Fullānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, -approximately 1741, author فلاني، محمد بن محمد، -approximately 1741، author
Published / Created:
18th century.
Call Number:
Landberg MSS 233
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Holograph manuscript, on paper, containing Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Fullānī's Kitāb Izālat al-ʻubūs ʻan wajh Manḥ al-Quddūs, a commentary on the same author's poem, entitled Manḥ al-Quddūs, on logic
Alternative Title:
Izālat al-ʻubūs ʻan wajh Manḥ al-Quddūs and إزالة العبوس عن وجه منح القدوس
In Arabic., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit: "Bismillāh al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm, wa-bi-hi al-tawfīq. al-Ḥamdu lillāh alladhī naṭaqat maṣnūʻātuhu bi-Rubūbīyatihi, wa-afāḍa ʻalá anwāʻ al-ʻawālim ajnās al-niʻam wa-khawāṣṣ al-mazāyā bi-luṭfihi wa-ḥikmatih, wa-al-ṣalāh wa-al-salām ʻalá Sayyidinā al-mabʻūth bi-al-āyāt al-wāḍiḥāt wa-al-dalāʼil al-qāṭiʻāt, wa-ʻalá ālihi wa-aṣḥābihi al-muqaddamīn ʻalá sāʼir al-awliyāʼ, wa-al-tābiʻīn lahum min al-atqiyāʼ. Ammā baʻd, fa-lammā kāna bi-ittifāq ahl al-ʻaql wa-iṭbāq dhawī al-faḍl anna al-ʻulūm, lāsīyamā al-yaqīnīyah, aʻlá al-maṭālib wa-abhá al-manāqib, wa-anna ṣāḥibahā ashraf al-ashkhās al-basharīyah ...", On the author see Brockelmann, C. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, II, 366; S II, p. 494., Available on microfilm., 5 laid-in leaves, in a modern hand., Script: Fair 18th century naskhī, in red and black., Binding: Loose binding, paper covered, Type II (with flap)., Decoration: Rubrication., Foliation on every fifth leaf in modern pencil., and Colophon: "Wa-ṣallá Allāh ʻalá Sayyidinā wa-Mawlānā Muḥammad, wa-ʻalá ālihi wa-ṣaḥbihi wa-sallam, ʻadad mā dhakarahu al-dhākirūn wa-ghafila ʻan dhikrihi al-ghāfilūn. Wa-qaʻa al-farāgh min kitābatihi ḍuḥá al-Khamīs."
Subject (Name):
Fullānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, -approximately 1741.
Manuscript on paper of 1) Paulus Venetus (d. 1429), Logica parva, with diagrams. 2) Paulus Pergulensis (d. 1451), Obiectiones contra primum tractatum, ending imperfectly. 3) Paulus Pergulensis, Tractatus de sensu composito et diviso. 4) 10 short paragraphs on logic, followed by diagram on f. 60r. 5) Unidentified 14-line poem, in Italian
In Latin., Watermarks, in gutter and obscured by parchment binding stays: unidentified mountain and animal (?)., Script: Written by several scribes in a humanistic bookhand that exhibits various gothic and cursive features, above top line., Red or blue initials, poor quality, 7- to 3-lines, with penwork designs in red, blue and/or black. Headings, paragraph marks and line divisions between segments of text, in red., and Binding: Sixteenth century (?), Italy. Stays made from parchment manuscripts adhered inside of quires and outside of first and last ones, the pastedowns included. Original, wound sewing on three tawed skin, kermes pink, slit straps laced into paste boards. The endbands, caught up on the spine, are sewn on tawed skin cores laced into the boards. Covered on greenish tan tawed skin (sheep?) with corner tongues and the remains of two tawed skin ties. Remains of title scratched on upper cover "Logica Paul*".
Manuscript on paper of 1) Preface. 2) Paulus Pergulensis (Venetian scholar, d. 1451), Compendium logicae. 3) Logical texts. 4) Marinus de Castignano, Tractatus syllogismorum. 6) Marinus de Castignano, Tractatus de inventione medii
In Latin., Script: Artt. 1-5 written by a single hand in a small and highly abbreviated Humanistica Cursiva Currens. Art. 6 is added in red ink on unruled pages by another contemporary hand writing Humanistica Cursiva Currens close to Humanistica Textualis., The decoration is uneven (parts are undecorated) and consists of chapter headings, plain initials and paragraph marks in red. Heightening in red of some capitals. Logical diagrams on ff. 7v, 8r, 8v, 9r, 9v. Titles are missing on ff. 2r, 59r (?), 65v (?), 69r (?)., and Binding: Twentieth century. Marbled paper over cardboard. In the Rosenthal typewritten description the binding was still described as "old boards".
