Manuscript on paper of six ascetical treatises, including Ps.-Augustinus Hipponensis (Pseudo-Augustine), two seroms against the love of money; Ambrosius Autpertus O.S.B. (d. 784), Libellus de conflictu vitiorum et virtutum, 1-263; Paulinus Aquileiensis (Pseudo-Augustine, d. 802), Liber exhortationis; Prayers and hymns to Christ and to the Virgin; and Galvano de Padua (15th century), Memoriale di confessione gentile
Script: probably copied by various hands in Gothico-Humanistica Currens., Decoration: Red headings. Red stroking of majuscules on ff. 57r-72v and 74r. Space has been reserved for 2- or 3-line initials which have not been executed. Guide-letters in red ink have been provided up to f. 72v., Binding: early limp parchment. Both covers blind-tooled., and In Latin and Italian.
Manuscript on parchment of astrological texts drawn largely from Arab astrology of the early Middle Ages, and transmitted in medieval Latin translations; in addition Ptolemy's Centiloquium is present, transmitted not in Greek but through the Arabic, along with a single contemporary component, the Astrolabium planum of Johann Engel
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in a large and clear hand in Gothica textualis formata and Bastarda., Rubrics, and occasional headlines in red, diagrams in the text in brown and red inks. Full illuminated border, outlined in red, on f. 1r of leafy sprays in colors and gold, the white spaces filled up with black dots and small burnished gold circles each with three or four small tendrils; a large initial in burnished gold and colors at the beginning of the text in the first column, with gold band extending downward and then around three sides of the page forming an inner border, completed by a red line at top; a lozenge at the center of the lower band of the border containing a pattern of platelike discs, quatrefoils, and a leafy spray on a dull gold ground, this segment almost certainly a later replacement of an original coat of arms which has been erased. Elsewhere in the manuscript smaller illuminated initials in the style of the first frequently occur, and larger ones with descenders to partial borders at the foot of the page occur. Each of the ninety-six pages from f. 191r through 238v has four drawings in colors (six on those pages which open each of the signs of the Zodiac), placed within diagrams accompanied by slight text., and Binding: Nineteenth century, English. Marbled paper boards, green calf back with six heavy (false?) bands, the compartments with patterns of small tools impressed in gold and with gold-stamped titles, a small rectangular label with the printed number 1037 and a small round label with the inked number 894 glued to the bottommost compartment. All edges gilt. Preserved in a modern green cloth folding box, probably French, with leather label.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Ptolemy, active 2nd century.
Subject (Topic):
Astrology, Astrology, Arab, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on paper of Astrological tables for solar and lunar locations, probably for use in compiling calendars; tables of latitudes of cities; chronological tables for 1508-18. Most tables are accompanied by prose descriptions
In Italian., Watermarks: trimmed, in upper margins; unidentified eagle enclosed by a circle similar in design to Briquet Aigle 204., Script: Written in Italian notarial script by a single scribe., Yellow added to initials and to astrological signs, and some numbers., Stained throughout; final folio repaired., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Blind-tooled brown sheepskin.
Manuscript on paper made by an unknown Venetian mathematician, astronomer and cartographer. This manuscript is highly interesting for the excellent drawings of contemporary Mediterranean sailing-ships
In Italian., Script: Written by one hand in Gothico-Humanistic Cursive, which in the maps alternates with Capitalis. Headings in Capitalis inscribed on scrolls or tablets., Maps, borders and decorations in colours. Clumsily drawn human and animal figures., and Binding: Original limp vellum. On the spine is written "G***ctrica MSS". On the rear cover are a pen-drawing, upside-down, of the same decorative device as on f. 2r, and a sketch of city gates.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Islands of the Mediterranean.
Subject (Topic):
Atlases, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscript maps, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sailing ships
Manuscript on paper of Atto recitabile da fare avanti che nella compagnia si dieno panellini benedetti composto dal Cecchi
In Italian., Script: the original text copied by a single hand, writing Humanistica Cursiva. The changes and additions are written in Humanistica Cursiva Currens under Gothic influence., and Binding: early paper binding.
