published in 1796 but inserted here because it happened to be exceedingly like to a piece of flint, found the year before at Brighthelmstone, with a Lusus Naturae resembling the King, and now in this collection.
"French troops march with fixed bayonets up St. James's Street, the houses receding in perspective to the gate of the Palace, which is blazing. In the foreground on the left and right are 'White's' and 'Brookes's'. The former is being raided by French troops; the Opposition is in triumphant possession of the latter. In the centre foreground a 'tree of Liberty' (see BMSat 9214, &c.) has been planted: a pole garlanded with flowers and surmounted by a large cap of 'Libertas'. To this pole Pitt, stripped to the waist, is tied, while Fox (left) flogs him ferociously, a birch-rod in each hand. Between Fox's feet lies a headsman's axe, bloodstained; on it stands a perky little chicken with the head of M. A. Taylor (see BMSat 6777). On the right is an ox, his collar, from which a broken cord dangles, inscribed 'Great Bedfordshire Ox' (the duke of Bedford); it is tossing Burke, goaded on by Thelwall, who holds its tail, and flourishes a document inscribed 'Thelwals Lectures' (see BMSat 8685). Burke flies in the air, losing his spectacles, and dropping two pamphlets: 'Letter to the Duke of Bedford', see BMSat 8788, &c, and 'Reflections upon a Regicide Peace', see BMSat 8825. Behind the ox, Lord Stanhope holds up a pole to which is tied, by a ribbon inscribed 'Vive l'Egalite', the beam of a pair of scales; this is balanced by the body of Grenville, suspended by his breeches, and by his head, suspended by the hair; both drip blood. Stanhope, in profile to the left, looks up with a pleased smile; Lauderdale stands facing him, raising his arm to applaud. Behind is an advancing band of British Jacobins waving bonnets-rouges. Sheridan, with furtively triumphant smile, enters the door of Brooks's; a large porter's knot on his head and shoulders supports a sack: 'Remains of the Treasury £'; under his arm is another: 'Requisition from the Bank of England'. Beside the door (right) stands a pestle and mortar inscribed 'J. Hall Apothecary to the New Constitution Long Acre'; the mortar is filled with coronets. On the balcony above the door, Lansdowne, with his enigmatic smile, is working a guillotine; his left hand is on the windlass, in his right he holds up (towards Erskine) Loughborough's elongated wig; the purse of the Great Seal is attached to a post of the guillotine. On the left corner of the balcony rests a dish containing the heads of (left to right) Lord Sydney, Windham, and Pepper Arden, 'Killed off for the Public Good'. Behind stands Erskine, leaning forward and holding up in triumph a firebrand composed of 'Magna Charta', and a 'New Code of Laws'. On the right corner of the balcony four men stand watching the guillotine with quiet satisfaction: Grafton, in profile to the left; Norfolk, clasping his hands, and Derby. Only the hat and eyes of the fourth are visible. In the club windows behind, staring faces are indicated. The lamp beside the door is crowned with a bonnet-rouge. On the door-post a broadside, 'Marsoiles[e] [sic] Hymn', is placed above 'Rule Brit[annia]' (torn). In the street outside and in the foreground (right) is a basket containing the head of Dundas and a set of bagpipes; it is labelled 'To the care of Citizen Horne Tooke'. Beside it lies a bundle of documents labelled 'Waste Paper 2d pr £6'; they are 'Acts of Parliament, Bill of Rights, Statutes.' The left (east) side of the street is filled with goose-stepping republican soldiers, headed by a grotesque and ferocious officer, a drawn sword in his hand, who strides past the decollated head of Richmond, beside which lies a paper: 'Treatise upon Fortifying the Coast' (see BMSat 6921, &c). A grotesque and dwarfish drummer marches in front (left); on his drum is the cap of Liberty and the motto 'Vive la Liberté'. He is immediately outside the door of White's, up the steps of which French officers with fixed bayonets are pressing; one tramples on a prostrate and bleeding body, another transfixes the throat of a member; behind are the hands of members held up to beg for mercy. Other soldiers have reached the balcony and are using daggers; they push over the bleeding body of the Duke of York, indicated by his ribbon and the dice-box and dice which fall from him. The Prince of Wales falls head first, the Duke of Clarence is about to be stabbed. From a projecting lamp-bracket beside the door hang the bodies of Canning and Hawkesbury, tied back to back. Their identity is shown by a placard: 'New March to Paris by Betty Canning (an allusion to Elizabeth Canning, convicted of perjury, cf. BMSat 7982) & Jenny Jenkison'. The (broken) lamp is surmounted by a broken crown. On the club steps and in the street lie a broken 'EO' (roulette) board and playing-cards. The street is filled with close ranks of French soldiers, except for the small body of British Jacobins on the right."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Promised horrors of the French invasion, or, Forcible reasons for negociating a regicide peace, Forcible reasons for negociating a regicide peace, and Forcible reasons for negotiating a regicide peace
Title etched below image. and 1 print : etching and aquatint on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 32.2 x 43.3 cm, on sheet 42 x 54.4 cm.
