Six scenes narrating the fuss caused by a man's progression from minor cold to supposed major illness and then sudden recovery. The man's initial plea for nursing with his cold leads onto the summoning of a doctor and procurement of an abundance of potions. The terminal illness which seems to develop throws the houshold into grief-stricken turmoil and the doctors into confusion. The patients miraculous recovery naturally surprises everyone. Above the scenes is a skeleton emerging from a doctors' hat holding a cane and medicine bottle
Title from text below images., Date of publication based on artist Joe Lisle's activity dates (1828-30); see British Museum online catalogue., A title page for sheet music., "Ent. Sta. Hall.", "Price 1/6.", Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Songs -- Sheet music.
Published by Clementi & Co., 26 Cheapside and J. Hull
Subject (Topic):
Sick, Psychology, Cold (Disease), Physician and patient, Nurses, Convalescence, Medicine, Illness anxiety disorder, and Skeletons
A doctor and nurse prescribing new medicines for their patient; representing Britain under a new government. The doctor (Peel) holding a medicine bottle labelled: "New tariff" says: "Come take it off like a man! Its the only remedy for your complaint, I have mixed you something very nice to wash it down." The nurse (Wellington) adds: "Come Johnny there's no use making wry faces, you know you must swallow it." John Bull holding a cup inscribed: "Income tax" retorts: "It's a great deal nastier than Dr. Russell's physic." Lying discarded on the floor are a bottle of medicine labelled; "Russell purge" and a container inscribed: "Barings pills."
Title from text below image., Print signed using John Doyle's "HB" monogram., and Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Politics, British -- Baring's Pills -- Russell's Purge.
Published by T. McLean, 26 Haymarke[t] and Printed at the Genl. Lithc. Estabt., 70 St. Martins Lane
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain.
Subject (Name):
Russell, John Russell, Earl, 1792-1878., Baring, Francis Thornhill, 1796-1866., Peel, Robert, 1788-1850., and Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of, 1769-1852.
Subject (Topic):
John Bull (Symbolic character), Legislative bodies, Reform, Physician and patient, Nurses, and Medicine
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of an apothecary's room: jars on shelves; a counter with drawers, pestle and mortar, flasks, &c. A bust of Galen stands on the lintel of the door (right). An alarmed undergraduate in cap and gown stands clasping his stomach. The doctor faces him triumphantly, with raised arms and holding a pill-box. His man, who wears an apron, walks off with a large box inscribed 'Anti-Fibbibus'. The (prose) inscription below the title relates that a 'College Wag' called on a 'travelling Empiric' and asked to be cured of a bad memory, and a habit of lying. He is cured by the 'gilded pill called - Pillula Memoria - Anti Fibbibus!!' The youth complains that he is poisoned with Asafœtida, the doctor answers that he speaks the truth and will never forget the medicine, so is cured."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., Also issued separately., Eighteen lines of description etched below image: A travelling empiric being in the neighbourhood of one of the universities, gain'd great credit for his skill in medicine ..., Plate numbered "F 3" in upper left corner and "5" in upper right corner., "Price one shillg. colour'd.", Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Pharmacy, interior., Watermark: 1817., and Leaf 80 in volume 1.
Pub. by T. Tegg, 111 Cheapside
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Statues, Medicine, Medical equipment & supplies, Mortars & pestles, Pharmacists, Physicians, Students, Interiors, and Drugstores
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of an apothecary's room: jars on shelves; a counter with drawers, pestle and mortar, flasks, &c. A bust of Galen stands on the lintel of the door (right). An alarmed undergraduate in cap and gown stands clasping his stomach. The doctor faces him triumphantly, with raised arms and holding a pill-box. His man, who wears an apron, walks off with a large box inscribed 'Anti-Fibbibus'. The (prose) inscription below the title relates that a 'College Wag' called on a 'travelling Empiric' and asked to be cured of a bad memory, and a habit of lying. He is cured by the 'gilded pill called - Pillula Memoria - Anti Fibbibus!!' The youth complains that he is poisoned with Asafœtida, the doctor answers that he speaks the truth and will never forget the medicine, so is cured."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., Also issued separately., Eighteen lines of description etched below image: A travelling empiric being in the neighbourhood of one of the universities, gain'd great credit for his skill in medicine ..., Plate numbered "F 3" in upper left corner and "5" in upper right corner., "Price one shillg. colour'd.", Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Pharmacy, interior., 1 print : etching with stipple, hand-colored ; sheet 5.6 x 19.4 cm., and Imperfect; sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint from bottom edge and numbering from top edge.
