Leaf 4. Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
The new ministry is depicted on a large carousel, erected in front of the "Crown and Royal Bob" Inn. The structure is supported by a center pole held in place by pegs labelled "Treasury," "Navy" and "Army" terminating at the top with the head of the King in the form of a wig block. Fox, with a fox's head and tail, leads the procession, holding a bag of money. Behind him, Lord North on a horse with its legs cut short, loses his wig; Burke in Jesuit's habit and on a similarly lame horse, has partially turned into a skeleton due to his economical reform; Admiral Keppel behind him is desperate to remain seated on his donkey. Lastly a Scotsman labelled "President" signifies Scottish influence over the Crown. Watching from a seat before the Inn, a complacent John Bull mouths slogans of liberty, unaware that his house is being plundered behind him
Alternative Title:
New state whirligig
Title etched below image., Restrike, with "J. Gillray fecit" added in lower right corner. For original issue of the plate, see no. 6227 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 5., Plate from: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c. [London] : [Field & Tuer], [ca. 1868?], Cf. Wright, T. Works of James Gillray, the caricaturist with the history of his life and times, page 48., and On leaf 4 of: Caricatures drawn & etched by those celebrated artists Gillray, Rowlandson, Cruikshanks, &c.
Pubd. May 5th, 1783, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand and Field & Tuer
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Keppel, Augustus Keppel, Viscount, 1725-1786
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Politics and government, Taverns (Inns), Merry-go-rounds, Wigs, Flags, British, Robberies, and Clothing & dress
The new ministry is depicted on a large carousel, erected in front of the "Crown and Royal Bob" Inn. The structure is supported by a center pole held in place by pegs labelled "Treasury," "Navy" and "Army" terminating at the top with the head of the King in the form of a wig block. Fox, with a fox's head and tail, leads the procession, holding a bag of money. Behind him, Lord North on a horse with its legs cut short, loses his wig; Burke in Jesuit's habit and on a similarly lame horse, has partially turned into a skeleton due to his economical reform; Admiral Keppel behind him is desperate to remain seated on his donkey. Lastly a Scotsman labelled "President" signifies Scottish influence over the Crown. Watching from a seat before the Inn, a complacent John Bull mouths slogans of liberty, unaware that his house is being plundered behind him
Alternative Title:
New state whirligig
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text above image in upper left: Poor John Bull's house plunder'd at noon day., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted to 30 x 41 cm.
Pubd. May 5th, 1783, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Keppel, Augustus Keppel, Viscount, 1725-1786
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Politics and government, Taverns (Inns), Merry-go-rounds, Wigs, Flags, British, Robberies, and Clothing & dress
The new ministry is depicted on a large carousel, erected in front of the "Crown and Royal Bob" Inn. The structure is supported by a center pole held in place by pegs labelled "Treasury," "Navy" and "Army" terminating at the top with the head of the King in the form of a wig block. Fox, with a fox's head and tail, leads the procession, holding a bag of money. Behind him, Lord North on a horse with its legs cut short, loses his wig; Burke in Jesuit's habit and on a similarly lame horse, has partially turned into a skeleton due to his economical reform; Admiral Keppel behind him is desperate to remain seated on his donkey. Lastly a Scotsman labelled "President" signifies Scottish influence over the Crown. Watching from a seat before the Inn, a complacent John Bull mouths slogans of liberty, unaware that his house is being plundered behind him
Alternative Title:
New state whirligig
Title from item., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Text above image in upper left: Poor John Bull's house plunder'd at noon day., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., 1 print : etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 25.0 x 35.2 cm, on sheet 29.0 x 40.3 cm., and Mounted on leaf 65 of volume 1 of 12.
