Manuscript fragment on parchment of the Passio S. Felicitatis, possibly from a passionary
In Latin., Script: written in an inelegant Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 1-line initials are brown rustic capitals; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus versus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment bifolium (thick) of Passion of St. Bartholomew (25 August). Text is continuous
In Latin., Script: Written in neat but somewhat uneven Beneventan script. Passages added in cramped text hands, (ca. 1250), in lower margins, f. 2r-v., Leaves trimmed with some loss of text along upper and outer margins; portions of f. 2v illegible due to paste and offset impressions of leather turn-ins and wooden boards., and Bifolium used as flyleaf and pastedown.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a passionary containing two lives of St. Cassian
In Latin., Script: written in Beneventan script., and Decoration: the Prudentius life is written in poetic stanzas; six-line decorated initial is outlined in brown; 1-line initials are brown uncials; punctuated with the punctus, punctus elevatus, and punctus versus.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a passionary, including excerpts from the Passion of the Four Crowned Martyrs; the Passion of St. Theodore; the Life of St. Eugenius; and the Passion of St. Mennas
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule; corrections added in a lighter ink; accents added y a later hand., and Decoration: 1-line initials in a mixed form of uncial and rustic in brown ink; rubrics in red majuscules; on f. 1v, an 11-line initial "T," in the "early geometric style" of central and northern Italy in the late 11th and early 12th centuries; on f. 2v, a large initial has been cut out.
Manuscript fragment on parchment of a sacramentary containing: an unidentified prayer; prayers for before and after meals; benedictions; and prayers for the exorcism of people possessed by devils (including candidates for baptism).
In Latin., Script: written in Caroline minuscule., and Decoration: 2-line initials are red rustic capitals with single round "D"; 1-line initials are brown uncials; rubrics written in red rustic capitals; punctuated with the punctus and punctus versus; accents in the same ink as the text.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Catholic Church
Subject (Topic):
Liturgy, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Sacramentaries
Manuscript leaf, on parchment, mostly complete, containing text from this life of Saint Severinus in eleventh-century script on one side. The verso is a palimpsest, containing an index of canon law in a fifteenth-century humanistic cursive script
In Latin., Leaf was used in a binding., Layout: double columns of 32 lines., and Script: Carolingian script.