In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata, in two sizes., Rich decoration: 1-line versals and 2-line initials, both of the dentelle type; 2-line KL-monograms of the same type in the Calendar. Floral outer margin borders normally on the pages with 2-line initials. Four-margins borders and miniatures above 3 lines of text opening with a 3-line foliate initial, on ff. 13r (Annuntiation), 25r (Visitation), 38r (Crucifixion), 39v (Pentecost), 41r (Nativity), 46r (Annuntiation to the Shepherds), 50r (Adoration of the Magi), 58v (Flight into Egypt), 65r (Coronation of the Virgin), 76r (Saint John on Patmos), 99r (Funeral mass). The miniatures are rounded at the top. The borders contain acanths and a multitude of gold vine and other leaves, flowers, animals, hybrids and monsters. The artist is said to be Péronet Lamy, an illuminator in the service of the Dukes of Savoy in the second quarter of the fifteenth century., and Binding: contemporary binding: brown calf over rounded wooden boards. Both covers entirely blind-tooled with rows of juxtaposed stamps: monkeys and fleurs-de-lys in the central panel; rosettes and phoenix(?) in the frame. Clasps missing.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
In Low German., Script: Written in a neat batarde by two scribes: Scribe 1, ff. 1r-17v; Scribe 2, ff. 19r-186r., Fourteen good full-page miniatures of typical Southern Netherlandish production of the late 15th century. The miniatures (except those on ff. 1v, 18v, 159r) are painted over ruling for a normal text page and are set in wide arched frames of gold and black, within a full border of blue, gold, pink, and pale orange acanthus leaves, with red, purple, and blue flowers. Illuminated initials, 7-, 5-, or 4-line, with full borders on ff. 1r, 96r, 127r, 146r, 158r, 166r, and 177r: blue with white highlights filled with red, blue, and green trilobe leaves on a gold ground, borders as for miniatures. The text is set off from the border by a narrow black, gold, white, and red frame not joined to the initial. Nine illuminated initials, 5- or 4-line, with three-quarter borders: gold on pink and blue, with white highlights, borders as for miniatures. 6-, 5-, 3-, and 2-line initials in gold on pink and blue, with white highlights; black ink hair-spray, with gold trilobe leaves and flowers, attached. 1-line initials in blue with red penwork or gold with black penwork; within the text, a black initial occasionally marked with a red stroke. Line-fillers in Litany only; leaves, cables, oblique lines with dots attached, etc., in blue or gold. Rubrics in orange-tinted red or crimson., and Binding: Seventeenth century. Resewn on three twisted vegetable fiber cores laced into wooden boards. The colored, beaded endbands are embroidered on a piece of material, probably parchment, which extends to the outside of the boards. The spine is round and lined with parchment; the edges gilt and with a faintly discernable honeycomb pattern. Covered in light brown calf, extensively gold-tooled. There are two fastenings, the catches on the upper board, brass clasps attached to leather straps which are nailed to the lower board through metal plates. The lower joint has cracked and all the spine leather is detached from the bookblock, giving the effect of a case binding.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the Penitential Psalms (incomplete), probably written as part of a Book of Hours
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in liturgical gothic script., Carefully executed initials, 3-line, on blue or pink rectangles outlined in black, mark the beginning of each psalm; partial cusped borders, also in blue and pink, attached to each. Initials infilled with intertwining vines, often on gold ground, sometimes with small animals; modest use of gold dots inside rectangular grounds and borders. 1-line initials of blue with red penwork with blue dots and of gold with blue penwork and red dots. Line-fillers in combinations of red, blue and gold (various linear and flower designs)., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Bound in a piece of blind-tooled brown calf, once part of a 17th-18th century binding. Front pastedown and flyleaf from a Bible concordance, version 3 (France, ca. 1300). Back pastedown from 15th-century antiphonal, with musical notation, containing a portion of the office for Nicolas (6 Dec.).
