"A design in three compartments, each with its title. [1] John Bull (left), very corpulent, a frothing tankard in his hand, sits in an arm-chair beside a table loaded with beef, pudding, and 'Home Brew'd'; he is approached by three famished Frenchmen, who lean eagerly towards him, cap in hand. He points to the table, saying: "The blessed effects of a good Constitution." The three say: "I am your Friend John Bull you want a Reform"; "My Honble Friend speaks my Sentiments"; "John Bull you are too Fat." Below: [2] The three Frenchmen, ragged, bare-legged, and fierce-looking, two with bludgeons and one with a dagger, advance menacingly to John Bull, who holds out a frog, saying: "A Pretty Reform indeed you have deprived me of my Leg and given me nothing but Frogs to eat I shall be Starved I am no Frenchman." He has a wooden leg, is less stout than in [1], and his clothes are ragged. The Frenchmen say: "Eat it you Dog & hold your Tongue you are very happy"; "Thats right my friend we will make him Happier still" (his cap is inscribed 'Ca ira'); "He is a little leaner now." Below: [3] John Bull lies prostrate screaming "O - H - O - H"; two frantic Frenchmen holding firebrands trample fiercely on him. One (left) says: "now he is quite happy I will have a Jump"; the other adds, "Oh Delightfull you may thank me you Dog for sparing your Life - thank me I say."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Reform begun and Reform compleat
Title from text etched above each image., Attributed to Rowlandson by the British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed within plate mark., Temporary local subject terms: Food: roast beef -- Beverages -- Dishes: tankards -- Jugs -- Weapons: bludgeons -- Wooden legs -- Allusion to French Revolution -- Frenchmen., 1 print : etching on wove paper ; sheet 43.1 x 26.5 cm., Date written in ink in the bottom right corner of sheet, possibly in contemporary hand: Jan. 8, 1793., and Mounted on leaf 54 of volume 4 of 14 volumes.
Pulished [sic] as the act directs, Jany. 8th, 1793, by Jno. Brown, No. 2 Adelphi
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Topic):
History, Foreign public opinion, British, John Bull (Symbolic character), Ethnic stereotypes, Obesity, Meat, Beer, Pitchers, Daggers & swords, Frogs, and Peg legs
Title from item., Date supplied by curator., and This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing.
bei G.N. Renner, u. Co.
Subject (Topic):
Death (Personification)., Mortality, Rich people, Servants, Obesity, and Skeletons
"Scene in an assembly room. A mountainously fat woman stands fanning herself, as she talks to a stout man in old-fashioned dress. She says: "Dear me it is perdigus Hot! which would you advise me to do take a Rubber or Dance." He answers: "Dance first! Madam, and take the Rubber afterwards." A fashionably dressed but vulgar-looking man stands by, looking quizzically at the lady. In the background (left) is a high musicians' gallery, and below it four people dance a (?) country dance. There is a cut-glass chandelier. Through an ornate arched doorway four people are seen playing cards."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Salutary conduct for corpulent dancers
Title etched below image., Argus is a pseudonym for Charles Williams., Date of publication from British Museum catalogue., Sheet trimmed to plate mark leaving thread margins., and Watermark: Cassell.
publisher not identified
Subject (Topic):
Obesity, Fans (Accessories), Dance, and Chandeliers
"The Duchess of St. Albans, immensely fat, florid, and bejewelled, and a stout elderly naval officer wearing loose wide trousers, and apparently doing hornpipe steps, his hands on his hips, dance side by side with rollicking abandon. The others of the set: one man and two ladies on the left and one lady and two men on the right dance rigidly erect, and watch the central pair with hauteur; the men are dandies, the women slim and fashionable. The duchess has a swirling paradise-plume in her towering loops of hair, above tossing ringlets."--British Museum online catalogue
Alternative Title:
Run neighbours, run, St. Albans is quadrilling it
Title etched below image., Print signed using William Heath's device: A man with an umbrella., British Museum curator's note: The naval officer is (unconvincingly) identified by E. Hawkins as Sir George Warrender (1782-1849), a Huskissonite M.P. who was never in the navy; he was a Lord of the Admiralty 1812-22; he appears, in back view, in a "Sketch of a Ball at Almack's, 1815" (Gronow, 'Reminiscences', 1892, ii, frontispiece). Perhaps Lord Amelius Beauclerk (1771-1806), her husband's uncle. Cf. 'Croker Papers', 1884, ii. 200., and Watermark: 1827.
Pub. by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
St. Albans, Harriot Mellon, Duchess of, 1777?-1837, Beauclerk, Amelius, 1771-1846, and Warrender, George, 1782-1849
Subject (Topic):
Clothing & dress, Dandies, British, Obesity, Balls (Parties), and Dance
Title from item., Numbered '192' in lower left of plate., One of the series of Laurie & Whittle drolls., One line of text below title: A sketch from life, take while the friar was stealing a nap., Not in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., and Temporary local subject terms: Furniture: table -- Foot-stool -- Dishes: tankard -- Crucifixes.