Pubd. Octr. 20th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and France
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Thelwall, John, 1764-1834, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, Earl, 1753-1816, Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, Baron, 1745-1804, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806, Dundas, Henry, 1742-1811, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Canning, George, 1770-1827, and Jenkinson, Charles, 1727-1808
Subject (Topic):
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815--Proposed invasion of England, 1793-1805, Foreign public opinion, France, and Foreign public opinion, Great Britain
"French troops march with fixed bayonets up St. James's Street, the houses receding in perspective to the gate of the Palace, which is blazing. In the foreground on the left and right are 'White's' and 'Brookes's'. The former is being raided by French troops; the Opposition is in triumphant possession of the latter. In the centre foreground a 'tree of Liberty' (see BMSat 9214, &c.) has been planted: a pole garlanded with flowers and surmounted by a large cap of 'Libertas'. To this pole Pitt, stripped to the waist, is tied, while Fox (left) flogs him ferociously, a birch-rod in each hand. Between Fox's feet lies a headsman's axe, bloodstained; on it stands a perky little chicken with the head of M. A. Taylor (see BMSat 6777). On the right is an ox, his collar, from which a broken cord dangles, inscribed 'Great Bedfordshire Ox' (the duke of Bedford); it is tossing Burke, goaded on by Thelwall, who holds its tail, and flourishes a document inscribed 'Thelwals Lectures' (see BMSat 8685). Burke flies in the air, losing his spectacles, and dropping two pamphlets: 'Letter to the Duke of Bedford', see BMSat 8788, &c, and 'Reflections upon a Regicide Peace', see BMSat 8825. Behind the ox, Lord Stanhope holds up a pole to which is tied, by a ribbon inscribed 'Vive l'Egalite', the beam of a pair of scales; this is balanced by the body of Grenville, suspended by his breeches, and by his head, suspended by the hair; both drip blood. Stanhope, in profile to the left, looks up with a pleased smile; Lauderdale stands facing him, raising his arm to applaud. Behind is an advancing band of British Jacobins waving bonnets-rouges. Sheridan, with furtively triumphant smile, enters the door of Brooks's; a large porter's knot on his head and shoulders supports a sack: 'Remains of the Treasury £'; under his arm is another: 'Requisition from the Bank of England'. Beside the door (right) stands a pestle and mortar inscribed 'J. Hall Apothecary to the New Constitution Long Acre'; the mortar is filled with coronets. On the balcony above the door, Lansdowne, with his enigmatic smile, is working a guillotine; his left hand is on the windlass, in his right he holds up (towards Erskine) Loughborough's elongated wig; the purse of the Great Seal is attached to a post of the guillotine. On the left corner of the balcony rests a dish containing the heads of (left to right) Lord Sydney, Windham, and Pepper Arden, 'Killed off for the Public Good'. Behind stands Erskine, leaning forward and holding up in triumph a firebrand composed of 'Magna Charta', and a 'New Code of Laws'. On the right corner of the balcony four men stand watching the guillotine with quiet satisfaction: Grafton, in profile to the left; Norfolk, clasping his hands, and Derby. Only the hat and eyes of the fourth are visible. In the club windows behind, staring faces are indicated. The lamp beside the door is crowned with a bonnet-rouge. On the door-post a broadside, 'Marsoiles[e] [sic] Hymn', is placed above 'Rule Brit[annia]' (torn). In the street outside and in the foreground (right) is a basket containing the head of Dundas and a set of bagpipes; it is labelled 'To the care of Citizen Horne Tooke'. Beside it lies a bundle of documents labelled 'Waste Paper 2d pr £6'; they are 'Acts of Parliament, Bill of Rights, Statutes.' The left (east) side of the street is filled with goose-stepping republican soldiers, headed by a grotesque and ferocious officer, a drawn sword in his hand, who strides past the decollated head of Richmond, beside which lies a paper: 'Treatise upon Fortifying the Coast' (see BMSat 6921, &c). A grotesque and dwarfish drummer marches in front (left); on his drum is the cap of Liberty and the motto 'Vive la Liberté'. He is immediately outside the door of White's, up the steps of which French officers with fixed bayonets are pressing; one tramples on a prostrate and bleeding body, another transfixes the throat of a member; behind are the hands of members held up to beg for mercy. Other soldiers have reached the balcony and are using daggers; they push over the bleeding body of the Duke of York, indicated by his ribbon and the dice-box and dice which fall from him. The Prince of Wales falls head first, the Duke of Clarence is about to be stabbed. From a projecting lamp-bracket beside the door hang the bodies of Canning and Hawkesbury, tied back to back. Their identity is shown by a placard: 'New March to Paris by Betty Canning (an allusion to Elizabeth Canning, convicted of perjury, cf. BMSat 7982) & Jenny Jenkison'. The (broken) lamp is surmounted by a broken crown. On the club steps and in the street lie a broken 'EO' (roulette) board and playing-cards. The street is filled with close ranks of French soldiers, except for the small body of British Jacobins on the right."