Series of 6 cards, with only the last card numbered. Title appears only on the first card. The narrative captions argue for the right of women to act as advocates and complain about the removal of the crucifix from the courtroom, as required by a law of Dec. 9, 1905, separating church and state
Alternative Title:
Postcards depicting a woman dressed in legal attire and posing in various settings and Legally themed postcards depicting a woman dressed in legal attire and posing in various settings
Date from postmark., Postcard include manuscript notes. Postcards no. [1], [3], [4], [5] are addressed to "Madame Jeanne Brondy" and no. 6 to "Mademoiselle Valentine Bidaulb.", "Carte Postale, a puliser seulement dans le regime interieur (France, Algerie et Tunisie)"--Printed verso of postcards. , Also available in original print, Digital reproduction. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Law Library, 2019 LM ZA Postcards v.1 no.13 tall., In French., Online resource; description based on print version record. , and Accompanied by translation.