Pub. by T. Tegg, 111 Cheapside
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Statues, Medicine, Medical equipment & supplies, Mortars & pestles, Pharmacists, Physicians, Students, Interiors, and Drugstores
V. 1. Caricature magazine, or, Hudibrastic mirror.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
"The interior of an apothecary's room: jars on shelves; a counter with drawers, pestle and mortar, flasks, &c. A bust of Galen stands on the lintel of the door (right). An alarmed undergraduate in cap and gown stands clasping his stomach. The doctor faces him triumphantly, with raised arms and holding a pill-box. His man, who wears an apron, walks off with a large box inscribed 'Anti-Fibbibus'. The (prose) inscription below the title relates that a 'College Wag' called on a 'travelling Empiric' and asked to be cured of a bad memory, and a habit of lying. He is cured by the 'gilded pill called - Pillula Memoria - Anti Fibbibus!!' The youth complains that he is poisoned with Asafœtida, the doctor answers that he speaks the truth and will never forget the medicine, so is cured."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Plate from: Woodward, G.M. Caricature magazine, or Hudibrastic mirror. London : Thomas Tegg, [1808?], v. 1., Also issued separately., Eighteen lines of description etched below image: A travelling empiric being in the neighbourhood of one of the universities, gain'd great credit for his skill in medicine ..., Plate numbered "F 3" in upper left corner and "5" in upper right corner., "Price one shillg. colour'd.", Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Pharmacy, interior., 1 print : etching with stipple on wove paper, hand-colored ; sheet 26.8 x 21 cm., Sheet trimmed within plate mark with loss of imprint., and Mounted on leaf 59 of volume 8 of 14 volumes.
Pub. by T. Tegg, 111 Cheapside
Subject (Name):
Subject (Topic):
Statues, Medicine, Medical equipment & supplies, Mortars & pestles, Pharmacists, Physicians, Students, Interiors, and Drugstores
Manuscript on paper of a variety of alchemical writings, partly with considerable literary pretension, including two at the beginning largely or wholly in verse. Including several works ascribed to Jean Saunier and Johann Isaac, as well as two anonymous verse alchemies at the beginning, of which the second has not been identified. Also including a group of texts extracted from ancient and Renaissance writers concerning beekeeping and the medicinal properties of honey
In French, Italian, and Latin., Script: Written by a single copyist in a French secretarial cursive., Watermarks: Paper of two batches with possibly related watermarks: a squarish glove surmounted by a short-stemmed, six-petaled flower; and an outstretched palm surmounted by a coronet., In pale brown ink, with additions in darker ink by an eighteenth-century hand. Sparse, standard abbreviation, some correction by the original copyist and notes by the later hand., With additions, ca. 1730., and Binding: Modern stiff parchment over boards, spine with title written horizontally in black ink: "Traites d' Alchimie," and at base: "1625."
Manuscript on paper of a substantial sixteenth-century English alchemy attributed in the text to a certain Sir John Barkly, and some additional matter said to have been derived from conversation with him. Also containing abbreviated works by Samuel Norton, as well as a varitey of other texts, some of them not at all identified, others extracted from various English and continental sources noted in the description, including a discourse of the minerall stone, medical recipes, and an abstract from Polemann and Helmont on the sulphur of the philosophers
In English., Script: Written by one English hand writing a legible cursive with some secretary forms, sloping to the right., Watermarks: Paper with watermark of a hunting horn in a cartouche very like Churchill 315 (in use 1623-1695), but without countermark, not identified., and Binding: Modern binding of marbled boards, polished calf back with title label, original uncut edges.
Manuscript sheet, in unidentified hand, on parchment, containing an anatomical drawing of a seated woman. Text includes descriptions of the different parts of the body
Alternative Title:
Anatomie pour congnoistre les parties interieures : [a large anatomical drawing in color, surrounded by explanatory text]
In Middle French., Title from heading., Script: humanist hand., Layout: anatomical drawing in center, double columns of 80 lines surrounding and underneath drawing., No text on verso. Used as binding waste., Included in a portfolio (66 x 51 cm.) with eight 58 x 38 cm. color photoreproductions., and Dr. Peter Jones, May, 2003, states that this single sheet most likely is a manuscript copy of the Jean Ruelle fugitive sheet (female figure only) Paris, 1540. cf. Carlino, A. Paper bodies ... London, 1999, page 171.
Subject (Topic):
Anatomy, Human anatomy, Medicine, Manuscripts, and Medicine, Medieval
Autograph letter, signed, recommending William I return to Breda to visit his ill wife (Anna van Egmont, 1533-1558) and stating his presence will console her. She died nine days later
In French., Date appears as "le XV de Mars". Year assigned by references on the basis of the year of death of Anne van Egmont., Layout: single column of 20 lines., Numerous modern letters, memos, and articles regarding provenance and transcription of letter included., Script: Italic., Seal of embossed paper on verso., and Signed: "And. Vesalius".
Manuscript, on parchment, in unidentified hand of pseudo(?)-Eustachi' Tabulae Anatomicae. Includes 307 pen and ink anatomical drawings, many hand colored, with commentary. Consisting of three parts written by the same hand and bound together: part 1 (107 leaves) on bones, muscles, veins, arteries and nerves (water mark anchor in circle with star); part 2 (13 leaves) on veins (thinner paper without water marks showing); part 3 (40 leaves) on muscles (thinner paper without water marks showing).
Alternative Title:
Bartholomaei Eustachii Tabulae quaedam anatomicae cum explicatione autographa, quae diu apud haeredes Matthaei Pini Urbinatis delituerunt; tandemque anno MDCCXV inventae sunt and Tabulae quaedam anatomicae : cum explicatione autographa
In Latin., Title from title page, added in 18th-century hand., Script: humanist minuscule., Layout: 1 column of 30 lines., Binding: 19th-century red leather half-binding over cardboard. Gold-tooling and spine title on spine: Eustachii / Tabulae anatomicae / M.S., Pagination added in modern pencil., and Available also on microfilm.
Subject (Topic):
Human anatomy, Medicine, Medieval, Medicine, and Manuscripts