Manuscript on parchment of 1) Lactantius, Divinae institutiones; 2) Augustine, Enchiridion, with preceding table of contents; 3) Bonaventure, Lignum vitae, Breviloquium, and Hymn on the Cross; 4) hymns, and a few works regarding different saints
In Latin., Script: the manuscript proper (artt. 4-11), is copied by two hands very close to each other: A copied ff. 1r-151r (upper half), 151v-155r, and 156v in Gothica Semitextualis Libraria; B copied ff. 151r (lower half) and 155v-156r. Art. 1 is copied by a 15th century hand using deviant spellings. Art. 2 is in 16th century Humanistica Cursiva. Art. 3 (the endleaves) is in large Carolingian handwriting., Decoration: Red headings and stroking of majuscules; red line-fillers for verses; red or blue paragraph marks. The text copied by hand B as well as the additional artt. 1 and 2 are undecorated. Art. 3 (the endleaves) has red heading and red stroking., and Binding: contemporary, undecorated white leather (deerskin?) over wooden boards, sewn onto three split leather thongs. The remains of a leather strap are attached to the front board and closes over a pin (lost) in the center of the rear board.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430. and Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274.
Subject (Topic):
Christian literature, Latin, Fathers of the church, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript fragment on parchment of the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Ḥullin, which covers a discussion of mutual exclusion, the father's responsibility for his minor daughter, levirate marriage obligations, when the ram's horn (shofar) is blown, and when the separation (havdalah) prayer is said at the end of a festival
In Aramaic and Hebrew., Script: written in semi-cursive script., and 1 column. 26 lines. Dry-point ruling.
Manuscript on parchment of 1) Jacobus Palladinus de Teramo, Belial (also known as Consolatio peccatorum seu Processus Luciferi contra Iesum Christum). 2) Athanasian Creed, added in a different hand
In Latin., Script: Written in a cramped gothic cursive by a single scribe, above top line; art. 2 added in an awkwardly formed gothic bookhand., Divided initial, 15-line, in red in f. 1r. Plain initials, 10- to 4-line, initial strokes, and paragraph marks (in outer margin) in red throughout., and Binding: Nineteenth century. Dark brown, hard-grained goatskin, blind- and gold-tooled. Gilt edges. On spine: "Liber Bellial" and "Codex Ms. Saec. XV".
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Jacobus, de Theramo, 1350 or 1351-1417.
Subject (Topic):
Christian literature, Latin, Consolation, and Manuscripts, Medieval
Manuscript on parchment of Caesar, Bellum Gallicum, translated into Italian by Pier Candido Decembrio in 1438. With Dedication of the translation to Filippo Maria Visconti, Duke of Milan
In Italian., Script: Written below top line in a bold round humanistic hand by a single scribe who added extra rulings in outer margins for headings, annotations, etc., in red. Additional annotations in humanistic cursive, in a brighter shade of red., Elegant illuminated title page (f. 2v) with the title, written in blue over an erasure, in a circular wreath, green with gold flowers, and framed by narrow gold bands with fillets and inkspray issuing from the top and bottom with blue and deep red flowers, green leaves and gold balls. Full border, f. 1r, white vine-stem ornament on blue, green, deep red and gold ground between thin gold frames. In lower border, medallion, blank, framed by wreath, green with yellow highlights and narrow deep red frame. Partial border, f. 3r, white vine-stem ornament on blue, green and deep red ground between narrow gold frames, enlarged to elongated dots at terminals; white vine-stem ornament extends into upper (trimmed) and lower margins, with single gold balls with hair-line strokes. 8 large initials, 11- to 3-line, gold on blue, green, gold and deep red ground with white vine-stem ornament shaded with pale pink. First few words of each book in gold; incipits, explicits and marginalia in red., and Binding: Date? Italy. Vellum case with title in ink on spine: "Cesare Comment". Gilt, gauffered edges and gold and cream silk endbands. Fragments of a printed service book with musical notation partially visible under pastedowns.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut, New Haven., and Rome
Subject (Name):
Caesar, Julius.
Subject (Topic):
Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and History, Military
Benedictus XIV de Lambertinis Bononiensis : Pontifex Maximus creatus die XVII Augusti 1740
Title engraved in image., Place of publication based on printmaker's country of residence; date of publication based on printmaker's death date., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Mounted on page 59 of Horace Walpole's extra-illustrated copy of his: A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 12.