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Promised horrors of the French invasion, or, Forcible reasons for negociating a regicide peace, Forcible reasons for negociating a regicide peace, and Forcible reasons for negotiating a regicide peace
Title etched below image. and Identifications in contemporary hand written below and to the right of plate mark.
Pubd. Octr. 20th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and France
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Thelwall, John, 1764-1834, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, Earl, 1753-1816, Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, Baron, 1745-1804, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806, Dundas, Henry, 1742-1811, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Canning, George, 1770-1827, and Jenkinson, Charles, 1727-1808
Subject (Topic):
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815--Proposed invasion of England, 1793-1805, Foreign public opinion, France, and Foreign public opinion, Great Britain
"French troops march with fixed bayonets up St. James's Street, the houses receding in perspective to the gate of the Palace, which is blazing. In the foreground on the left and right are 'White's' and 'Brookes's'. The former is being raided by French troops; the Opposition is in triumphant possession of the latter. In the centre foreground a 'tree of Liberty' (see BMSat 9214, &c.) has been planted: a pole garlanded with flowers and surmounted by a large cap of 'Libertas'. To this pole Pitt, stripped to the waist, is tied, while Fox (left) flogs him ferociously, a birch-rod in each hand. Between Fox's feet lies a headsman's axe, bloodstained; on it stands a perky little chicken with the head of M. A. Taylor (see BMSat 6777). On the right is an ox, his collar, from which a broken cord dangles, inscribed 'Great Bedfordshire Ox' (the duke of Bedford); it is tossing Burke, goaded on by Thelwall, who holds its tail, and flourishes a document inscribed 'Thelwals Lectures' (see BMSat 8685). Burke flies in the air, losing his spectacles, and dropping two pamphlets: 'Letter to the Duke of Bedford', see BMSat 8788, &c, and 'Reflections upon a Regicide Peace', see BMSat 8825. Behind the ox, Lord Stanhope holds up a pole to which is tied, by a ribbon inscribed 'Vive l'Egalite', the beam of a pair of scales; this is balanced by the body of Grenville, suspended by his breeches, and by his head, suspended by the hair; both drip blood. Stanhope, in profile to the left, looks up with a pleased smile; Lauderdale stands facing him, raising his arm to applaud. Behind is an advancing band of British Jacobins waving bonnets-rouges. Sheridan, with furtively triumphant smile, enters the door of Brooks's; a large porter's knot on his head and shoulders supports a sack: 'Remains of the Treasury £'; under his arm is another: 'Requisition from the Bank of England'. Beside the door (right) stands a pestle and mortar inscribed 'J. Hall Apothecary to the New Constitution Long Acre'; the mortar is filled with coronets. On the balcony above the door, Lansdowne, with his enigmatic smile, is working a guillotine; his left hand is on the windlass, in his right he holds up (towards Erskine) Loughborough's elongated wig; the purse of the Great Seal is attached to a post of the guillotine. On the left corner of the balcony rests a dish containing the heads of (left to right) Lord Sydney, Windham, and Pepper Arden, 'Killed off for the Public Good'. Behind stands Erskine, leaning forward and holding up in triumph a firebrand composed of 'Magna Charta', and a 'New Code of Laws'. On the right corner of the balcony four men stand watching the guillotine with quiet satisfaction: Grafton, in profile to the left; Norfolk, clasping his hands, and Derby. Only the hat and eyes of the fourth are visible. In the club windows behind, staring faces are indicated. The lamp beside the door is crowned with a bonnet-rouge. On the door-post a broadside, 'Marsoiles[e] [sic] Hymn', is placed above 'Rule Brit[annia]' (torn). In the street outside and in the foreground (right) is a basket containing the head of Dundas and a set of bagpipes; it is labelled 'To the care of Citizen Horne Tooke'. Beside it lies a bundle of documents labelled 'Waste Paper 2d pr £6'; they are 'Acts of Parliament, Bill of Rights, Statutes.' The left (east) side of the street is