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Antiphonaries, Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment (very stiff) of a Book of Hours; With Calendar in French
In Latin., Script: Written in liturgical gothic verging on batarde, by one scribe., Crude miniatures by two artists whose compositions, figure types, and painterly technique reflect faintly the work of Jean Colombe, active in Bourges in the late fifteenth century. The miniatures by the first artist (all except ff. 74r and 138r) are in arched frames, in purple or crimson ink, occasionally with black cusping on the arch, tangential or close to upper bounding line, set within a 3/4 strip, either beige with alternating blue and pink flowers and black flecks, edged in black, or gold with blue and red trilobe leaves., Traced full or 3/4 borders, one (f. 25r) compartmentalized in gold and blue, with an angel bearing the arms of the Coquille family (azure, 3 escallops or [Coquille], impaled with ermine [Garnier]), red bounding line, filled with blue and green acanthus, flowers, strawberries, grotesques, gold balls, and pen flecks. Initials accompanying miniatures, 4- and 3-line, pink and blue with white highlights on gold, filled with a flower on a beige ground. The miniatures by the second artist (ff. 74r and 138r), probably an assistant to the first, are in thick crimson frames, with 3/4 borders as above, except with finer and stiffer acanthus, each with an initial, 4- or 3-line, gold on blue and crimson with white highlights. Calendar with zodiac signs and occupations of the months set within 3/4 borders, as above. 2-line initials, KL monograms, as above; name of month, dates, major feasts in gold, other feasts alternately in blue and red. Rubrics in crimson or in blue., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Tan calf case, heavily gold-tooled spine and doublures. Bound by C. Lewis (leading figure in English binding 1800-40). Dark red-brown cover (16th-17th centuries) inset on sides.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of a Book of Hours for the use of a convent
In Latin., Script: Copied mainly by one hand writing Northern Textualis Formata in two sizes with Central European features. A second less formal hand copied ff. 29r, lines 11-18 and 30r-31v, i.e. the beginning of art. 2. Musical notation in Nota Quadrata., Headings and rubrics in red. Heightening of majuscules in red. 1-line red versals; 2-line plain initials (sometimes slightly decorated) in red. Intricate large flourished cadels in black filled with red in the texts accompanying musical notation. Art. 4 opens with a 6-line littera duplex in red and brownish red with red penwork. Guide letters for all initials. On f. 29v full-page picture of the crowned Virgin and Child, Mary presenting a flower to the Child, on a flowery pink background in a green and red rectangular frame., On some pages the ink is very faded., and Binding: Seventeenth century. Damaged brownish pigskin over bevelled wooden boards, the covers blind-tooled with frames of fillets and rolls; the central rectangle on the front cover, otherwise free, is decorated with a large oval stamp, heavily worn but probably picturing the Virgin in the Sun. Spine with three raised bands. Remnants of two brass clasps attached to the rear cover. Marks of a chain attachment at the bottom of the rear cover. Red edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Monasticism and religious orders
Manuscript on parchment of a book of hours in the Premonstratensian use
In Latin., Script: Written by a single copyist in two sizes of liturgical gothic script., One miniature, f. v verso: Saul on the Road to Damascus, an addition (between 1500 and 1510) of fair quality, in an arched frame, brown and gold; a scatter border of flowers and insects on a beige ground, brown edging. Large initials, one (f. 4r) 8-line (45 x 45 mm.) on burnished gold with tooling, the others either on burnished gold with tooling (ff. 1r, 38r, 72v, 127v) or on pink and blue grounds (ff. 154r, 161r, 193v), set in full scatter borders of acanthus twigs (either gold with pink and brown or red, blue, and/or pink), flowers and, in some cases, birds, over compartmentalized (blue/gold, pink/beige, blue/dark blue, beige/brown), beige and parchment (with and without a background of black pen flecks) grounds; some borders without bounding lines. On f. 1r, an unidentified coat of arms in each corner of the border. Upper left and lower right, sable, in chief 2 wreaths vert with dots gules and or, in base a rose per pale gules and argent, barbed vert, seeded or. Upper right, or, a bear (?) rampant argent, langued gules. Lower left, ermine, a fess gules with 4 plates, cottised sable. Small initials, 3-line, gold, either filled with pink with gold filigree on a blue ground decorated with acanthus and black flecks, or filled with blue on a pink ground decorated with black filigree; some with additional flowers or pink and blue acanthus; all associated with short border strips, as above. Numerous 3- and 4-line initials, blue, filled with red curling acanthus drawn in pen, surrounded by red or crimson penwork. 2- and 1-line initials in red or blue. Rubrics throughout., Pieces of the illuminated borders have been cut from ff. 4, 38, 127, 154, and 193. Ink has run or been rubbed in several places, including ff. v verso and 1r., and Binding: Sixteenth century. Sewn on three double vegetable fiber cords laced into wooden boards. The book is so tightly bound that it is impossible to determine whether or not the sewing is original. No endband grooves. Edges gilt. Covered in dark brown calf with a panel stamp of the Virgin and Child on a crescent, within a flambent aureole in the center of each board, hearts pierced with an arrow and a dagger (?) in a diamond, stars in circles above and below the central stamp, all within a vine scroll border. Traces of one fastening, two later fastenings added. Rebacked, very possibly by the binder who rebacked MS 7 as there is a similar, unusual, endcap treatment.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church and Premonstratensians.
