The equestrian statue of George III dressed as Marcus Aurelius stands behind the brick wall of Lansdowne House in Berkeley Square, London, watching the assembly in the garden through a spy-glass. Above the wall, hats with French republican cockades are being waved while invisible speakers express support shouting "Vive Barrere," and "C̦a ira," in reference to Lord Lansdowne's failed motion for peace with France in February 1794. In the background is the facade of the house
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., One of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition ..."; see British Museum catalogue., and Mounted on page 81 with one other print.
Publd. 17 March 1794 by H. Humphrey
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and France
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805., Barère, B. 1755-1841. (Bertrand),, and Lansdowne House (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Statues, Politics and government, Foreign relations, Sculpture, Horses, Garden walls, and Hats
The equestrian statue of George III dressed as Marcus Aurelius stands behind the brick wall of Lansdowne House in Berkeley Square, London, watching the assembly in the garden through a spy-glass. Above the wall, hats with French republican cockades are being waved while invisible speakers express support shouting "Vive Barrere," and "C̦a ira," in reference to Lord Lansdowne's failed motion for peace with France in February 1794. In the background is the facade of the house
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., One of a set of seven prints "Outlines of the Opposition ..."; see British Museum catalogue., and Mounted to 43 x 35 cm.
Publd. 17 March 1794 by H. Humphrey
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain and France
Subject (Name):
George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820., George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820, Lansdowne, William Petty, Marquis of, 1737-1805., Barère, B. 1755-1841. (Bertrand),, and Lansdowne House (London, England),
Subject (Topic):
Statues, Politics and government, Foreign relations, Sculpture, Horses, Garden walls, and Hats
Two fashionably dressed women with large feathers in their hats. One lady carries a parasol; the other's arm is held by an equally fashionable gentleman. A dog jumps excitedly at their feet. They stand in the lane in a park (presumably St. James's) before a bench; an allée in the background on the right
Alternative Title:
Fashions of the day
Title etched below image., Plate numbered '329' on left below image., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Published 1st Augt. 1796 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
Subject (Geographic):
Saint James's Park (London, England), and England
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Benches, Dogs, Hats, Parks, Umbrellas, and Walking
"Turkish soldiers, scattered over a wide parade-ground, are being instructed in squads, groups, and as individuals, by French officers. In the foreground a Turkish potentate, the Sultan or perhaps the Grand Vizier, leans against the stump of a tree, turning his head in profile to the left to watch the soldiers. At his feet (left) kneels a Black enslaved person who is filling a long pipe; beside him a fire burns on a tiny tripod. On the right a Frenchman pulls the long moustache of a Turk, striking him with his cane. Next, three awkward Turks are being taught musket drill. On the left a Turk threatens an officer, drawing his sabre. In the middle distance a Frenchman puts his hand on the projecting stomach of an obese Turk, to make his attitude more soldierly. In the background are a marching squad (left) and a firing squad (right) and, beyond, an officer is attacked by three Turks with sabres raised to strike. Behind (left) is a Turkish fort. The officers are not caricatured nor is their dress exaggerated. The Turks wear baggy trousers with either a fez or a turban; all have long moustaches."--British Museum online catague
Title engraved below image, in two lines., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Richard Bull (1725-1806) attritbutes the print to Isaac Landmann of Woolwich on his undated copy in an album held in the British Museum. See Museum number: 1931,0413.185., This image was first published in Vienna by Hieronymus Löschenkohl and then engraved once again by Johann Martin Will Augsburg in 1783., Watermark: fleur-de-lis on crowned shield with monogram CP at the bottom and countermark Patoh., and Ms. annotation in contemporary hand, numbered '64'.