Published 7th August 1797 by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London
"Two scenes on one plate. In the top scene a hefty nude woman is helped from a bathing machine into the water by a younger nude woman and older dressed woman. Within the enclosure there are two partially clothed women. In the background there is a second bathing machine with a nude woman shown falling into the water but held around the waist by another figure. In the bottom scene, within an interior by an open fireplace, a hefty nude man falls back in a wooden tub as he is scrubbed by an older woman. At left a young woman pours in hot water from a kettle onto the man."--Metropolitan Museum of Art online catalog
Titles etched below images., Two images on one plate, each bearing the signature "Rowlandson 1800" in lower left and Ackermann's imprint below., Bottom image has remnants of an earlier imprint, mostly burnished from plate, following printmaker's signature: Pud. March [...?] 1800 [...?] Adelphi., Imperfect; sheet trimmed with loss of image and text. Description based on a more perfect impression in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, accession no.: 59.533.723., For a copy of the top image, published ca. 1820 by Sidebotham, see no. 14099 in the Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 10. See also: Grego, J. Rowlandson the caricaturist, v. 2, pages 41, 397., 1 print : etching, hand-colored ; sheet 22.4 x 25.7 cm., and Imperfect; only bottom image entitled "Fresh water" is present, the top image having been trimmed away.
Pubd. March 25, 1800, at R. Ackermann's Repository of the Arts, 101 Strand
Subject (Topic):
Public baths, Bathing, Nudes, Bathtubs & showers, Fireplaces, Kettles, and Obesity
Title from item., Date derived from printmaker's date of death., Place of publication derived from street address., Above image: Série pol.137., Published in Le Charivari., This electronic record is derived from historic data and may not reflect our current information. Review and updating of records is ongoing., Temporary local Medical Library subject terms: Clysters; Politics, French., and Helfand lists artist as Benjamin & gives date.
Chez Aubert, galerie vèro dodat and L. de Becquet, rue furstemberg 6
Subject (Geographic):
Subject (Name):
Louis Philippe, King of the French, 1773-1850 and Mouton, Georges, comte de Lobau, 1770-1838
Subject (Topic):
Enema, Obesity, Kings, Soldiers, Umbrellas, and Politics and government
An elderly, rotund Lord Lovat is seated on a chair, its back carved with putti supporting a coronet. He is counting on his fingers the number of Scottish clans that fought with the Pretender in the rebellion. To his left is a table on which sits a book (entitled "Memoirs" in the original by William Hogarth) and quill pen in an ink bottle
Title engraved below image., Cf. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires, v. 3, no. 2801., and For a discussion of the original see: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works (3rd ed.), no. 166.
publisher not identified
Subject (Name):
Lovat, Simon Fraser, Lord, 1667 or 1668-1747
Subject (Topic):
Obesity, Peerage, British, Jacobites, and Rebellions
publish'd according to act of Parliament, August 25th 1746.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize)
Collection Title:
Plate 56. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 46. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
An elderly, rotund Lord Lovat is seated on a chair, its back carved with putti supporting a coronet. He is counting on his fingers the number of Scottish clans that fought with the Pretender in the rebellion. To his left is a table on which sits a book entitled "Memoirs" and quill pen in an ink bottle
Title etched below image., State from Paulson., "Price 1 shilling.", On page 123 in volume 2., and Sheet trimmed to: 35.8 x 22.9 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Lovat, Simon Fraser, Lord, 1667 or 1668-1747
Subject (Topic):
Obesity, Peerage, British, Rebellions, and Traitors
publish'd according to act of Parliament, August 25th 1746.
Call Number:
Folio 75 H67 800 v.2 (Oversize) Box 1
Collection Title:
Plate 56. Queen Charlotte's collection of Hogarth works. Leaf 46. Album of William Hogarth prints.
Image Count:
Resource Type:
still image
An elderly, rotund Lord Lovat is seated on a chair, its back carved with putti supporting a coronet. He is counting on his fingers the number of Scottish clans that fought with the Pretender in the rebellion. To his left is a table on which sits a book entitled "Memoirs" and quill pen in an ink bottle
Title etched below image., State from Paulson., "Price 1 shilling.", Formerly on page 123 in volume 2. Removed in 2012 by LWL conservator., and Sheet trimmed to: 35.6 x 22.2 cm.
Wm. Hogarth
Subject (Name):
Lovat, Simon Fraser, Lord, 1667 or 1668-1747
Subject (Topic):
Obesity, Peerage, British, Rebellions, and Traitors