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1. A nievve herball, or, Historie of plantes : wherein is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes, their diuers & sundry kindes, their straunge figures, fashions, and shapes: their names, natures, operations, and vertues, and that not onely of those which are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande, but of all others also of forrayne realmes, commonly used in physicke
- Creator:
- Dodoens, Rembert, 1517-1585
- Published / Created:
- 1578
- Call Number:
- 2012 +286
- Image Count:
- 32
- Alternative Title:
- Cruydeboeck. English, Nievve herball, Niewe herball, and Historie of plantes
- Description:
- BEIN 2012 +286: 30 cm. Imperfect: woodcut initial excised from p. 574, with slight loss of lettering to p. 573; last two gatherings repaired at bottom, with some loss of text, some of which is supplied in manuscript. This copy has the variant state of leaves *3.4. Ownership inscriptions of Thomas Lane on three pages, one each dated 1673 and 1678, and his initials stamped on binding. Ms. note at end, dated 1638, makes reference to "my Mother Gollop." Presentation bookplate dated 1936 from Mrs. A.G. Hartland to the Hartland Library (Gloucestershire). Stamp with shelf-mark: Gloucestershire Public Library. Annotations in 16th-17th century hands, some trimmed. Small pocket with library cards on front paste-down. Numerous dealers' descriptions for various editions of this text inserted at front. Plant samples pressed in volume., BEIN 2014 +781: 28 cm. Imperfect: P. [24-25], third count, wanting; p. [2-3], third count, and [22-23], third count, mutilated, with loss of text; t.p. mutilated, with slight loss of ornamental border; edges trimmed, with occasional slight loss of text. This copy has the variant state of leaves *3.4. Undeciphered autographs at top edge of t.p., partially lost through trimming. Autograph on t.p.: Wm. Booth 1780. Autograph on p. [9], first count: This herball which you heeare doe see/doth wholly appertaine to mee/for why my monny bought the same/and Richard Drafgate is my name. Unidentifed bookplate on front paste-down: HC. Very occasional ms. notes along outer margin, with heavy loss due to trimming., Signatures: *⁶ ²*⁶ A-3G⁶ 3H-3I⁴ 3K-3X⁶ 3Y⁴ (*3 signed '[fleuron]iij')., Colophon: Imrinted [sic] at Antwerpe, by me Henry Loë bookeprinter, and are to be solde at London in Povvels Churchyarde, by Gerard Devves., A translation of the French translation by Charles de l'Ecluse of: Cruydenboeck., Imprint in two settings. In this setting, second line of imprint begins "by me". Another setting begins "by my" (ESTC S107363)., Variant state of leaves *3.4 present in some copies. *3r has first line of caption title in black letter, the variant state does not. *4r is signed and has catchword "Cubba,", the variant state is not signed and has catchword "Cuba,"., and Includes indexes in Latin and English.
- Publisher:
- By me Gerard Dewes, dwelling in Pawles Churchyarde at the signe of the Swanne, By me Henry Loë bookeprinter, and are to be solde at London in Povvels Churchyarde, by Gerard Devves)
- Subject (Topic):
- Herbals, Botany, Medical, Botany, Herbs, and Therapeutic use
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > A nievve herball, or, Historie of plantes : wherein is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes, their diuers & sundry kindes, their straunge figures, fashions, and shapes: their names, natures, operations, and vertues, and that not onely of those which are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande, but of all others also of forrayne realmes, commonly used in physicke
2. Herbal in prose and verse
- Published / Created:
- [ca. 1400-1425]
- Call Number:
- Takamiya MS 46
- Image Count:
- 114
- Resource Type:
- unspecified
- Abstract:
- Manuscript, on parchment, in a single hand, containing an herbal in prose and verse. The volume opens with two Middle English poems, showing traces of East Anglian dialect, describing a variety of herbs and their medicinal properties, as well as accepted cures and prescriptions for a number of ailments. These are followed by Middle English and Latin prose texts also concerning herbal medicine
- Description:
- In Middle English and Latin., Laid in: parchment fragment probably recovered from earlier binding., Layout: single columns of 33 lines., Script: English bookhand., Decoration: some initials, headings and words in red ink., and Binding: modern vellum boards.
- Subject (Geographic):
- Connecticut and New Haven.
- Subject (Topic):
- English poetry, English prose literature, Herbals, Herbs, Therapeutic use, Manuscripts, Medieval, Medicine, and Medicine, Medieval
- Found in:
- Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library > Herbal in prose and verse