Five of twenty-thousand pounds! and twenty-nine other captials
Title from text within image., Date of publication from unverified data from local card catalog record., Four lines of letterpress text below image: Second day of drawing, 17th this month, (March)-The wheel contains five of £20,000 and a variety ... J. & J. Sivewright, Contractors, 37 Cornhill; 11 Holborn; and 38 Haymarket., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Title from text above image., Date of publication from unverified data from local card catalog record., Heading continues: The drift of this ladder to well comprehend, take a paddy's advice and begin at the end., Each of ten numbered images in sequence paired with letterpress caption: (1.) A wight by poverty oppress'd, by duns and creditors distriss'd, thus to his dame in dudgeon said, while dreams of horror fill'd his head (go to No. 2) ..., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Title from caption below image., Date of publication from unverified data from local card catalog record., Caption in letterpress continues: I have been digging for good luck all my life; but I've foud it was a waste of thyme ..., Several sections of text in letterpress in lower portion of print: New lottery contains three prizes of £30,000 and 6,711 other prizes! ... Tickets and shares are selling by T. Bish, Stock-broker, 4 Cornhill and 9 Charing-Cross, London and by all his agents in the country., and Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires.
Design in an oval depicts John Molesworth holding a wand seated at a wooden table and wearing a conical hat and dressing gown. He points towards lottery wheels from which 2 small boys wearing paper crowns observe him. Molesworth is saying "Eo, Meo, and Areo, stick close my boys and let me have all the capital prizes in my calculation." Before him on the table are ink bottle and quill, several books, including one entitled Calculations and another Conjurations, together with The life of Duncan Campbel, deaf & dumb fortune-teller. Molesworth in 1774 authored Proofs of the reality and truth of lottery calculations
Title etched below image. and Dedication etched below title: This plate is humbly inscribed to all keeper's of lottery offices by their humble servt. A.B.
Publish'd as the act directs, Augt. 30th, 1776, by A.B., London
Design in an oval depicts John Molesworth holding a wand seated at a wooden table and wearing a conical hat and dressing gown. He points towards lottery wheels from which 2 small boys wearing paper crowns observe him. Molesworth is saying "Eo, Meo, and Areo, stick close my boys and let me have all the capital prizes in my calculation." Before him on the table are ink bottle and quill, several books, including one entitled Calculations and another Conjurations, together with The life of Duncan Campbel, deaf & dumb fortune-teller. Molesworth in 1774 authored Proofs of the reality and truth of lottery calculations
Title etched below image., Dedication etched below title: This plate is humbly inscribed to all keeper's of lottery offices by their humble servt. A.B., 1 print : etching & aquatint on wove paper ; plate mark 25.0 x 17.7 cm, on sheet 28.1 x 22.0 cm., and Mounted on leaf 1 of volume 7 of 12.
Publish'd as the act directs, Augt. 30th, 1776, by A.B., London
"View of the interior of a hall in which a lottery is taking place; at centre on a raised stage, five men seated at a table, in front of and beneath which are seated more men; to either side, in front of tall, open receptacles each topped with a crown, is a man reading a piece of paper, a woman holding up an empty hand, and a seated man watching proceedings; at the front, many spectators watching from rows of counters on which are laid broad sheets of paper."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate numbered in upper right, above image: No. 53., and Plate from: Microcosm of London. London : R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, No. 101 Strand, [1808-1810?], v. 2, opposite page 193.
Pub. 1st Feby. 1809 at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101 Strand
"View of the interior of a hall in which a lottery is taking place; at centre on a raised stage, five men seated at a table, in front of and beneath which are seated more men; to either side, in front of tall, open receptacles each topped with a crown, is a man reading a piece of paper, a woman holding up an empty hand, and a seated man watching proceedings; at the front, many spectators watching from rows of counters on which are laid broad sheets of paper."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate numbered in upper right, above image: No. 53., Plate from: Microcosm of London. London : R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, No. 101 Strand, [1808-1810?], v. 2, opposite page 193., 1 print : aquatint and etching on wove paper, hand-colored ; plate mark 22.4 x 26.9 cm, on sheet 26.8 x 34.1 cm., and Watermark: J. Whatman 1808.
Pub. 1st Feby. 1809 at R. Ackermann's Repository of Arts, 101 Strand
Twenty-four letterpress and engraved lottery puffs uncut on one sheet. Each puff includes engravings of Twelfth night character by George Cruikshank and an 8-line poem
Title supplied by cataloger., On each lottery puff: Lottery begins drawing 12th January, 1820., and Includes puff numbers 1347-1370: John Bull, Sukey Salmon, Alderman Turtle, Queen, Tabby Turnip, Billy Bantam, Polly Pigface, Molly Maid, Toby Fillpot, The Grand Turk, Colly Calf-head, John Dory, Pomposa Pine-apple, Doughy Upper-crust, Dolly Dumpling, Timothy Tun-Belly, Simon Sheepface, King, Cissy Cowslip, Letty Lambkin, Dame Partlett, Kitty Cabbage, Giddy Goosecap, Solomon Sirloin.
J. & J. Sivewright ... 37, Cornhill, 11, Holburn, 38 Haymarket, 141, Oxford-St
Subject (Geographic):
England, London., and England.
Subject (Topic):
Lotteries, Marketing, Advertising, Caricatures and cartoons, and Animals in human situations
Title from text above image., Place of publication inferred from lottery contractor's address., Date of publication from unverified data in local card catalog record., Six small scenes, each described with a caption in letterpress: Consultation. I and my wife are in grand consultation how to better our condition and rise in the world ..., Eight lines of letterpress text below scene sequence: ... Undrawn tickets and shares are selling by the contractors, J. & J. Sivewright, 37 Cornhall; 11 Holborn; and 38 Haymarket., and Manuscript annotations in pencil.
Title from text above image., Place and date of publication from unverified data from local card catalog record., Captions in letterpress border lower edge of four horizontal scenes: Farewell my dear girl honour calls me away, and that is a summons a tar must obey ..., Eight lines of letterpress text near lower edge of print: New state lottery contains three of £30,000! and 6,711 other prizes! ... Tickets and shares are selling by T. Bish, Stock-broker, 4 Cornhill & 9 Charing-Cross, London and by all his agents in the country., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Ms. annotation in pencil.