A man and woman in their pajamas and slippers stand looking in fright at the closed door of their bedroom. He wears a night cap and stands with a weapon in each hand, pointed at the door; his figure casts a large shadow on the back wall and over the bureau on which sits his tricorne hat. His wife (right) clings to his nightshirt, as she holds up a candlestick to light their way. She has her hair tied up in a scarf. To the right, their infant cries in its basket under which sits a overflowing chamber pot. On the other side of the closed door is a small mouse
Title etched below image., Series title and number from caption above image., Printmaker's name etched in image, on left baseboard., Plate 14 in this series is dated 1817 in the British Museum online catalogue., Sheet dimensions from British Museum catalogue., "The series 'Musée Grotesque' consists of at least 65 plates, made over a long period between March 1814 and August 1829. They seem all to have been designed, and in some cases etched, by Godissart de Cari, and all are placed under his name in the British Museum. The first four plates of the series, unlike the others, do not carry the heading 'Musée Grotesque' but rather 'Les Nouvellistes' and are numbered 1 to 4."--British Museum online catalogue., and Sheet trimmed to plate mark: 21.2 x 29 cm.
"Satire: an Englishman falls while reaching out for a side of meat; in the background a wall with mock advertisements."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date from British Museum online catalogue., "Déposé au Bureau des Estampes.", and This print is listed in the 'Bibliographie de France' for 17 February 1816 by Basset. See British Museum online catalogue.
"A handsome young Highland officer walks arm-in-arm with a slightly taller young woman. Her hair under her flat feathered hat is in a small bag or net of tartan. Behind these walk in single file the family descending in height. First, a youth in Highland uniform, next three girls, the second without a hat, her hair curling on her shoulders. Last a small boy, in Highland uniform, carrying a stick across his shoulder, musket-wise, and holding a dog on a lead. The dress of all the girls is plainer, skimpier, and shorter than that of Frenchwomen; all, except the youngest, have bodices or spencers of different colours from their skirts."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Date from British Museum online catalogue., and "Déposé."
Chez Genty, rue St. Jacques, No. 14
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Dogs, Ethnic stereotypes, Families, and Kilts