Pubd. May 5th, 1783, by W. Humphrey, No. 227 Strand
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and England
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, North, Frederick, Lord, 1732-1792, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, and Keppel, Augustus Keppel, Viscount, 1725-1786
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Politics and government, Taverns (Inns), Merry-go-rounds, Wigs, Flags, British, Robberies, and Clothing & dress
"Satire on the negotiations for the Peace of Paris. A lion and lioness (the King and Queen) look in alarm from the window of a coach (Great Britain) as it crashes against a large rock. Lord Bute, the driver, and Princess Augusta, who has been sitting beside him, fall headlong to the ground and the horses (bearing names connected with British actions in the Seven Years War: "Germany", "Guardeloup", "Pondechery", "America", "Martinico" and "Quebec") run off. Bute cries out, "De'el dam that Havanna Snuff its all most blinded me". The postilion, Henry Fox, lies on the ground having hit his head on a rock labelled "Newfound Land"; a speech balloon lettered "Snugg" emerges from his mouth. Behind him Pitt, holding a whip, grasps the leading horse's reins; the Marquis of Granby gallops up to assist him, together with William Beckford (who was shortly to become Lord Mayor of London) and the Duke of Newcastle. In the foreground is a conflict involving a number of journalists: Bute's supporters, Arthur Murphy and Tobias Smollett shoot their pistols at Pitt, and further to the right Charles Churchill, in clerical robes, fires a cannon labelled "North Briton" at them, causing another man to fall to the ground his arm resting on a copy of the Gazetteer (the fallen man must be either Charles Say, editor, or John Almon, contributor to the Gazetteer, an anti-Bute newspaper), with the headline, "A letter from Darlington" (a reference to Henry Vane, 2nd Earl of Darlington, a relation of Bute's by marriage). The British lion beside Churchill urinates on the Scottish thistle. Behind this group, the Duke of Cumberland runs forward anxiously mopping his bald head, having lost his wig. In the background are Lord Mansfield and the Earl of Loudon, the latter suggesting that they retreat (a reference to his failure to capture Louisbourg from the French in 1757). To the right a group of Scotsmen are driven off by two Englishmen with whips; another Scot sits on the ground scratching himself."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Fall of Mortimer, Coach overturned, and Coach overturn'd
Title etched above image., Publication date from British Museum catalogue., and Four columns of verse below image: With raptures Britannia take notice at last, proud Sawney turn'd over by driving too fast ...
publisher not identified
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain. and Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805, Smollett, T. 1721-1771 (Tobias),, Churchill, Charles, 1731-1764, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, Mansfield, William Murray, Earl of, 1705-1793, Granby, John Manners, Marquis of, 1721-1770, and Mortimer, Roger de, Earl of March, 1287?-1330.
Subject (Topic):
Seven Years' War, 1756-1763, Politics and government, Cannons, Carriages & coaches, Journalists, National emblems, British, Scottish, and Newspapers
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '3' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Temporary local subject terms: Street scenes -- Coffee-houses -- Male dress: Roman armor -- Emblems: jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Buildings: warehouse -- Reference to the peace negotiation in Paris, 1762: territorial concessions -- Reference to the East India Company -- Excise -- Whigs -- Chancellors -- Vehicles: go-cart -- Buildings: hospital., and On page 296 in volume 3. Sheet: 7.1 x 10.3 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), National emblems, Scottish, and British
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '3' in upper right corner., Plate from: The British antidote to Caledonian poison ... for the year 1762. [London] : Sold at Mr. Sumpter's bookseller, [1763]., Temporary local subject terms: Street scenes -- Coffee-houses -- Male dress: Roman armor -- Emblems: jack boot (Lord Bute) -- Buildings: warehouse -- Reference to the peace negotiation in Paris, 1762: territorial concessions -- Reference to the East India Company -- Excise -- Whigs -- Chancellors -- Vehicles: go-cart -- Buildings: hospital., and Mounted to 31 x 33 cm.