"Mnārat Qúdšē" (Candlestick of the Holies), also translated "Candelabrum of the Sanctuary", "Manārat al-Aqdās" (in Arabic), a theological work by Bār ʻEbrāyā (Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286), foremost representative of the Syriac renaissance of the 12th-13th centuries. Copied in the year 1901 of the Greeks (1590), at the Monastery of Mār Abḥāy (in the vicinity of Gargar, Turkey), by the Priest Mīkā bar Barṣawm, of ʻÚrboyš, later metropolitan of Gargar (pages 1-385). Followed by short pieces: 1. "Súgítā" (metrical homily, Hymn, Song), arranged alphabetically, by Jacob of Serug, 451-521 (pages 386-387). 2. On the religion of the Arabs (page 387), attributed to Saint Cyril (Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869). 3. Piece entitled "On the investigation of the chronōnkanōn" (Qrúnonqanún) or, the 532 year cycle (Taqlab), by Patriarch Ighnaṭiyus Niʻmat Allāh, 1515?-1587? (pages 388-389). 4. Note (page 389) on the date of Lent and Easter in the year 1413 of the Greek (1102), apparently an abridged excerpt from the "Chronicle" (Maktebanut zabne) of Patriarch Michael the Great (Michael I, the Syrian, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, 1126-1199). 5. Another excerpt from Patriarch Michael (pages 389-390), here explicitly identified as such (Mār Míkāʼel emar), on the date of Easter in the year 881 of the Greeks (570). 6. Drawing with crosses and jottings by a later hand (page 393), including a quotation from John 10:11 and a note apparently indicating the correspondence of dates 2139 of the Greeks to 1829 and 1244 of the Hijrah. 7. Part of a lectionary (397-398). The section with number KA and heading "Qeryānā d-ʻanídē" (with reading from Matthew 9:18-) starts in the middle of page 397; the number KB is visible on page 398 which is glued to the cover and Inserted in this manuscript is Barhebraeus's book on logic "Ktābā d-bābātā" (Book of the pupils of the eye) as the second chapter of base 1 (pages 22-32). The manuscript includes a version of the map of the habitable world (page 58).
Alternative Title:
Mnorat Qúdšē
In Syriac., Title of Mnārat Qúdšē from incipit and reference sources., Romanization supplied by cataloger., Incipit of "Mnārat Qúdšē" (folio 11b): "Prúmyún. Túb b-yad Alāhā Mārē Kul mšarénan d-nektúb Ktābā da-Mnārat Qúdšě meṭul šeteʼsē ʻidtānāyē men syāmē d-Qādíšā wa-lbíš l-Ālāhā Ṭúbtānā u-mabúʻā d-qadíšútā ú-núhrā šbíḥā d-yadúʻtānútā Abún Māry Grígúryús Mapryānā d-Madnḥā, Maryā nšawyúhy l-malkúteh ʻam šarkē da-gbawuhy ...", Secundo folio of "Mnārat Qúdšē" (folio 12a): aʻbed ú-emalel ú-dalmā ʼnāš men henún., 18 x 27.5 cm; written surface: 12 x 21 cm; 44 lines per page (in two columns: 5.5 x 21 cm, each)., Binding: In dark brown leather., In West Syriac script, in black ink, on cream color paper; headings in red., Pages are also numbered in Arabic numerals (1-[398]) and Syriac letters (A-ŠPZ)., Laid in: Four printouts of pages from a microfilm of the manuscript., On folio 1a: Two illegible stamps, folios 1b-4b are blank., On folio 5a: A distorted statement in mixed Garshūnī and Syriac: "Qad naẓara fī hādhā al-kitāb 'Mnārat Qúdšē' Ṭimetāwos Miṭrúpúlíṭāyā [crossed over] Apisqúpā d-Kursyā d-Mary Abḥāy ú-Urhāy, d-hú Būluṣ ʼÚrhāyā, šnat APSB Mšíḥaytā" (Ṭimetāwos, Metropolitan [crossed over] Apisqúpā of Mār Aḥāy and Edessa, who is Būluṣ ʼÚrhāyā, has looked into this book of Mnārat Qúdšē), in the year 1862 of Christ). Under it a stamp (in Arabic)., At the head of folio 5b: "Qúdíkus da-Ktābā da-Mnārat Qúdšē" (Table of contents of the Book of Mnārat Qúdšē). The table of contents itself (folios 5b-11a; pages 2-13)., At the end of the table of contents (page 13): "Šlem Qúdíqus awkít mḥawyānā da-Ktābā da-Mnārat Qúdšē ... men ʼnaš ʻalíl amnē ú-bíš dúbārē ú-marír gadē haw aynā d-bašmā man metdalal dayrāyā ú-kahnā, elā bram ba-ʻbadā dén l-rúḥqā mabʻad Míkā bar Barṣawm men Qsṭrā mbaraktā ʻÚrboyš ba-šantā ASYT d-Yawn ú AYṢYT da-Mšíḥā, b-Dayrā d-Māry Abḥay. 