"Lansdowne, dressed as a news-boy, steps through a door in the garden wall of Lansdowne House. Across his cap (a bonnet-rouge) is a paper: 'Gazette Extraordiny'. He holds out a sheet headed with his arms and the title 'Gazette \ Extraordinary \ : Published without Authority \ Monday May 26th 1794 \ Berkeley Square'. Beneath, in two columns: 'Intelligence from America Lie the Ist Intelligence from France Lie the 2d Intelligence from Holland Lie ye 3d Intelligence from Italy Lie ye 4th Intelligence from Algiers Lie the 5th [signed] I am &c. Malagrida'. In his left hand is a news-boy's horn and under his left arm a sheaf of his 'Gazette Extraordinary'. Scrolls issue from his mouth: 'bloody News Great News' and similar scrolls float above the gate from the garden of Lansdowne House (where conspirators are supposed to be shouting): 'Ça ira Ça ira' (cf. British Museum Satires No. 8443)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Text below title: --credat Judaeus Apella", "non ego.", Temporary local subject terms: Newsboys -- Lansdowne House -- Male costume: 'Bonnet rouge' -- Berkeley Square -- Newsboys' horns -- Members of the Opposition., and Mounted on page 95.
Publd. 31st May 1794 by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
"Lansdowne, dressed as a news-boy, steps through a door in the garden wall of Lansdowne House. Across his cap (a bonnet-rouge) is a paper: 'Gazette Extraordiny'. He holds out a sheet headed with his arms and the title 'Gazette \ Extraordinary \ : Published without Authority \ Monday May 26th 1794 \ Berkeley Square'. Beneath, in two columns: 'Intelligence from America Lie the Ist Intelligence from France Lie the 2d Intelligence from Holland Lie ye 3d Intelligence from Italy Lie ye 4th Intelligence from Algiers Lie the 5th [signed] I am &c. Malagrida'. In his left hand is a news-boy's horn and under his left arm a sheaf of his 'Gazette Extraordinary'. Scrolls issue from his mouth: 'bloody News Great News' and similar scrolls float above the gate from the garden of Lansdowne House (where conspirators are supposed to be shouting): 'Ça ira Ça ira' (cf. British Museum Satires No. 8443)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Text below title: --credat Judaeus Apella", "non ego.", Temporary local subject terms: Newsboys -- Lansdowne House -- Male costume: 'Bonnet rouge' -- Berkeley Square -- Newsboys' horns -- Members of the Opposition., and Mounted to 56 x 37 cm.
Publd. 31st May 1794 by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
"Lansdowne, dressed as a news-boy, steps through a door in the garden wall of Lansdowne House. Across his cap (a bonnet-rouge) is a paper: 'Gazette Extraordiny'. He holds out a sheet headed with his arms and the title 'Gazette \ Extraordinary \ : Published without Authority \ Monday May 26th 1794 \ Berkeley Square'. Beneath, in two columns: 'Intelligence from America Lie the Ist Intelligence from France Lie the 2d Intelligence from Holland Lie ye 3d Intelligence from Italy Lie ye 4th Intelligence from Algiers Lie the 5th [signed] I am &c. Malagrida'. In his left hand is a news-boy's horn and under his left arm a sheaf of his 'Gazette Extraordinary'. Scrolls issue from his mouth: 'bloody News Great News' and similar scrolls float above the gate from the garden of Lansdowne House (where conspirators are supposed to be shouting): 'Ça ira Ça ira' (cf. British Museum Satires No. 8443)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Signed with the monogram of James Sayers., Text below title: --credat Judaeus Apella", "non ego.", Temporary local subject terms: Newsboys -- Lansdowne House -- Male costume: 'Bonnet rouge' -- Berkeley Square -- Newsboys' horns -- Members of the Opposition., 1 print : aquatint and etching on wove paper ; plate mark 38.9 x 27.3 cm, on sheet 40 x 28.1 cm., Mounted on leaf 77 of James Sayers's Folio album of 144 caricatures., and Watermark, trimmed: Edmeads & Pin[e].