E. Sumpter
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Augusta, Princess of Wales, 1719-1772, William Augustus, Prince, Duke of Cumberland, 1721-1765, Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 1708-1778, Hogarth, William, 1697-1764, and Holland, Henry Fox, Baron, 1705-1774
Subject (Topic):
Britannia (Symbolic character), National emblems, Scottish, and British
"The design follows that of British Museum Satires No. 7313 which it parodies. Hastings (three quarter length), in profile to the right, holds out his hands to demonstrate the objects which are seen in the diminishing rays of his camera obscura, and which reflect (in the foreground) the objects from the upper part of the design. These are [1] an 'Elephant' chained to a British flag devouring an Indian and trampling on the body of another; [2] 'Mount Ossa', a conical mountain. [3] 'Begums in Tears': a British officer raises his sword to smite a kneeling Indian woman whom he holds by the hair; other women kneel at his feet; on the ground is a decapitated infant. A wagon, with a British flag, inscribed 'Plunder' drives off in the background. [4] 'a Whale' spouting. In the rays of the camera obscura these objects, much reduced, are respectively inscribed: 'a Flea', 'a Wart'. 'Skin'd Mice'. 'An Ouzle'. Three persons (half length) stand on the right watching the reflected scenes: Thurlow says "Charmingly diminish'd". Queen Charlotte, decked with jewels, clasps her hands, saying with a pleased smile, "Poor Mice! I shall cry my Eyes out". George III looks through an opera-glass, saying, '"Very like an Ouzle"'."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from text in bottom part of image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Text below title, in lower right: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays., and Mounted on leaf 35 of volume 2 of 12.
Pubd. May 9th, 1788, by S.W. Fores, N. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Hastings, Warren, 1732-1818, Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, Baron, 1731-1806, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, and Charlotte, consort of George III, King of Great Britain, 1744-1818
Subject (Topic):
Flags, British, Elephants, Mountains, Military officers, Carts & wagons, Decapitations, Daggers & swords, and Whales
"George III, half length, stands in profile to the left, a holding a tiny Napoleon on the palm of his right hand, and inspecting him through a spy-glass. He says: "My little friend Grildrig, you have made a most admirable \ "panegyric upon Yourself and Country, but from what I can \ "gather from your own relation & the answers I have with \ "much pains wringed & extorted from you, I cannot but con- \ "-clude you to be one of the most pernicious, little - odious \ "-reptiles, that nature ever suffer'd to crawl upon the surface of the Earth." He wears military uniform with a bag-wig. The only background is a dark cloud-like shadow across the lower part of the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Artist identified as Lt-Col Thomas Braddyll, a young amateur who supplied designs for satirical prints to James Gillray. See British Museum catalogue., Text following title: Vide Swift's Gulliver: Voyage to Brobdingnag., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on lower edge., and Watermark: J. Ruse 1802.
Pubd. June 26th, 1803, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. Jamess [sic] Street
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, and Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
Subject (Topic):
Adaptations, parodies, etc, Telescopes, Military uniforms, British, and French
"George III, half length, stands in profile to the left, a holding a tiny Napoleon on the palm of his right hand, and inspecting him through a spy-glass. He says: "My little friend Grildrig, you have made a most admirable \ "panegyric upon Yourself and Country, but from what I can \ "gather from your own relation & the answers I have with \ "much pains wringed & extorted from you, I cannot but con- \ "-clude you to be one of the most pernicious, little - odious \ "-reptiles, that nature ever suffer'd to crawl upon the surface of the Earth." He wears military uniform with a bag-wig. The only background is a dark cloud-like shadow across the lower part of the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Printmaker from British Museum catalogue., Artist identified as Lt-Col Thomas Braddyll, a young amateur who supplied designs for satirical prints to James Gillray. See British Museum catalogue., Text following title: Vide Swift's Gulliver: Voyage to Brobdingnag., Sheet trimmed within plate mark on lower edge., 1 print : etching & aquatint on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 35.5 x 25.4 cm, on sheet 36.6 x 27.4 cm., and Mounted on leaf 59 of volume 5 of 12.
Pubd. June 26th, 1803, by H. Humphrey, 27 St. Jamess [sic] Street
Subject (Name):
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821, George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, and Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
Subject (Topic):
Adaptations, parodies, etc, Telescopes, Military uniforms, British, and French
Surrendred March 22, 1770 and Surrendered March 22, 1770
Two designs within one plate, each titled separately., Description based on imperfect impression; sheet trimmed within plate mark resulting in loss of statement of responsibility., Publication place, date and statement of responsibility from British Museum catalogue., Plate from: The Political register and London museum. London : Printed for J. Almon [1767-1772], v. 6 (1770), p. 309., Temporary local subject terms: Magna Charta -- Petitions: City Petition, March 14, 1770 -- Cross -- Male costume: king's robes., and Mounted to 20 x 14 cm.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
John, King of England, 1167-1216 and George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820