1901 Yú 1590 M. 1901 Yūnānī.", Translation of the end of the table of contents: "The Qudiqus, that is, what is in the book (table of contents) of 'Mnārat Qúdšē" was completed ... by a person who is stranger to the art, of ill deeds, and of bitter luck, who by name is called monk and priest, but by works is far away from them, Míkhā bar Barṣawm, from the blessed fortress of ʻÚrboyš, in the year 1901 of the Greeks, 1590 of Christ, at the Monastery of Mār Abḥāy.", Pages 391-392 and 394-396 are blank., Colophon of Mnārat Qúdšē (page 385): "Šlem ú-l-Ālahā šúbḥā l-ʻālmín.", and Translation of the colophon of Mnārat Qúdšē: "It is completed. Praise be to God for ever."
Subject (Name):
Bar Hebraeus, 1226-1286., Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869., Ighnaṭiyus Niʻmat Allāh, 1515?-1587?, Jacob, of Serug, 451-521., Michael I, the Syrian, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, 1126-1199., and Syrian Orthodox Church
Subject (Topic):
Doctrines, Church year, Logic, Medieval, Syriac language, Theology, Doctrinal, and World maps, Manuscript
Manuscript on parchment and paper, composed in 3 parts, of Notes on grammar, syntax, logic, mathematics, and canon law. With excerpts of moral treatises and proverbs. Parts I and II, ca. 1300 on parchment. Part III, between 1300 and 1350 on paper
In Latin., Script: Part I (ff. 1r-8r): Written in Gothica Cursiva Antiquior (Anglicana) mainly by two hands. Part II (ff. 9r-43v): Two hands, both writing Anglicana. Part III (ff. 44r-78v): Several hands, all writing Anglicana Currens and highly abbreviated: the first (ff. 44r-55v) is marked by lengthened and bold or decorated ascenders on the top line., Part II: Red paragraph marks; red plain 2-line initials. Part III: Red paragraph marks in some sections. Red plain 2-line initials (3-line initial f. 44r), some with flourishing, and guide-letters in artt. 5-8. Logical diagrams on ff. 44v and 47r. Hand A has curious line-fillers and his explicits are written in a dotted rectangular frame., and Binding: Early limp vellum, with a bone button in the middle of the rear cover.
Subject (Geographic):
England., Connecticut, and New Haven.
Subject (Topic):
Education, Medieval, Grammar, Comparative and general, Latin language, Grammar, Logic, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
William, of Ockham, approximately 1285-approximately 1349
Published / Created:
[between 1400 and 1450]
Call Number:
Marston MS 240
Image Count:
Resource Type:
Manuscript on paper (thick, coarse, some deckle edges; watermarks indistinguishable) of William of Ockham, Summa logicae. With Walter Burley, De puritate artis logicae tractatus brevior, beginning of text only
In Latin., Script: Written by a single scribe in small, cramped and highly abbreviated gothic cursive. Art. 6 added by two different hands., Crude penwork initials on f. 1r in red and blue, 3-line. The first incorporates a five-pointed star in red, with blue dots, and terminates with a full-length marginal border in inner margin. The second incorporates a fleur-de-lis. Other plain initials in red and/or blue throughout. Headings and strokes on paragraph marks and majuscules in red., and Binding: Date?, Italy? Backs of quires cut in for sewing. Plain limp vellum case with holes in each cover for two ribbons.
Subject (Geographic):
Connecticut and New Haven.
Subject (Name):
Burlaeus, Gualterus, 1275-1345? and William, of Ockham, approximately 1285-approximately 1349.