filled with goose-stepping republican soldiers, headed by a grotesque and ferocious officer, a drawn sword in his hand, who strides past the decollated head of Richmond, beside which lies a paper: 'Treatise upon Fortifying the Coast' (see BMSat 6921, &c). A grotesque and dwarfish drummer marches in front (left); on his drum is the cap of Liberty and the motto 'Vive la Liberté'. He is immediately outside the door of White's, up the steps of which French officers with fixed bayonets are pressing; one tramples on a prostrate and bleeding body, another transfixes the throat of a member; behind are the hands of members held up to beg for mercy. Other soldiers have reached the balcony and are using daggers; they push over the bleeding body of the Duke of York, indicated by his ribbon and the dice-box and dice which fall from him. The Prince of Wales falls head first, the Duke of Clarence is about to be stabbed. From a projecting lamp-bracket beside the door hang the bodies of Canning and Hawkesbury, tied back to back. Their identity is shown by a placard: 'New March to Paris by Betty Canning (an allusion to Elizabeth Canning, convicted of perjury, cf. BMSat 7982) & Jenny Jenkison'. The (broken) lamp is surmounted by a broken crown. On the club steps and in the street lie a broken 'EO' (roulette) board and playing-cards. The street is filled with close ranks of French soldiers, except for the small body of British Jacobins on the right."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Promised horrors of the French invasion, or, Forcible reasons for negociating a regicide peace, Forcible reasons for negociating a regicide peace, and Forcible reasons for negotiating a regicide peace
Title etched below image., 1 print : etching & aquatint on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 32.4 x 43.5 cm, on sheet 37.0 x 48.1 cm., and Mounted on leaf 11 of volume 4 of 12.
Pubd. Octr. 20th, 1796, by H. Humphrey, New Bond Street
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and France
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Taylor, Michael Angelo, 1757-1834, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Thelwall, John, 1764-1834, Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834, Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, Earl, 1753-1816, Lauderdale, James Maitland, Earl of, 1759-1839, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823, Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, Baron, 1745-1804, Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount, 1733-1800, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Smith-Stanley, Edward, 1752-1834, Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of, 1735-1811, Norfolk, Charles Howard, Duke of, 1746-1815, Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, Duke of, 1735-1806, Dundas, Henry, 1742-1811, George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Frederick Augustus, Prince, Duke of York and Albany, 1763-1827, William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837, Canning, George, 1770-1827, and Jenkinson, Charles, 1727-1808
Subject (Topic):
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815--Proposed invasion of England, 1793-1805, Foreign public opinion, France, and Foreign public opinion, Great Britain
"Two men and two children standing next to a Chinese man in a pillory; river and boat in the background."--Wellcome Library no. 579902i and "A Chinese man undergoing punishment, with his head and right hand locked into a sort of stocks formed of planks of wood onto which are nailed placards, with a guard and onlookers."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate issued to accompany: Staunton, G. An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China. London : G. Nicol, 1797., Numbered "28" in upper right corner of plate., and For a proof state before letters, see British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1871,0812.686.
Published April 12, 1796, by G. Nicol
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Staunton, George, Sir, 1737-1801.
Subject (Topic):
Punishment & torture, Punishment devices, and Pillories
Plate [126] Plate in: Series of one hundred and ninety-six engravings, (in the line manner) by the
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Illustration to Bowyer's edition of Hume's 'History of England'; the Queen lying on cushions at right, two attendants grieving beside, making a slight gesture with her right hand which is watched intently by Cecil kneeling at right, three other courtiers standing beside."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Queen Elizabeth appointing her successor
Title from text below image. and Sheet trimmed within plate mark on left edge.
Published by R. Bowyer, Historic Gallery, Pall Mall
Subject (Name):
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603, and Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 1563-1612,