Publd. 31st May 1794 by H. Humphrey, No. 18 Old Bond Street
Woodward, G. M. (George Moutard), approximately 1760-1809, artist
Published / Created:
[ca. 1799]
Call Number:
Drawings W87 no. 9 Box D170
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A plebeian family of 'cits' drive in a rough two-wheeled cart (aping a fashionable gig) drawn by a clumsy carthorse. The man drives, wearing cocked hat and top-boots; his wife, wearing large feathers in her small straw cap, holds up a fan. Both are absurdly complacent. A boy and girl are crammed in. Behind rides a fat and grinning footman, with plodding dog. On the extreme right a newsboy with the 'London Gazette' blows his horn. Behind (left) is an open doorway inscribed 'Mash Brewer'; within are casks. The wall is inscribed 'Puddle Dock', and on it are two bills: 'Theatre Royal Covent Garden the Comedy of the Bankrupt with High Life Below Stairs and A House to be let in Grosvenor Square Suitable for a Genteel Family' (they appear to be bound for this house).
Alternative Title:
Road to ruin in the east!!
Title and artist's signature inscribed below image in black ink., Date supplied by cataloger., and For further information, consult library staff.
Subject (Topic):
Carriages & coaches, Families, and Newspaper carriers
"Soldiers march impassively in double file through a crowded street, and over the prostrate bodies of those whom they have overthrown. Military arrogance and foppishness are personified by the officer, much caricatured, with a grotesquely elongated waist (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7352). He places one toe on the body of a fish-woman who lies on her back, her legs much exposed. His outstretched right leg is poised above a crouching woman who tries to protect her barrow of vegetables. Two men holding muskets precede the officer; one tramples on the face of an infant. The officer is followed by a man carrying a pike, behind whom march six soldiers in double file carrying muskets with fixed bayonets. All march ruthlessly, eyes front, regardless of the havoc they are causing. A porter lies on the ground clutching a broken wooden case faintly inscribed 'Mr . . . Silversmith'; from it pour plate and jewels. The porter's knee is badly damaged, and his knot has been knocked from his shoulders. A milliner or courtesan lies on her back clutching the hair of a barber who clasps her leg. On the extreme right a prostrate woman tries to protect her infant, and a newsboy with his horn and a sheaf of the 'Morning Herald' tries to escape from the trampling soldiers. Other victims between the soldiers and the wall are a woman with a crutch, a shoeblack, a man with a tray of rolls. A pair of beseeching hands and two female legs (right) waving in the air add to the turmoil, which is accentuated by the writhing forms of the fish which fall from the fishwoman's basket. The background is formed by the wall of a stone building with two elaborately barred niches, and by the window of a silversmith's shop (right)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Abuses: military marches, 1787 -- Newspapers: Morning Herald -- Architectural details: barred niches -- Trampled victims -- Guns: muskets with fixed bayonets -- Protection of the Bank, 1787 -- Military march, double file -- Children: abused infant -- Shops: exterior of a silversmith shop -- Silversmith's box -- Vegetable sellers -- Fishwomen -- Allusion to the Strand -- Allusion to Cheapside -- Allusion to Fleet Street -- Porter's knot -- Newsboys -- Milliners., and Watermark: Hall & [...]plin 1804 on the right side of sheet; Strasburg bend on the left.
Pubd. Augt. 22d, 1787, by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Soldiers, British, Military uniforms, Military officers, Marching, Food vendors, Porters, Rifles, Barbers, Newspaper carriers, and Storefronts
"Soldiers march impassively in double file through a crowded street, and over the prostrate bodies of those whom they have overthrown. Military arrogance and foppishness are personified by the officer, much caricatured, with a grotesquely elongated waist (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7352). He places one toe on the body of a fish-woman who lies on her back, her legs much exposed. His outstretched right leg is poised above a crouching woman who tries to protect her barrow of vegetables. Two men holding muskets precede the officer; one tramples on the face of an infant. The officer is followed by a man carrying a pike, behind whom march six soldiers in double file carrying muskets with fixed bayonets. All march ruthlessly, eyes front, regardless of the havoc they are causing. A porter lies on the ground clutching a broken wooden case faintly inscribed 'Mr . . . Silversmith'; from it pour plate and jewels. The porter's knee is badly damaged, and his knot has been knocked from his shoulders. A milliner or courtesan lies on her back clutching the hair of a barber who clasps her leg. On the extreme right a prostrate woman tries to protect her infant, and a newsboy with his horn and a sheaf of the 'Morning Herald' tries to escape from the trampling soldiers. Other victims between the soldiers and the wall are a woman with a crutch, a shoeblack, a man with a tray of rolls. A pair of beseeching hands and two female legs (right) waving in the air add to the turmoil, which is accentuated by the writhing forms of the fish which fall from the fishwoman's basket. The background is formed by the wall of a stone building with two elaborately barred niches, and by the window of a silversmith's shop (right)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Early state, which lacks the drapery that was later added to further cover the legs of the prostrate fishwoman. See British Museum catalogue., and Mounted on leaf 43 of volume 7 of 12.
