Manuscript on goatskin of Specchio delle donne; Pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux, Planctus beatae Mariae and Meditatio super Salve Regina; St. Bonaventure, Meditatio in Orationem Dominicam; and various other prayers and devotions
In Italian., Script: Copied by one hand in Gothico-Humanistica Libraria/Formata with single-compartment a., Decoration: Headings, paragraph marks, and 2-line plain initials in red. Art. 9 entirely written in red. A 6-line historiated initial with acanthus extensions and burnished gold bezants in the margin on f. 1r: half-length figure of Christ as Man of Sorrows, sitting in the Tomb among the Instrumens of the Passion. The illumination is attributed to the Master of the Vitae imperatorum., and Binding: Contemporary brown leather over wooden boards with square edges, damaged and rebacked; sewn on three split leather thongs. Marks of four small bosses on each cover. Marks of one clasp probably attached to the front cover. Title inscription on a partly preserved paper label on the spine: “[S]pech[io] / [d]ell[e] / [d]on[ne]." At the bottom, there are remainders of a printed paper label with handwritten number "**9."
Manuscript on paper of a play in five acts, written for an audience of nuns by a Dominican friar. The only surviving manuscript containing this text
In Italian., Script: the original text copied by a single hand, writing Humanistica Cursiva. The changes and additions are written in Humanistica Cursiva Currens under Gothic influence., Play (Commedia) in five acts, in verse, about S. Catherine of Alexandria, written for an audience of nuns (see the frequent allusions to Christ as “sposo celeste”) by a Dominican friar whose initials are F.N.F. There are many important changes and additions by a slightly later, rapid hand., and Binding: early paper binding.
Statue of Sabina, the wife of Emperor Hadrian; clad in a long chiton with a cloak drawn around her body and up over her head; her hair pulled back behind a diadem; standing on a pedestal
Alternative Title:
Statua di Sabina moglie d Adriano Imperatore : negli Orti Mattei
Title etched below image., Date of publication from that of the volume for which the plate was engraved., Plate from: Maffei, P.A. Raccolta di statue antiche e moderne ... Roma : Stamperia alla Pace, 1704., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., "CVII"--Upper right corner., Mounted on page 152 of Richard Bull's copiously extra-illustrated copy of: Walpole, H. A description of the villa of Mr. Horace Walpole. Strawberry Hill : Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1784. See Hazen, A.T. Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press (1973 ed.), no. 30, copy 13., and For further information, consult library staff.
Nella Stampa. di Domenico de Rossi alla Pace con priuil
Subject (Name):
Vibia Sabina, approximately 88-approximately 137 and Hadrian, Emperor of Rome, 76-138.
Manuscript on paper of Titus Maccius Plautus (c. 254-184 B.C.), Stichus, in an Italian adaptation in verse
In Italian., Script: copied by one hand in Humanistica Cursiva., Written in campo aperto in one narrow column of mostly seven 6-line strophes on the page., No decoration. There are numerous pointing hands with exaggeratedly long forefingers, generally accompanied by the name of a character., and Binding: loose grey paper cover.
Manuscript on paper of Guido da Pisa, Fiorita d'Italia
In Italian., Script: copied by one hand in Italian Gothica Hybrida Libraria with looped d (a form of Mercantesca)., Red headings, chapter numbers and stroking of majuscules; the latter form of decoration is missing on many pages. Headings and chapter numbers are missing for the final part of Book I. Tables of Contents in red. Space and guide letters for 2-line initials were provided, but no initials were executed., and Binding: quarter binding s. XIX: marbled paper and parchment over cardboard. Green morocco title label with gold-tooled inscription: “STORIA D'ITALIA - MANUSCRIPT. SAEC. XV”.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a section of Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae
In Latin., Script: written in two different small, highly abbreviated gothic scripts; the first hand, on the first seven lines of the recto, is a littera textualis; the second is littera textualis currens with occasional use of cursive "d", frequent abbreviations, and wide word spacing., and Decoration: there are spaces for 2-line initials and for paragraph marks, but they have not been added; 1-line initials within text are brown; punctuated with the punctus.
Manuscript on parchment of Nicolaus de Byard, Tractatus de vitiis et virtutibus
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in rounded Gothica Semitextualis Libraria with southern features, except ff. 154v-158v16, which are copied in an angular and bold Gothica Textualis Libraria., Red headings and paragraph marks. Red stroking of majuscules., and Binding: S. XIX (?) plain parchment binding over cardboard. On the flat spine the handwritten erroneous title “JOHANNES / DE / TURRECREMATA / FLOS THEOLOGIE”.
Manuscript on paper of Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio (Bartholomaeus Pisanus O.P., 1262-1347), Summa de casibus conscientiae (Kaeppeli 436), also called Summa Bartolina, Pisana, Pisanella, Magistrutia), translated into Italian by Iohannes de Cellis (Giovanni dalle Celle, 1310-1394 or 1400). With a preface by the translator, explaining why he has abandoned the alphabetical organization of the original text
In Italian., Script: Copied by one hand in Gothico-Humanistica Libraria with single-compartment a., Paragraph marks and headings in red. Space and guide letters for 3-line initials (4-line f. 1r, art. 1; 5-line f. 2r, art. 3), which have not been executed., and Binding: Eighteenth century. Parchment over cardboard. Spine with three raised bands and handwritten title: “Somma / del / Maestruccio / MS.” Two white leather ties. Paper endleaves.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Bartholomew, of San Concordio, 1262-1347. and Dominicans.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Literature, Medieval, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
Manuscript on parchment of Raymundus de Pennaforte, Summa de poenitentia et matrimonio (Libri I-IV). With 61 selections from the Decretales of Gregory IX compiled by Raymundus de Pennaforte; Raymundus de Pennaforte, Dubitalia cum responsionibus (Responsio canonica).
In Latin., Script: Written in small gothic bookhand, below top line., Fine flourished initial, 5-line, divided red and blue, with penwork designs in both colors and long marginal tail of letter Q, f. 1r. Smaller flourished initials incorporating the heads of bird-like grotesques and cross-hatching designs. 1-line initials alternate red and blue for chapter lists. Paragraph marks and running headlines in red and blue. Rubrics throughout; instructions for rubricator along outer edges of leaves, some perpendicular to text., and Binding: Date? The covers are wanting but were probably of limp vellum. Original sewing on twisted tawed skin, slit ribbons, the sewing beaded in the center. A fragment of a parchment bifolium from a 14th-century breviary (mostly rubbed and illegible) is glued to the spine and cut out for the sewing supports; a portion of the fragment extends along the front and back of the text block.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Raymond, of Peñafort, Saint, 1175?-1275.
Subject (Topic):
Canon law, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Scholasticism
In Latin., Script: copied by one hand in Southern Gothica Textualis Libraria., Alternately red and blue paragraph marks. Alternately red and blue 2- or 3-line (sometimes 4- or 5-line) flourished initials, half inset, with penwork in the opposite colours extending in the left margin or in the intercolumnar space. On f. 1r at the beginning of the text a 9-line littera duplex with penwork, badly rubbed. Guide letters., The leaves are badly soiled and rubbed, making reading often difficult or impossible (especially f. 1, which is waterstained and missing the lower corner)., and Binding: undecorated cardboard cover, sewn on three leather thongs.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Latin language, Grammar, and Manuscripts, Medieval