"Three tax-collectors beset a house door, on which is a plate: 'Doctor Humbug', and above: 'Advice Gratis.' An elderly man holds the knocker, a ring in a lion's mouth, and looks up at the window above where two heads peer out: a grotesque aged couple wearing nightcaps. On the lintel stands a pestle and mortar, inscribed 'Hippocrates.' On the house are two bills: 'The Goodwill of this House to be disposed of for Particulars enquire' - and 'The Budget opened or how to raise the Wind for the Year 1805.' The tax-collector holds a large open book: 'Window Tax Income Property House Tax'; under his arm is another book;..'Tax-Servants-Horses.' Papers inscribed 'Tax' and 'Taxes' project from his coat-pocket. Beside him, a man holding a paper points his pen viciously at the open window. A third man stands close behind holding a large book inscribed 'Dog Tax.' On the extreme left a woman carrying an infant begs, looking up at the window; a little boy beside her holds out his hat for alms to the tax-collector. On the right a fat man gapes up at the window while a little boy picks his pocket of a hankerchief. The house is at a corner, and from its wall a lamp with oil, spilling it on the people below. In the background (right) are tall, old-fashioned houses, all the windows, except in the top floor and attics, are 'Block'd Up'; one is 'To Lett.'"--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
Clamorous tax gatherers
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Watermark: 1809.
Pubd. Feby. 3, 1805, by Howitt, N. 73, Wardour Street, Soho
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, City & town life, Pickpockets, Poor persons, and Taxes
"Three tax-collectors beset a house door, on which is a plate: 'Doctor Humbug', and above: 'Advice Gratis.' An elderly man holds the knocker, a ring in a lion's mouth, and looks up at the window above where two heads peer out: a grotesque aged couple wearing nightcaps. On the lintel stands a pestle and mortar, inscribed 'Hippocrates.' On the house are two bills: 'The Goodwill of this House to be disposed of for Particulars enquire' - and 'The Budget opened or how to raise the Wind for the Year 1805.' The tax-collector holds a large open book: 'Window Tax Income Property House Tax'; under his arm is another book;..'Tax-Servants-Horses.' Papers inscribed 'Tax' and 'Taxes' project from his coat-pocket. Beside him, a man holding a paper points his pen viciously at the open window. A third man stands close behind holding a large book inscribed 'Dog Tax.' On the extreme left a woman carrying an infant begs, looking up at the window; a little boy beside her holds out his hat for alms to the tax-collector. On the right a fat man gapes up at the window while a little boy picks his pocket of a hankerchief. The house is at a corner, and from its wall a lamp with oil, spilling it on the people below. In the background (right) are tall, old-fashioned houses, all the windows, except in the top floor and attics, are 'Block'd Up'; one is 'To Lett.'"--British Museum catalogue
Alternative Title:
Clamorous tax gatherers
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 34.4 x 24.3 cm., and Mounted on leaf 21 of volume 8 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. Feby. 3, 1805, by Howitt, N. 73, Wardour Street, Soho
Subject (Topic):
Beggars, City & town life, Pickpockets, Poor persons, and Taxes
"Portrait of William Ireland, half-length, in an oval lettered with the title, slightly turned to the left, with a mantle about his shoulders, a rope about his neck and a knife embedded in his chest, the Christogram in a laurel frame below upon a parapet."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
R. P. Gulielmus Irlandus Societatis Iesu Sacerdos
Title from text in oval border of portrait. and Text engraved on pedestal below portrait: Fidei odio suspensus et dissectus ad Tybourn prope Londinum, 24 Januar. 1678, 3 Febr. 1679.
Publish'd Aug. 10, 1805, by Wm. Richardson, York House, Strand
"A handsome young military officer, seated in an armchair, drinks wine with two Jewish money-lenders, who sit facing him across a round table. He listens with a reckless smile to one of the Jews; the other peers through spectacles at 'Title Deeds'. The Jews are old, thin, and bearded, but one wears a bag-wig. On the ground by the latter (r.) is a paper: 'Money Lent on good Securities. Annuities Jointers [sic] bought and Sold.' By the spendthrift's chair lies a greyhound. The background is a wall closely covered with pictures in ornate frames, which combine to tell the young man's story. Above his head is a 'Prodigal Son' kneeling among the swine; above this a reclining Venus is partly visible, and below, 'Diane', a horse and foal. Gamesters at a 'Hazard Table' hangs above 'Sir Matthew Mite', a miser with money-bags, weighing coin in sacks. Below this is a bust portrait of 'Sir Peter Plumb' in a tie-wig. A bust portrait of a scraggy woman wearing jewels is 'Lady Crane'. Below this is a picture of a fighting-cock, the frame decorated by a baron's coronet. On the r. are two pictures, a jockey on a race-horse, 'Sancho', with the winning-post in the background, and a large gabled country house: 'View of the Yorkshire Estate'."--British Museum online catalogue, description of a later state
Title etched below image., Two lines of verse etched below title: When noblemen have lost race horse ..., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., For an 1812 reissue of the plate, see no. 10486 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 8., and Mounted on leaf 30 of volume 8 of 14 volumes.
