Detail of the right side of the first design for William Hogarth's A rake's progress; an older man sits at a table holding the hands of the two young people whose marriage he has just arranged. Only the forearms of the betrothed couple are shown
Title etched below image., Inscribed in plate at top right: Page 276., Illustration from: Ireland, S. Graphic illustrations of Hogarth?, Not in: Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I, political and personal satires., Not in: Paulson, R. Hogarth's graphic works., Sheet trimmed to plate mark., and On page 209 in volume 3.
Detail of the right side of the first design for William Hogarth's A rake's progress; an older man sits at a table holding the hands of the two young people whose marriage he has just arranged. Only the forearms of the betrothed couple are shown
Title devised by curator. and On page 209 in volume 3.