Manuscript fragment on parchment of an unidentified commentary on the biblical book of Wisdom
In Latin., Script: written in a small gothic script with frequent abbreviations (littera textualis currens)., and Decoration: 1-line initials are in black; punctuated with the punctus; quotations from Wisdom are underlined in black.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Criticism, interpretation, etc and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the biblical book of Genesis with commentary borrowing from Augustine, Jerome, Gregory, and Andrew of St. Victor
In Latin., Script: written in two sizes of gothic script (littera textualis) with the script of the biblical text approximately twice as large as the script of the commentary., and Decoration: 1-line initials are in red with blue penwork; smaller 1-line initials are in brown; paragraph marks, letters of running titles, and the roman numerals which are in the margins to designate chapters alternate in red and blue; biblical text written in the inner column although on fol. 2r commentary also appears to the left of the biblical passage; occasional interlinear glossing; punctuated with the punctus; hyphenation in the same ink as the text.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Gregory I, Pope, approximately 540-604., Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430., and Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
Manuscript on parchment of an illuminated Bible, with the prologues attributed to St. Jerome, and interpretations of the Hebrew names
In Latin., Script: probably copied by one hand in extremely small Gothica Textualis Libraria (Perlschrift). The alphabetical list of words is by a contemporary hand. Numerous historiated initials of various sizes with long vertical extensions., Manuscript on parchment of an illuminated Bible, with the prologues attributed to St. Jerome; interpretations of the Hebrew names: Interpretationes nominum Hebraicorum, with additions in the margins and at the end; an alphabetical list of words with explanations and/or ethymologies; a table of Epistles, Gospels and other readings for the ecclesiastical year: Temporale, Sanctorale and Common of the Saints; and a list, in two columns, of the kings of Juda and Israel., and Binding: 19th century: calf over cardboard; both covers and spine, in six compartments, gold-tooled. Purple silk doublures.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
Subject (Topic):
Versions, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of Durand of Huesca (ca. 1160-1224?), Biblical Distinctiones, an early 13th-century revision of Peter of Capua's (d. 1214) Alphabetum in artem sermocinandi. Marston MS 266 is apparently the only known witness to Durand's revision. With Rhymed life of Peter of Capua , in quatrains, composed by Durand of Huesca
In Latin., Script: Written in a fine early gothic bookhand by several scribes, above top line., Nice penwork initials, 7- to 3-line, for each letter of the alphabet, blue with red or vice versa. Smaller initials, 2-line, in similar but less intricate designs for chapter divisions. Chapter numbers, some initials, plain line fillers, and text divisions in red. Ornamental border, in red, encloses common ending for verses on f. 1r-v. Spaces for rubrics left unfilled. Majuscules in text stroked with pale yellow., Beginning and end of codex worm and rodent damaged., and Binding: Date? Fragmentary binding. Resewn with a chain stitch and the spine lined with coarse cloth. Plain, wound endbands and paste boards (composed of paper and parchment fragments of manuscripts), that once were covered with brick red tawed skin. Traces of two ties. Outline of rectangular label, now missing, on upper cover.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Durand, of Huesca. and Peter, of Capua, Cardinal.
Subject (Topic):
Biography, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript on parchment of prayers, liturgical regulations, and offices
In Latin., Script: Written by several scribes in gothic bookhand., Ornate initials in red, blue, and violet., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Damaged brown leather over pasteboards, recovered in paper. Red leather gilt label on spine reading: "Breviarum Manuscriptum".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Breviaries, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment of book two of Avicenna's Canon medicinae as translated from Arabic into Latin by Gerard of Cremona; the section contained in the fragment details a variety of herbs and their medicinal qualities
In Latin., Script: written in a heavily abbreviated, Gothic hand., Decoration: each medicinal entry begins with a 3-line initial, alternating red and blue with penwork in the contrasting color. Headings at the top of each page in red and blue. Each column contains decorative borderwork consisting of elongated strokes alternating in red and blue with red penwork., Layout: in two columns of 68 lines each., and Damage: the fragment has been removed from a binding, where it possibly served as a wrapper. Glue and binding material are still attached to one side of the leaf; the other side is discolored with offsetting from the later book. A piece from the spine remains attached and reads "Bbb" [?].
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Avicenna, 980-1037 and Gherardo, da Cremona, 1113 or 1114-1187
Subject (Topic):
Manuscripts, Medieval, Medicine, Medieval, and Medicine, Arab
Manuscript leaf on parchment of fragments of French verse
In French., Script: copied by a single hand writing Northern Gothica Textualis Libraria. The opening majuscules of the verses are written in a separate column but there is no decoration., and The inner edge is damaged and on the recto a few opening letters of verses are lost because of a hole in the parchment. In the center of the upper margin of f. 1r, in red ink: "XII."
Manuscript on parchment (badly damaged by moist; repaired using brownish paper) of 1) Boethius (c. 480-c. 524), Commentaria in Ciceronis Topica. 2-3) Chalcidius (400-410), Commentum in Platonis Timaeum
In Latin., Script: Copied by two hands in Praegothica: A copied art. 1, B copied artt. 2-3., A 5-line plain Romanesque initial in green at the beginning of art. 1 and a 2-line plain initial in blue on f. 1rb, both with a guide-letter in the margin. Space reserved for a 3- or 4-line initial on f. 3vb at the opening of chapter 49 (see art. 2). Two musical diagrams in pen and ink (see art. 2)., Ff. 2r-3v: due to the severe damage to the inner lower part of the leaves, four large sections of text are missing, including part of the triangular diagram of musical proportions on f. 2v. On f. 4, losses of text due to the defective state of the inner margin and several holes in the parchment., and With the fragments are kept the modern paper flyleaves, one cardboard board and some minor fragments of a binding of considerable dimensions (flyleaves 340 x 215 mm.). On one of the flyleaves the following pencil notes: "Fragment Boetius de musica"; "Phillipps sale May 1913" and "Ms. Ph(illipps) 20690".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Boethius, -524., Calcidius., Cicero, Marcus Tullius., and Plato.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of Petrus Cantor (c. 1130-1197), Commentum in libros Proverbiorum, Ecclesiastes, Sapientiae et Ecclesiastici
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in early Gothica Textualis. Running headlines in flourished majuscules alternately red and blue; they stop after f. 6., Many leaves are badly soiled., Red underlining of biblical passages. 2-line flourished initials with extensions in the margin or in the intercolumnar space; they are in red and blue on ff. in quire I, in red only in quires II-III (two flourished initials on f. 1v are also executed only in red); two initials of that type are missing, ff. 11r and 16r. Larger initials at the beginning of the commentary of new Bible books: 4-line littera duplex "B(eatus)" on f. 4r, Prologue to Ecclesiastes; 3-line "Q(uecumque)" on f. 8v, Prologue to Wisdom; 11-line "S(ummi)" and 6-line "O(mnis)", both red on beige background, on f. 15r, Prologue and text of Ecclesiasticus., and Binding: unbound.