Pubd. by T. Rowlandson, N. 1 James St., Adelphi
Subject (Topic):
Jews, Eyeglasses, Soldiers, British, Usury, and Wine
A manservant and a maidservant on the extreme left peer through a half-opened door at two men seated at a round table covered with a white cloth on which are plates of peas, a decanter, and wineglasses. A waiter (left) is leaning towards them checking prices off on his fingers and saying: "I'm sure Gentlemen on inspection you'll find the charges very reasonable, nothing can be cheaper, fifteen shillings the peas! Ducks one pound one!!!" The man in the middle of the table looks at him with his mouth open; the man on the left holds up a sheet of paper on which is written "No. 4 Tim Fleecem Duck £1.1. Peas 0.15 s." He shouts: "Ducks!!! why my good friend they are Guinea Fowls!!!"
Alternative Title:
Ducks metamorphosed
Title etched below image., Questionable attribution to Isaac Cruikshank from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1991,0720.39., Date of publication from the British Museum online catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate numbered in upper right corner: No. 4., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
"A scene in the mouth of a cave with the sea in the background. The smuggler is Melville, in Highland dress, caught by Fox, Sheridan, and Whitbread, revenue officers wearing spurred top-boots. He kneels, with hands clasped, looking up at Whitbread (r.), who stands over him with a raised whip; he screams: "Marcy O' me wha can bear sick a lashing Indeed you shall ha it aw Gentlemen - ee'n to the last Baubee". Whitbread, his heavy lash inscribed 'Whitbreads Intire', answers: "Be quick then and dont trifle with us, we have got some more of your gang to look after!!" Fox (l.) is a spectator with his whip under his arm; he says: "I say lay it on well, remember he is an Old offender, we shall flog something out of him I am ready when you are tire'd." He stands by Sheridan, who holds Melville by the plaid, and raises a whip with a heavy lash inscribed 'Sherrys - Genuine - Stingo.' Sheridan says: "Aye! Aye! Whity and I will do his business, you are not quite active enough my Old friend - Come Sir where have you hid the rest of your Smuggled property?" In his pocket is a paper: 'The Forty Thieves desroy'd [sic] by . . .' On the extreme left., behind Fox, Pitt hastens forward with raised arms and alarmed expression; he exclaims: "O Lord! O Lord! what desperate hands my poor Friend has got into." In the middle distance (r.) Trotter, also in Highland dress, runs off to the right. with a large sack on his shoulders, inscribed 'Peculation Sack 50.000'; guineas fall from a rent in the sack. He looks over his shoulder, saying, "It will come to my turn Next so I'll trot off in time with this Triffle." On the ground (r.), by the rocky wall of the cave which borders the design, are a cask of 'Madeira' and three large sacks inscribed 'Peculation Sa[ck] 100.000'; 'Peculation Sack 50.000'; 'Peculation Sack 30.0 . . .' The uppermost of a bundle of cheque is inscribed 'Pay to m . Order the Sum of. . . '. "--British Museum online catalogue
Title from item., Printmaker and date from British Museum catalogue., 'Argus' is a pseudonym employed by printmaker Charles Williams., Temporary local subject terms: Scottish dress -- National stereotypes -- Robbers., and Mounted to 31 x 41 cm.
Pubd. by C. Knight, Lambeth and sold at No. 7 Cornhill
Subject (Name):
Pitt, William, 1759-1806, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Melville, Henry Dundas, Viscount, 1742-1811, and Whitbread, Samuel, 1764-1815
Delattre, Jean Marie, 1745 or 1746-1840, printmaker
Published / Created:
1 Septr. 1805.
Call Number:
Folio 724 812 B68
Collection Title:
Plate [55] Plate in: Series of one hundred and ninety-six engravings, (in the line manner) by the
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Richard II standing and raising his hand to arrest a duel between the Dukes of Hereford and Norfollk, who charge at each other on horseback in full armour with plumed helmets, with nobles sitting watching to either side of the king and two men on foot standing in the centre to stop the horses; headpiece illustration to Bowyer's edition of Hume's 'History of England', chapter XVII; set in a shaded rectangle in a decorated border with plaques below."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Richard the Second suspending the duel between Hereford and Norfolk
Title from text above image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on right and left sides., and Plate [55] in a volume bound to 50 cm.
Published by R. Bowyer, Historic Gallery, Pall Mall
Subject (Name):
Richard II, King of England, 1367-1400,, Henry IV, King of England, 1367-1413,, and Norfolk, Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of, 1366-1399,
Illustration at the head of Henry Carey's poem (also sometimes 'Sally of our alley') in letterpress, shows a scene in a cobbler's work-room. The apprentice has thrown down a shoe on a last to embrace 'Sally', unconscious of his master who stands behind him with lifted strap
Title from letterpress poem printed below image., Artist from British Museum catalogue., Date from letterpress at bottom of page., Date engraved on print: Published Nov. 1, 1805 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London., Sheet trimmed to edge of plate mark on upper side., From the Laurie & Whittle series of Drolls., Other prints in the Laurie & Whittle Drolls series were executed by either Isaac Cruikshank or Richard Newton., Song attribution below title: Sung by Mr. Incledon. Mr. Braham. Mr. Dignum. Mr. Hill. Mr. Taylor, &c. &c., Fifty-six lines of verse arranged in four columns on broadside portion of sheet: Of all the girls that are so smart, there's none like pretty Sally ..., and Plate numbered '411' in the upper left corner.
Published 9th November, 1805 by Laurie & Whittle, Fleet Street, London
Plate [9] Plate in: Series of one hundred and ninety-six engravings, (in the line manner) by the
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"Vignette to Bowyer's edition of Hume's 'History of England'; a suit of armour standing in a pile of flags and weapons on a rock, with harp, Magna Charta and papal tiara at left."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text in image., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Plate [9] in a volume bound to 50 cm.