Pubd. Augt. 22d, 1787, by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Soldiers, British, Military uniforms, Military officers, Marching, Food vendors, Porters, Rifles, Barbers, Newspaper carriers, and Storefronts
"Soldiers march impassively in double file through a crowded street, and over the prostrate bodies of those whom they have overthrown. Military arrogance and foppishness are personified by the officer, much caricatured, with a grotesquely elongated waist (cf. British Museum Satires No. 7352). He places one toe on the body of a fish-woman who lies on her back, her legs much exposed. His outstretched right leg is poised above a crouching woman who tries to protect her barrow of vegetables. Two men holding muskets precede the officer; one tramples on the face of an infant. The officer is followed by a man carrying a pike, behind whom march six soldiers in double file carrying muskets with fixed bayonets. All march ruthlessly, eyes front, regardless of the havoc they are causing. A porter lies on the ground clutching a broken wooden case faintly inscribed 'Mr . . . Silversmith'; from it pour plate and jewels. The porter's knee is badly damaged, and his knot has been knocked from his shoulders. A milliner or courtesan lies on her back clutching the hair of a barber who clasps her leg. On the extreme right a prostrate woman tries to protect her infant, and a newsboy with his horn and a sheaf of the 'Morning Herald' tries to escape from the trampling soldiers. Other victims between the soldiers and the wall are a woman with a crutch, a shoeblack, a man with a tray of rolls. A pair of beseeching hands and two female legs (right) waving in the air add to the turmoil, which is accentuated by the writhing forms of the fish which fall from the fishwoman's basket. The background is formed by the wall of a stone building with two elaborately barred niches, and by the window of a silversmith's shop (right)."--British Museum online catalogue
Title etched below image., Attributed to Gillray in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Abuses: military marches, 1787 -- Newspapers: Morning Herald -- Architectural details: barred niches -- Trampled victims -- Guns: muskets with fixed bayonets -- Protection of the Bank, 1787 -- Military march, double file -- Children: abused infant -- Shops: exterior of a silversmith shop -- Silversmith's box -- Vegetable sellers -- Fishwomen -- Allusion to the Strand -- Allusion to Cheapside -- Allusion to Fleet Street -- Porter's knot -- Newsboys -- Milliners., 1 print : etching on laid paper, hand-colored ; sheet 42.1 x 54.1 cm., and Mounted on leaf 42 of volume 7 of 12.
Pubd. Augt. 22d, 1787, by S.W. Fores, Piccadilly
Subject (Topic):
Soldiers, British, Military uniforms, Military officers, Marching, Food vendors, Porters, Rifles, Barbers, Newspaper carriers, and Storefronts
Woodward, G. M. (George Moutard), approximately 1760-1809, artist
Published / Created:
[ca. 1793]
Call Number:
Drawings W87 no. 18 Box D175
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
A bespectacled man opens a newspaper, presumably to begin reading, while the newspaper carrier is still holding it in his hands
Title from caption inscribed in black ink below image in the artist's hand., Signed by the artist, lower left corner., Date inscribed in graphite pencil below image: 1793., and For further information, consult library staff.
"Irradiated banners carried by four cherubic little boys, followed by a youth blowing a newsboy's horn, are watched by four men who register despair. They are clustered round a decayed post topped by a crown, and are 'Dr. Slop' (Stoddart) and 'Treasury scribes'. A demon (left) beckons them from a cloud. The banners are 'Times' (the largest), 'Examiner', 'Traveller' (an evening paper), and 'News' (like the 'Examiner', a Sunday paper). P. 17: Q, for the qualms that arose when they heard, Hard blows in the contest, they challenged were feared. ..."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Q, for the qualms that arose when they heard hard blows in the contest, they challenged were feared ...
Title etched below image., Alternative title from letterpress text on facing page of the bound work., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Plate from: Rosco. Horrida bella. London : G. Humphrey, 1820., Mounted on page 11 of: George Humphrey shop album., and Mounted opposite the sheet of corresponding letterpress text that would have faced the plate in the bound work.
Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821., Stoddart, John, 1773-1856, and Rosco.