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
In Latin and French., Script: Written by a single scribe in Gothica Cursiva Formata (Bastarda) in two sizes. The ascenders on the top line often have calligraphic extensions., Red headings. Heightening of the majuscules in yellow. All initials (1- or 2-lines) are on a rectangular background and are executed in paint and liquid gold. At the opening of the various Hours there are 4-line initials of the same type, always accompanied by full acanthus borders and an arch-topped miniature. The borders are framed in gold and may also contain leaves, flowers, fruit, birds., and Binding: Modern limp vellum with two pairs of white leather ties. The preceding 19th-century binding is preserved: dark brown leather over cardboard, both covers framed with blind-tooled fillets; spine with four raised bands and gold-tooled title: "HEURES DE SENLIS"; gilt edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment. Includes Calendar, Fifteen Joys of the Virgin, and Seven Requests to the Lord, all in French
In Latin and French., Script: Written in Northern Gothica Textualis Formata by two hands, marked by a different use of the two forms of a. Hand A, the main scribe, using almost only double-bow a, copied ff. 1r-21v11; 33r-108v11; 125r-144v. Hand B, who normally writes box-a, copied ff. 21v12-32v; 108v12-124v., Illuminated leaves have been excised after ff. 14, 58, 86, 94, 137., Headings in blue or red ink. The majuscules are heightened in yellow. The decoration consists of line-fillers in gold and blue and red paint and the following initial types: (1) dentelle initials, 1 line; (2) foliate initials, 2 lines; (3) foliate initials, 4 lines, always accompanied by full acanthus borders and, except on f. 142r, by a picture in an arched compartment above 5 lines of text. Seven of these miniatures remain. The borders are framed in gold ink. All ordinary text pages, including the Calendar, have unframed outer margin borders the height of the text area, with patterns traced from rectos to versos., and Binding: Nineteenth century (?). Red velvet over cardboard boards, on which the original decorated gilt brass bosses (4 corner pieces and a central piece) and one decorated clasp in the same material, fixed to the rear cover, have been mounted. Yellow silk pastedowns. Gilt edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment. The illumination is influenced by the style of Jean Fouquet (d. 1480) and the manuscript belongs to a group that has been called the "Fouquet Workshop Books of Hours".
In Latin., Script: The Calendar is copied by a scribe writing Northern Gothica Textualis Formata, Variant III in the Oeser system; the text is by another scribe, writing Variant IV in the Oeser system, in two sizes., Headings in red. Heightening of the majuscules in yellow. Rectangular line-fillers in blue and red with white pernwork and some gold. 1-line dentelle initials with a blue and red background. 2-line foliate initials alternately in blue and red. These are accompanied by a rectangular unframed outer-margin acanthus border. Arch-topped miniatures above three lines of text, with 3-line foliate initial and full acanthus border, framed in red and often containing grotesques., and Binding: ca. 1600. Brown morocco over pasteboard, covers and spine elaborately gold-tooled. Gilt edges.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Books of hours, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval