Manuscript, on vellum, in a single hand, of a version of this fourteenth-century pastoral manual. The text is in eight sections, or Tabulae, in Latin, with extensive passages in Middle English prose and interpolated Middle English verse
In Latin and Middle English., Layout: single columns of 32 lines., Script: written in an English bookhand., Decoration: red and blue initials with contrasting penwork., and Binding: nineteenth-century morocco.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Clergy, Christian life, English poetry, English prose literature, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of a Middle English text of the Book of Sir John Mandeville, probably related to the "Defective Version." Biblical quotations in Middle English on f63v-f64v
Alternative Title:
Itinerarium. English
Sir John Mandeville is the suppositious author of the "travel" book known as the Book of Sir John Mandeville, or Mandeville's Travels. Written in the 14th century in Anglo-Norman French, it was widely popular and thought to be an accurate account of a knight's journey through Europe, the Middle East and Asia., In Middle English., Title supplied by cataloger., Annotation, in a later hand, on f1r: Sir John Mandevile's Travails., Script: cursive anglicana hand in brown ink; 32 lines per page., Side notes and notation marks in various hands, 15th-17th century., Opening illuminated initial with ivy-leaf sprays into margins and 17 blue initials with extensive red penwork flourishing. Three contemporary or near-contemporary marginal drawings, one with color wash, of manicula., and Binding: 18th-century full mottled calf, gilt. Spine label reads: Mandevil's travails.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Mandeville, John, Sir.
Subject (Topic):
English prose literature, Voyages and travels, and Manuscripts, Medieval