Published April 3rd, 1791, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Name):
Selim III, Sultan of the Turks, 1761-1808
Subject (Topic):
Austro-Turkish War, 1788-1790, Russo-Turkish War, 1787-1792, Black people, Clothing & dress, Turkish, Daggers & swords, Hats, Forts & fortifications, Military inspections, Military officers, French, Military training, Military uniforms, Pipes (Smoking), Tableware, Rifles, Soldiers, and Enslaved people
"A number of persons take shelter under the enormous hat-brim of a lady who screams, clasping her hands in alarm. An infant chimney-sweep or 'climbing boy' has climbed up her petticoats and sits astride on their lateral projection. A larger chimney-sweep is about to climb up, putting one foot on his sack of soot. A cloaked market-woman, smoking a pipe, stands under the shelter, as does a man in the dress of a naval officer. A sailor, wearing trousers, his arms folded, appears to be dancing a hornpipe under the shelter of the hat. In the background (right) a lady walks (right to left) holding up a small umbrella which shelters only a minute part of her enormous hat which extends far beyond her projecting breast and petticoats. In the foreground chickens run towards a hen for shelter. A house (left) and a high wall behind which is a tree (right) complete the design."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Any port in a storm
Title from item., On verso, in pencil: questionable attribution to Kingsbury., and Watermark in center of sheet.
Pub'd by S.W. Fores, at the Caricature Warehouse, No. 3 Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Chickens, Chimney sweeps, Clothing & dress, Hats, Sailors, British, Street vendors, Umbrellas, and Uniforms
A young woman and young man stand full-length in the latest fashion, enormous hats, high hairstyles, exaggerated cravats, etc
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed partially within plate mark., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Watermark (partial) on right edge center: fleur-de-lis on shield.
"Satire on village life. A country fair in which three young women are running for the prize of a smock; the third in line has tripped over a dog and is being helped up by a man. In the foreground, left to right: a young couple embrace beneath two trees hung with drapery; a small girl fills a mug of beer from a cask on which leans the village constable, asleep, with an empty mug in his lap; a small girl beside him holds a book lettered, "Compleat Peace Off[ice]r."; a dog steals food from a plate discarded on the ground; an old man stands on tip-toe holding his eye-glass to read a notice lettered, "To be Run for by Men in Sacks, A Flitch of Bacon on Tuesday next" which is pinned to one of the trees; a sailor sits on a branch of the tree holding up the hem of the prize smock which hangs on a pole at either end of which is a three-cornered hat; another sailor lounges on the ground looking at the runing women, a large jug near his foot; a chimney boy grabs a gingerbread crown from a boy who is holding a donkey by a chain; a small girl holds a younger child who waves another gingerbread crown while a dog jumps up to reach it. Behind the area roped off for the race is a crowd of spectators and a farm cart which a woman climbs into with the help of two men and another woman already in the cart; a man with a cockade in his hat waves a small flag on a pole, perhaps indicating the start of the race; a larger flag with a cross flies behind; other villagers are gathered in and around a makeshift tent; a one-horse carriage driven by a woman and carrying a gentleman comes into the scene from the right; behind the carriage two men are fencing. Women watch from upper windows of a large house in the background; on its walls are two bird-bottles and a dove-cote which a cat is eyeing with interest from a window sill; beyond is a windmill."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Country fairs -- Buildings -- Prizes: Holland smock -- Tricorne hats -- Constables -- Barrels with spiggots -- Beer -- Food: gingerbread -- Vehicles -- Chaise -- Animals -- Trades -- Donkey-driver -- Dishes: tankards -- Dove-cot -- Placards: race notice -- Customs: allusion to the "Flitch of bacon" -- Quizzing glasses -- Naval uniforms: sailor's uniform., and Mounted to 28 x 38 cm.
Printed for Robt. Sayer, No. 53 in Fleet Street, & Jno. Smith, No. 35 in Cheapside, London
A lady, wearing over her dress a military coat with epaulets, stands plying her whip as she drives the two small white ponies who pull her carriage past the Cox Heath signpost. Her clothes mirror those of the fat and elderly militia officer who sleeps in the seat at her side, his hands clasped around his sword. A large dog sits in front of her. Observing the spectacle from a side road are three country travellers in a covered wagon which bears a sign "The Maidstone Common Stage Waggon".
Title from item., Publication date erased from print., Date surmised from British Museum catalogue, v. 5, Appendix, "Key to the dates of the series of Mezzotints issued by Carington Bowles.", and Numbered in lower left of plate 391.
Printed for & sold by Carington Bowles at his map & print warehouse, No.69 in St. Pauls Church Yard, London
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
Military uniforms, British, Military officers, Sleeping, Clothing & dress, Carriages & coaches, Covered wagons, Horses, and Hats