"Fox and Sheridan (left) sit together at the head of a rectangular table on which is a punch-bowl, &c, looking with dismay at whigs (right), who advance to hurl their wigs at a large pile of wigs on the left (inscribed 'The Heads having Scratched out of the Club'), or retire, having already done so. Fox and Sheridan wear enormous wigs, the former says, "Brother: Brother: we are all in the wrong" ... Before Fox is a list with names scored through. Sheridan grasps a bottle of 'Sherry'. A couple advance together, in the act of hurling their large wigs at the pile; one says, "I will Scratch out my Name in hopes of getting in for the City" (probably Nathaniel Newnham, returned for the City 1784, but defeated in 1790, cf. British Museum satires no. 7162). The other is perhaps Windham. The only one of the retiring wigless Whigs who is characterized is Burke. All say: "We have erased our Names for ever from the Club, when the Artful & Ambitious designs of a Faction are carried on under a Mask of Prudential Reform & when the leading Members are Notoriously known to Carry on a secret Correspondence with the Avowed Enemies of the Constitution they Affect to Support & Defend it is high time for all prudent & real friends to that Constitution to leave them to their Just Punishment, the Contemp of all true Friends to their King and Constitution."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Crack in the Wig Club
Title etched below image., Artist and printmaker unidentified; attributed to Isaac Cruickshank in the British Museum catalogue., Imprint continues: ... where may be had complete setts of Caricatures on th [sic] French Revolution & on every popular subject. An exhibition admt 1s. in which is a correct model of the guillotine 6 feet high., With publisher's hand-coloring., From a Humphrey's blue paper 'shop' album; price and identities written in ink in the margins, probably in the hand of James Gillray on front. See Andrew Edmunds' description., and On the back, a red stamp with a florish above 'SMP'. Also in black in, in upper left corner "Benier' and in the right corner 'AR'.
Pub. March 17, 1793, by S.W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly ...
Subject (Geographic):
Great Britain
Subject (Name):
Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797, Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816, Windham, William, 1750-1810, Newnham, Nathaniel, approximately 1741-1809, and Whig Club (London, England)
Subject (Topic):
Eating & drinking, Quarreling, Taverns (Inns), Wigs, Whig Party (Great Britain), and Politics and government
Title from item., Printmaker tentatively identified in the Britihs Museum catalogue., Statement following imprint: ... of whom may be had the new prints of Trip and Return from Brighton, Jovial crew &c., 'Mentor' in the title written in ink over illegible word that has been burnished out., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., and Temporary local subject terms: Literary allusion to Homer's Odyssey -- Mythology: Elysian Fields -- Mythology: Telemachus -- Mythology: Mentor -- Travesties: The Odyssey -- City of London arms reversed -- Puns on artists' names -- Pugilism -- Courtesans -- Horse racing -- Knocker on door: Delicacy -- Gambling -- Playing cards -- Drinking: Champagne and claret -- Treasury door: Knock and it shall be opened.
Pub'd as the act directs for the proprietor, by E. Macklew, N. 9, Haymarket, and W. Dickie, No. 195 Strand
Subject (Name):
George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806, Pitt, William, 1759-1806, and Newnham, Nathaniel, approximately 1741-1809
"Key to Smith's print 'The Annual Ceremony of administering the Oath of Allegiance &c on Novr. 8th, the Day preceding Lord Mayors Day,' listing the aldermen and sheriffs, including Newnham and John Boydell, portrayed, assembled in the Guildhall."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption above image., Names of the people portrayed inscribed below image., and Printmaker from the British Museum online catalogue, registration no.: 1873,0712.513.
Published June 4th, 1801 by John & Josiah Boydell, No. 90 Cheapside & at the S. Gallery, Pall Mall
"The Guildhall with Chatham's Monument and the statues of Gog and Magog on the right wall, with Alderman Newnham, Lord Mayor of London, holding a large book handed to him by the Town Clerk and the Mace Bearer, surrounded by the court of Aldermen, sheriffs and members of the common council, standing and sitting along the walls and processing up the passage between towards the mayor."--British Museum online catalogue
Title from caption below image., Text below image: "Alderman Newnham, Lord Mayor of the City of London 1782.", Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and Tape repairs on verso.
Pub. June 4, 1801, by Aldn. Boydell & Josiah Boydell, No. 90, Cheapside & at the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall Mall, London