Subject (Topic):
Banners, Despair, Boys, Newspaper carriers, Bullhorns, Crowns, and Demons
"Queen Caroline, not caricatured, wearing Bergami's miniature as in British Museum Satires No. 14103, &c., stands on the summit of a column holding out a paper inscribed 'R+G+NA still in spite of them.' Her left hand supports a medallion, inscribed 'Knight of Saint Caroline' [see British Museum Satires No. 13810], on which is a realistic bust portrait of Bergami, wearing an order, the head much larger than her own. Beside it on the capital stand two billing doves. The pedestal, which stands on a triple plinth, is inscribed 'This Column is intended to perpetuate the glorious adventures of an I - L - - T - - - - S F - M - - E' [illustrious female]. Two figures flank the pedestal, standing on the upper plinth: on the left the Princess, in scanty draperies as the 'Neapolitan Muse of History' [see British Museum Satires No. 13890, &c.], holds an open book: 'Boccaccio illustrated.' On the right, in contemporary dress, and garlanded with roses, she is 'Columbine of Como' [see British Museum Satires No. 14120, &c.]; she wears a simple garden hat in which are three peacock's feathers, cf. British Museum Satires No. 13299, &c. This plinth is centred by a Maltese cross supported by lion and unicorn. Above the pedestal and at the base of the column crouch two satyrs holding between them a ribbon inscribed 'Order of Saint Caroline' [see British Museum Satires No. 13810, &c.] from which dangles a large Maltese cross; one holds up a bottle of 'Acqua Vita', the other a goblet of wine. On the column are five realistic little scenes, divided by captions on a spiral border, incidents of the Princess's travels as related by the witnesses against her. These are, reading upwards: '[Ri]ding to Jerusalem'; she heads the procession on an ass (see British Museum Satires No. 13918, &c.). 'In the Tent', she and Bergami on adjacent couches, see British Museum Satires No. 13818. 'Taking a bath'; Bergami fills the bath in which she sits (see British Museum Satires No. 13819). 'On board the Polacre' [see British Museum Satires No. 13818]; Bergami sits on a cannon embracing the Princess who is on his knee. 'Returning with pillow'; she walks from a room in which Bergami lies (see British Museum Satires No. 13822, &c.). Above, and at the Princess's feet, is the inscription: 'Pleasures obtained with 30.000 Per annm'. The column is flanked by a trophy of eight banners, with inscriptions, all surmounted by emblems of societies which had supposedly presented Addresses to the Queen (cf. British Museum Satires No. 14119). On the left: 'Ladies Address--Birds of a Feather signed Queens Own'. This is surmounted by a crouching satyr-Cupid aiming his bow. Next, surmounted by a brush: 'Chimney sweepers--who says touching makes dirt.' Next, a banner with two white favours topped by a handbell: 'Honble Company of Dustmen--Dust-Ho!' Last, the flag of the 'Taylors NB Patches put on', is surmounted by goose (bird) and shears. On the right a tattered flag supports a pair of breeches: 'Breeches Makers--Where does honour lie.' Above this, a flag inscribed 'Nightmen call it Filth Tis Cleanliness' is surmounted by a lantern and a bundle of rods. Next, a large white flag is inscribed 'Bricklayers Plaisterers and Whitewashers', and is surmounted by trowel, hod, line, and level. A flag with the butchers' emblem, marrow-bones and cleaver, is inscribed 'Procumbit humi bos Bergamo'. The whole is flanked at the base by two figures: Wood (left), wearing a furred gown, and with a long staff, shouts, holding up a huge cocked hat inscribed 'Un-Adulterated'; on hat and breast are enormous white favours; in his pocket is a paper: 'A powerful Substitute for Malt & Hops'. On the right a ragged newsboy blows his horn; he holds a sheaf of 'The Times', and on his hat are a large favour and a paper: 'Glorious News'."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Caroline Column
Title etched below image., Attributed to Theodore Lane in the British Museum catalogue., Three lines of text below title: To be executed in silver. This piece of plate is designed to complete the subscription service and proposed to be presented by the W-d of Crip-l-gate!, and Manuscript "254" in upper center of plate.
Pubd. by G. Humphrey, 27 St. James's St.
Subject (Name):
Caroline, Queen, consort of George IV, King of Great Britain, 1768-1821, Bergami, Bartolomeo Bergami, Baron, and Wood, Matthew, Sir, 1768-1843